Monday, May 27, 2013

Patient and Industrious

2 Thessalonians 3:10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

In the Church at Thessalonica were those who believed that Christ's return was imminent. They saw no reason to work to provide for themselves because the end was near anyhow. Jesus was coming soon, so why toil? However, they had no problem eating the victuals of those still working and living in their households!

Paul referred to these freeloaders as "busybodies", "disorderly", lazy, disobedient and "evil"

Paul taught them to go on with life, but be patient. They were to live their lives just as they had been before, while keeping in mind that their hope was at hand! Jesus will come, but no one knows the time. "Be patient!" I repeat, is what Paul told them.

Many in society today must be expecting the coming of Christ tomorrow (sic) because they live their lives just as the Thessalonian freeloaders did! So many people today, although they may go to work each day, still fit the stereotypical disobedient Thessalonian. 

I've worked with many who are there (on the job), but that's about it! They depend on others to carry their load and spend more time avoiding than performing work. They get paid the same, but are busybodies and disobedient. In effect, they're stealing from the employer and coworker who has to work harder to get the same outcome.

Then there are people who live off the system. They never do value-added work, but depend on society to provide for their needs... and wants! Some people who are workers still bleed the system if they can!

What ails me? Those who have the attitude "I deserve this ______ (car, stereo, television, boat, etc.). They don't use the term "I want", but "I deserve"! What do we deserve in life? We deserve what we work for (providing we're able). No work... No pay... No eat! Narcissistic people are the ones who "deserve" everything, according to their words and behaviors.

Paul always talks about love and grace! He is not referring to self-love, but love of God and others. Loving and caring for others is grace. Self-love, self-centeredness and self-grandisement are evil! We are to have a healthy view of ourselves. Some common folk, in rural Kentucky even, seem to believe that they are somehow royalty. The duty of friends, relatives and co-workers are to make things easy for them because "they deserve it"! 

Those individuals often end up in debt because they procure when young what the previous generation worked years to accumulate. They live above their means and with the plastic median of exchange, it can take years to catch up with them, but it will. They have new cars, wide-screen T.V.'s, DVR's, smartphones, stereos and sometimes even boats and motorcycles. However, the bank is the true owner and the user is the abuser... of the system.

How to change? Be patient! Earn what you purchase. Purchase what you need. If it's not needed, don't buy it (unless you can pay cash). Don't depend on others. Be self-sufficient, but rely on God. Don't manipulate others into feeding into your self-centered life. Be a man! Be a woman! Be responsible! But foremost, have love and charity for others and your own desires will be satisfied! You wont' focus on self when your eyes are on helping others and loving Jesus.

That's just the way it is. That's truth!

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