Saturday, October 26, 2013

Are women being used as a weapon of destruction?

Women's equality seems fair and in many things it is! No one can argue against equal pay for equal work or commonwealth law in marriage. It's just fair! However, there are differences between men and women! Thank you, God.
Men and women obviously have different sexual essentials. Each are designed to complement each other in having children. That's what multiplying is all about:
Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it..."
Some don't like it, but God created both men and women! He did it differently. Man was created from the elements while woman was created from the flesh (side) of man. Even in the beginning the differences were great. Both genders were to subdue the earth. Men were to till the soil, raise the meat and be great hunters. Women were to tend to the family, her husband and offspring. Both men and women were meant to procreate. Sex was to be for childbearing (not the titillation of the first date).
Differences in the genders is old as time itself yet aberrations have always occurred. However, the norm is biological, hormonal and emotional differences between the two.  Some people just can't accept that not only are men and women different, but God planned it that way! Here is a short summary of God's intent for the sexes:
1 Corinthians 11:3 "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.
9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
11  Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

Let's elaborate on the points made by Paul as inspired by God and reinforced by scripture:
1) From verse 3; Christ is in charge of man. We are to be servants to him. In this sense "we" are men. It's our responsibility, men, like it or not, to represent the household in spiritual affairs.
2) From verse 3; Man is the head of the woman. Let's not look at "head" as "the boss". It's not intended that man Lord it over women, but that each complement the other. However, one or the other must be head of the household (to work). That's the man's responsibility. Although many contemporary men fail to be the head; they're not operating as intended. The family system is broken! Especially, men are to be the spiritual leaders of the household. That's reinforced by "...let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church" (1 Corinthians 15:35). It may seem unfair, but the idea is for men and women to be in unity, not have petty arguments in the church!
3) Why? From verse 8; Because the woman was created from man, not the other way around. It's not bad for a woman to be secondary to man in some matters since God honored women by giving them roles as important: childbearing and rearing, managing the household, clothing all, and being a source of positive support for the entire family. Indeed, the woman is the nervous system of the family unit and are to be commended for that!
4) From verse 9; The woman was created for man! It was Adam who had no companion. Eve was created to help Adam and to keep him company. As a result both genders serve a godly role, have pleasure in it and represent man's relationship to God. Marriage is ordained of God and is a picture of Christ's relationship (the bridegroom) to the church (his bride). Just as Eve was created to be the companion to Adam, Christians are to be companions to Christ. By representing the role of the "bride" women honor God! Their companionship to man is tremendous spiritually.
5) From verse 11; Women and men are meant to be together!  God's plan was unity. Genesis 2:24 "... a man...shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." God's plan was unity between men and women. They're a team! They are to think alike. Each are to do what is best for the other (in God's will) and are a basis of mutual support. Men and women aren't to be antagonists, but to represent philio love in an eros love relationship while worshiping God with agape love!
6) From verse 12; Men and women are dependent on the other! Woman (Eve) was created from Man (Adam), but thereafter men comes from women! What a plan! What a team! One is necessary for the other and without the other neither can exist!

God's plan for men and women is called "marriage". In all aspects can only a man and a woman fulfill God's design and intent! Any deviation of this plan is at odds with God's omniscience and wisdom. Same-sex marriages are rebellion to be blunt. God will be more than blunt when his time comes!

So what? Why is it important that men be men and women be women, yet both be equal in the eyes of God? It's to honor God and for mankind to further its existence; to multiply as God commanded. If the relationship between men and women denigrates with time, God's plan is repulsed and society falls into decadence. Decadent societies self-destruct!

Two examples of failing societies were the Rappites in New Harmony, Indiana and Shakers in Pennsylvania and Kentucky among other places. Once thriving commercially successful communities, both destroyed themselves. Both practiced celibacy. No marriage nor intercourse was permitted between the sexes. That's not God's plan. By failure to multiply as God commanded they self-destructed by disobedience. They tried to succeed by "being good" rather than by loving obedience as faithful stewards!

Disrupting God's plan serves the purpose of those trying to gain power and control. Totalitarian governments know that by Christians clinging to God, they have a hedge around them. Before control can occur that hedge must be mowed down. There are two primary methods of removing God's hedge, leaving Christians vulnerable to the propagators of revolution: 1) Destroy the institution of marriage and 2) destroy the family unit! The National Socialist Party (Nazi Party) did just that as did the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Communist Party). Both of those ideologies stem from Marxism. Karl Marx was not THE Anti-Christ, but he was most certainly AN Anti-Christ!

Marxism recognizes that for socialism to be successful the old system (capitalism) must be replaced then destroyed:

"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions." That, my friends, is the destruction of the American Dream and Christianity. Freedom in either must be replaced by government control. Not by willing people, but duped "kool-aid" drinkers, and by force and the threat of death!

Here are some statements relative to the family and the sexes from Marx and his Marxist brother, Frederick Engles, from various sources:

Karl Marx: “Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.” 

These specific quotations are from Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution by Hal Draper:

Marx evidently thought the connection required little empirical data, for he had no hesitation in drawing the drastic conclusion that, with the abolition of private property, it follows that ‘the abolition of the family is self-evident’.

Not paradoxically, discussion of the revolution in Man begins with woman.

IEngels, Principles of Communism, in ME: The Communist Manifesto [et al.] (Modern Reader Paperbacks, 1968), 80.t" [communist society] will transform the relations between the sexes into a purely private matter which concerns only the persons involved and into which society has no occasion to intervene. It can do this since it does away with private property and educates children on a communal basis, and in this way removes the two bases of traditional marriage, the dependence, rooted in private property, of the woman on the man and of the children on the parents."

E: Orig. Fam., in ME:SW 2:224. "Thus, monogamy does not by any means make its appearance in history as the reconciliation of man and woman, still less as the highest form of such a reconciliation. On the contrary, it appears as the subjection of one sex by the other, as the proclamation of a conflict between the sexes entirely unknown hitherto in prehistoric times."

E: Orig. Fam., in ME:SW 2:240. "What will most definitely disappear from monogamy, however, is all the characteristics stamped on it in consequence of its having arisen out of property relationships. These are, first, the dominance of the man, and secondly, the indissolubility of marriage. The predominance of the man in marriage is simply a consequence of his economic predominance and will vanish with it automatically. The indissolubility of marriage is partly the result of the economic conditions under which monogamy arose, and partly a tradition from the time when the connection between these economic conditions and monogamy was not yet correctly understood and was exaggerated by religion. Today it has been breached a thousand-fold. If only marriages that are based on love are moral, then also only those are moral in which love continues. The duration of the urge of individual sex love differs very much according to the individual, particularly among men; and a definite cessation of affection, or its displacement by a new passionate love, makes separation a blessing for both parties as well as for society. People will only be spared the experience of wading through the useless mire of divorce proceedings"

For ex., see letter, Engels to Ida Pauli, February 14, 1877, in ME:W 34:253."...we have already mentioned that legal equality is a necessary, but not sufficient, precondition for the full emancipation of women. "

There is much much more. To destroy capitalism, marriage and the family must be the first to go along with the ownership of private property! This is not me speaking. It is the truth of Marxism! Marx believed that people were religious (Christians) only because they couldn't face life and death without being inebriated by a mythological "God".  Religion, in his eyes, was destructive to progress, the progressive destruction of what we hold dear!

Feminism! What a one word oxymoron. How can those gender benders be feminine! Feminism is the struggle to secure economic and political agency for women, ( i.e, equality). That sounds noble and fair doesn't it? However, in practice it is at odds with God's plan for the sexes by creating animosity between the sexes. Rather than each working together, the sexes are pitted as enemies! Politically, women vote against their own household for policies benefiting themselves only. Women in this movement try to dictate religious affiliation to their husbands and even expect to be equal partners in leading the church, all in opposition to God's will!

Admitting that life has been unfair to women as it has been to many people, that said, feminists take radical extreme measures in seeking financial equality. (God's plan is for the man to be the provider). Most feminists seek androgyny in all matters, support abortion (murder of their own offspring) and same-sex marriage. A large component of women's rights is sexual freedom. Led by Margaret Sanger years ago, feminists won the right to be as "slutty" as they perceived men to be!  (Sanger had an open marriage and wanted all women to have the right to promiscuity. She was also a pioneer in birth control and Planned Parenthood, the tax funded abortion mill).  All this spits in the face of God and creates a war between the sexes. The heirs of Marx have been successful in destroying marriage (look at statistics) and as a result, families!

Apostate Churches have got on the equality bandwagon because of its politically correctness and "loving" progressive pastors: You don't love people by teaching them it's okay to sin and go to hell! (Learn more about the role of Apostate Churches by reading what Revelation says about the Laodocian Church.).

This brings me to the Apocalypse; the end of time. Society will grow to depend on the government. The leader will do great things.  There will be wars and he will bring peace. That leader will become so loved that he proclaims himself God. He is THE Anti-Christ, but people will love and accept him. He alone brings hope and security. In order to get food, shelter and medical care, each person will be required to take a mark; the "mark of the beast" whose number is 666 and that number will be on the hand or forehead. All the needs of the person will be supplied... by the government!

Some people, Christians by name, will be discerning. They will refuse the mark and refuse to accept and worship their government leader. Force will be used and if Christians still refuse to be "remolded" they will be decapitated!

What I'm describing is Marxism. You believe that socialism is not really Marxism? If you think that way you haven't read the Communist Manifesto! Marx said it could have as easily been called the Socialist Manifesto! Socialism is stage one of their twisted idea of "Utopia". Communism is stage two. The antecedent from stage one before moving to stage two is the degree of force; it moves from government jailing and taxing dissidents to the government killing those dissidents.

Why do I hate Marxism so? The first 3-1/2 years of the tribulation period can be seen to be "socialism" and the last 3-1/2 years as "communism". Destroying our society by creating war between men and women leads to destroyed families and it's almost finished. (Any person can check the numbers and see that marriage and the family are already nearly destroyed and anti-Christian goals are nearly met).  All we wait upon is the return of Christ. It's that time when Christ gives up on mankind and comes to take those home who have trusted in him.

I can't end without making a political statement. Based on his policies Obama IS NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST, but is AN ANTI-CHRIST. If you can't face that accusation, examine the facts and scripture yourself, then turn to God, he will see that you don't "drink the Kool-Aid" of the devil and his errand runners.

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