Thursday, June 5, 2014


Yes, there are still people who hate others for just being. Some even hate the obese, the deformed and the poor. Growing up in poverty, my family was exposed to hate because we were "dumb Kentuckians"! When my brother got married his future in-laws wouldn't come to the wedding because "she's marrying a Kentuckian". Being a Kentuckian at that time in Indiana was akin to being trash. Unfortunately, many of the Kentuckians who moved up north were the poorest of the poorest and were there to find work. (I might add that the government never helped them! They worked hard to advance themselves.)

Some confuse hate. Some "hate" is cultural. Because we are comfortable in our own culture we resent those from other cultures infringing on our own comfort. I'll be honest. I hate the rock music culture! Most of the musicians are politically opposite to what I am and are "in your face" with their own ideology. Most rock musicians disdain Christianity and its opposition to their pursuit of pleasure. I use "hate" here because it's perceived that way. I have no animosity toward the people, but only their beliefs and lifestyle. I'm intolerant of them because I have no need to tolerate their rantings! Since I'm a Christian I don't believe in what the world views as toleration, but what God teaches as obedience. The most intolerant "person" ever to exist is God, who just happens to be the most loving... pure love!

God's intolerance of sin is why the world hates Christians. Some don't believe in God. That's excusable because many Christians at one time didn't believe. However, some proclaim God, but yet don't believe what he says or approve of his authority. Mankind's problem as always been a failure to submit to God's authority and that lack of submission is because of pleasure which abounds outside authority. All men are born anarchists and only by the prevenient grace of God are we called to repentance and salvation!

Scripture tells us that those in the world who are not Christians are haters. As time rolls on this will become more common:
Luke 21:12 But before all these (heavenly signs), they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.
The end is nearing. We must never place dates, but haters of Christ are multiplying like a virus in a petrie dish! Hate is in! It's in vogue and Christians are fair game! Everyday haters take pot shots at our beliefs and want us to be censored. Soon those verbal assaults will turn into government regulation, then into prison terms and then into open public abuse of believers. Open your eyes people!  Read some liberal blogs and see how violent their rhetoric is against us. It's so filthy and vile, it's not fit to be reprinted! Many of the quotes are from the Hollywood elite and liberal newscasters! Their hate comes off as political commentary, yet Christians continue to support their hateful views by going to their movies and even watching their awards shows!

I guess I just identified another group whose culture I hate: Hollywood! Between actors and singers, those two groups alone have brainwashed innocent young people in believing the lie!
John 15:18 "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you."
Christians are hated because the world hates Jesus. The one they should love the most; an innocent and modest man, is the one they hate the most! People hate Jesus because Jesus requires submission and hateful people just won't submit. Rather than having hope, they just hate the person who provides hope! Hate isn't ignorance. People hate because they are deceived. They have false knowledge and accept what's the wide gate to destruction as truth.

It is said about haters "They hate out of ignorance!" Not true. Even the most educated people hate, but it's not due to ignorance. It's due to narcissism! They hate because they want to control their own destiny, but in their hearts they know they can't. They hate because they seek pleasure and Christians tell them it's wrong! Haters do worship a God; the Unknown God, who is now revealed. Christians worship "Self" with the God of Reason at the helm and the harlot of Pleasure as a consort. Man's reason is an obstacle to submission because of wanting to be as God and control their own lives. Controlling their own lives is doing what's right in their own eyes:
Proverbs 21:2 "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart."
It's strange! Haters accuse others of hate because they hate Jesus. They're blind to their own hate! Let's say that tolerance matters to Jesus just as a talking point. Then haters should tolerate the belief of Christians, but they don't. Liberal haters are hypocrites and are deceived. They apply to others tolerance, but are the most intolerant of the intolerant.  What's worse than non-believers who hate Jesus and his disciples, are Christians who hate what Jesus proclaims. Jesus taught purity in thought and deed and liberal Christians are always ready to tolerate any sin, even condone and praise those who are in sin!

Confess, liberal churches! You have no use for the words of Jesus!  What he says are lies to your ears because liberal Christians follow the lies of the devil who is their master. Those churches which tolerate abortion, same-sex marriage, fornication and hate against true Christians are worse than the pagans who burned their own children in the fires of Molech! Liberal preachers, at the "Great White Throne Judgment" will fall short! Rather than "well done good and faithful servant" it will be "I never knew you"!  God doesn't know those who teach his words as lies. God doesn't know those who hate his precepts. God doesn't know those who are haters!

I write this because one pitiful hater doesn't like my speech. Because we have divergent views he hates me! I don't wish him ill will, but my desire for him is that he consider Jesus; the one who loves him without condition, but the one who will have to allow him to suffer the consequences of his own rebellion. Those who hate me for my views should appreciate me for wanting them to also have eternal life! A Christian's duty is to spread "The Good News"! God sacrificed his own son for this one Christ-hater. He loved him that much! The next step is that he water that seed and discover the love of Jesus and what is perceived as "hate" is what Jesus taught. That's just a false perception (deception; false knowledge) of those who don't know God.

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