Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Life Changes

There are many things in life which cause anxiety. They go all the way from puberty, to engagement, to marriage and then the fear of death. Most of these are occurrences which nature and its call brings on us. Most of these can't be avoided except the romance part of life, and that's what makes much of life worthwhile.

There are other anxieties which victimize some of us. Divorce, new job or loss of job, death of a loved one, financial burdens, a major purchase such as a new home, a change in churches and the list goes on! Right now we are in the process of selling our home and buying another. The change sounds so easy but there are finances, inspections, repairs, and the new environment. There may be friends who we seldom see any more and new friends to make. Sometimes kids have to go to new schools or churches. Moving is certainly a life-changing event with tremendous hidden anxieties! Unexpected expenses is a major concern and moving has many!

It's not like it used to be. Homes are difficult to sell "as is" and there is always a list of imperfections that are expected to be corrected. It takes the enthusiasm out of getting a new home and new homes always have unexpected shortcomings as well. Why do we go through this self-punishment; bringing anxiety on ourselves? It's an attempt to be happy, but in doing so we can destroy our happiness. I suppose that the status quo is much easier than change even when the advantages of change bring a degree of excitement. Is the trade-off between peace and change worth the stress? Right now it seems self-destructive because of high anxiety!

You see, not being happy with what has given us makes us want more and sometimes more has a penalty. I am paying for future happiness by present anxiety and I'm not sure it's worth it. I was happy before; now I'm stressed.

How I handle this is by prayer and confidence that God will let it all workout, but it's that doubt which foils the prayer. Being a Christian doesn't guarantee things will always go our way. Sometimes God allows us to suffer the consequences of our own humanity! It's a teachable moment!

I'm already at the ebb of excruciating anxiety. I pray that all goes well, but my doubts haunt me. I cringe because I failed to write into the contract the best protections. Now I suffer the consequences! How to escape the pain of anxiety? I solicit your prayers.

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