Sunday, January 21, 2018

Theism and Atheism

The Judeo-Christian viewpoint on "theism" is "belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world"  (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). I don't care much for that definition. It is too abstract. Much better, in my biased viewpoint, is that there is an Existence well beyond the intelligence and power of mankind Who is responsible for reality. We call that Existence "God". He refers to Himself as "I AM" - Existence "Itself". 

God is not natural never having been created but always Existing. He was there in the beginning and will be in the end. He now Is. God can never die because he is incapable of that. Thus, God is supra-natural - transcending the natural. Because He is transcendent, His presence cannot be detected by the senses, and is immeasurable because measurements have only been designed for the natural. In their ignorance, man has no way of measuring God by invention. Only those who are said to be enlightened can measure God because they have experienced Him.

The only natural measurement of God is in His Creation.
Romans 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Atheism is a belief not that God is dead but that there is no God. Let me demonstrate how their belief is doublethink: disbelief in God, and at the same time believing in chance! Which takes greater faith: believing in intelligent creation or believing in the infinitesimal probability that complex systems all came together by random existence and attraction?

Since scripture proclaims God is measurable by what we see, atheists deny that what we see was made by God! Because atheists know not God, they vainly imagine things to rationalize the Creation. Rather than JHVH God being a myth, the premise that there is no God is imaginary. Who believes the myth then?  To be a genuine theist,  one must believe in the Creation because that is how God manifests himself to unbelievers. Until a person recognizes that only God could have Created the visible, that person is not a true theist. Their God is an invention of foolish minds.

Ironically, so-called intelligent minds cannot accept that because their minds are in the proverbial box. To fix that darkened knowledge, mankind was endowed with a sixth sense - the conscience, defined as " the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).Anytime a definition uses its own identity to define, it is not a good definition! In the Herrin lexicon more befitting is that the conscience is the emptiness lurking within as a result of doing wrong - not in accordance to the will of the Creator. 

Even atheists have that sense but they credit it to themselves, as if they had any power to create anything!  God refers to the Creation and moral "goodness" as "truth". We can see the Creation, and spiritually discern reality; everyone can but few accept it!  Reality is existence, both natural and supra-natural. Spiritual blindness is when a person can't detect the unseen. For them it is not reality merely because their means of detection has gone awry. The over-study of physical things diminishes the ability to detect unseen things. Agnostics are skeptical; they must have proof. Unfortunately, what cannot be seen cannot be proven until they see it. Thus, agnostics - skeptical atheists, have spiritual blindness. They admit it by their unbelief!

Ironically, in their disagreement with God, atheists have become the creators. What they created is a false reality; one where the unseen is not part of it! In that scenario, in their false knowledge, they have created gods - themselves. They elevate their own intelligence beyond God who is omniscient. God saw that coming, and prepared for it! He knew that mankind would eat of that tree of knowledge, and devised a plan to discourage it. Those who think they have more knowledge than God have eaten of that "tree", and deserve death because they have the attitude that they are as gods

Therefore, theists believe in God, and atheists believe in billions of human gods. It requires more faith to believe that mankind has any power than it does to relegate existence to the Creator. All those atheist gods are blind to their own pride as they seem to know more than God. Thus, atheists operate in spiritual darkness. When one comes to know that the unseen is part of reality, that enlightenment is called rebirth. Those "born-again" see things through new eyes which sacred scripture calls "bright eyes". Atheists have somewhat of a cloud between them and truth. In order to be "saved", that cloud must be removed. 

Scientific evidence, since it cannot detect things beyond the natural, cloud the supernatural. Because of my conscience, I can detect the unseen. Atheists can as well but credit the unknown for those moral evaluations. The philosophers worshiped an "unknown god" in Athens when Paul went there to argue his premise. Atheists worship that unknown god whether they realize it or not! Because atheists know their self-gods have no power to create, they have invented an unknown god. They call him "knowledge" but his real identity is "Chance". Atheists have even built statues of "her" as the goddess of Reason. 

You see, atheists even deceive themselves. They are great advocates of other or any gods besides God. They have created an identity as if they are enlightened ones but are in spiritual darkness. They reject anything which they cannot "see", even when it is logical that a Higher Being is one possibility that they reject without proof!  Even though scientific principles prohibit creation  by chance, atheists still accept it.  That is foolishness!

When thermodynamic processes occur, energy is lost. It can never be regained; therefore the natural order of things is disarray. Evolution is toward more order; thus atheists ignore the laws of dynamics because they do not fit into their false reality. Of course, I'm not speaking of adaptation but transformation. Although no intermediate life-form has ever been found, by faith atheists believe it exists (missing link theory). Atheists accept scientific theory as fact even though scientists don't present it as such! Scientific hypothesis can never prove anything, only fail to disprove the null. However, atheists blindly accept circumstantial evidence as "proof". (They would not make good jurors in the court of truth!)

By logic, because something is unseen, doesn't make it non-existent. For most of time, atoms went unseen. Until a way of detecting them became available, for all practical purposes, they did not exist! They are modeled on what is seen in the universe, and that is not by chance. Mankind should have realized that there was a mini-universe which they could not see, but were blind to every physical thing in existence. Perhaps, they are blind to much more! That is theological - atheists are merely blind to what is real.

The conclusion is that atheists are spiritually ignorant. We understand that well because at one time we were all blind to truth. God is real because I have experienced Him. I feel sorry for those who have not. I don't hate them because I once was blind myself. Hope arose when that veil was torn from my eyes, and now I can see! 

I don't know all there is "out there" but I know it is real. Knowing that we are not alone provides a sense of belonging for me. I cannot and will not define God. Neither is He "as we know Him" We haven't one iota of knowledge to define God. It is prideful to think that we have that much power. Neither can I reject God because to do so would be prideful. I would elevate human knowledge and our instrumentation to Godhood status. You see, atheists do have gods and idols. Man's wisdom is their God, and instruments which measure are their idols! Part of seeing the unseen is the realization that with extant instrumentation, the supra-natural cannot be measured. Because it is immeasurable does not mean it is non-existent.

Ironically, atheists are blind to what may be truth. They reject what can be just because it is beyond their senses. Their minds are closed by what they perceive. Physical things become a cloud over their cognitive exploration, slamming their minds shut. It is atheists who are truly closed-minded. Existence, for them, is in their frail minds! If they opened their minds, they just may discover truth. Truth was revealed to me by prophecy. Thousands of years ago the Word told mere men what  would come about in apostolic times. It came about exactly as predicted. The patriarch saw what average men could not see! Now with that same divine "sight" millions sense God as well. Christians are called to make the spiritually blind to see. Open those eyes and see with bright eyes what God has done!

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