Thursday, July 26, 2018

Killing God: Success or Folly?

Success or Folly

                Suppose Satan is successful. Suppose that God is dead! Is that to anyone’s advantage? God is Existence and even Satan knows that. Why would Satan even want God dead? He doesn’t; he merely wants God’s glory for without God there is nothing existing to rule nor anyone to worship.

                Satan, or Lucifer, was an angel of the order of cherubim. He was created by God but iniquity was found in him. Because of that, he was cast out of Heaven. Cherubim were created to serve God by guarding the way of the Tree of Life. Thus, they were created to ensure that by only one gate does anyone enter the walls of heaven. Daa  Being natural walls, and not made by hand, a “hedge” around Heaven is envisioned. dab  Rather than serve God, Lucifer had his own ideas! Dac

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

                Lucifer – “the morning star”, desiring to be Satan – “the adversary”, has one ambition: to be like God. His plot is for mankind and the angels to serve him as they should serve God. That goal is reinforced by the temptations of Christ: The temptations were (1) hedonism (hunger and satisfaction), (2) egoism (might), and (3) materialism (wealth); or the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life as noted before. Satan offered to share power with God, not kill him. Thus, diminishing God and elevating Satan is the motive in wounding God. Dad

                Satan doesn’t want to kill God because God is Existence. Without existence, again, there would be no one to serve him, and no abode for Satan to rule. Killing God is then displacing His authority, or Satan taking His throne. What would existence be like if God truly was dead?

                God created in six days, then He rested. Because God is Almighty, creating didn’t take all day. God thought, spoke, and powered (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) it, and it happened. God did each event in one specific day but each act of creating was surely timeless since God is not bound by physical laws and time. E=mc2 is essentially Creating is bringing forth material in lightening speed! Einstein defined God’s omnipotence, and accepted that it all began with God: dae

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.


                It seems that Albert Einstein believed in the Creator God but not a personal God. In other words, he saw God in the creation but denied him as Ruler. That is what Satan wants mankind to believe, but to do that, God must be denied as the Creator. Since Einstein, scientists deny God’s Existence entirely. That just makes dethroning God much easier and less “bloody”. Someone cannot be killed who does not exist!

                What would happen if “Existence” failed to exist? In other words, what it be like without God? Likely, Creation would be reversed: Mankind would be the first to go since Adam and Eve were created last. Following that would be the disappearance of the animal kingdom from land, sea and air. Next the cosmos would disappear and soon after the world with it’s water and land. Then even light would turn into darkness, and lastly all matter and the void which surrounds it would cease to be.  God was there in the beginning and without Him there would be no “thing”. Satan doesn’t want that. He wants “things” but he doesn’t want God to be God. The motive is not really what is thought to be hatred. “Hatred”, then, is diminishing God, and Him being sub-servient to His creature.

                To pull off the mutiny, Satan deceived mankind into believing that they are “as gods”. Daf  Self-esteem is role-playing the act created by the Serpent. It is not the self which mankind is to esteem, but God. Self-esteem is mankind diminishing God by thinking they are elevating themselves. Fools we are! Jesus said that “You must be born again,” then told how by using the example of the serpent on a pole. dag To be “born again” means to lift up God as the self is lowered. Ironically, self-deprecation or meekness is the how to keep the way of the Lord. Ironically, by becoming a servant to God is how to inherit the world, Dah and if God nor the earth exists, what is there to inherit?

                Satan wants to be the master, replacing God. Ironically, he has deceived mankind who makes him master. Dai Diminishing God is serving Satan as mankind thinks they are serving themselves. Obeying the law of sin rather than the Law of God is diminishing God. daj If that is unclear, mankind has been duped! Just as most people deny the unborn as living beings, fools deny God’s identity. God is a living God but He is treated as if he doesn’t exist. It is God’s Spirit which Satan attempts to kill, and men do the killing (attempted) for him!

                Thus far, mankind has not killed God! They thought they killed Him on the cross but His death made Him even more alive. On the other hand, since then, mankind and Satan have become more determined. God’s Flesh – called Jesus – is proof-positive that God lives. Life without God would be bleak because life of all types would cease to exist. It would be gone with the universe and the space which God created for His creation! Satan doesn’t want God all the way dead, and wise people desire to keep God alive. That is done in the heart! Dak Deists, get over it; you cannot diminish God. Atheists, get over it; you cannot kill God!

Daa Holy Bible; Gen 3:24.

Dab ibid; Job 1:10.

Dac ibid; Isa 14:13-14.

Dad Wikipedia; “Temptations of Christ”.


Daf Holy Bible; Gen 3:5.

Dag ibid; Numbers 21:8.

Dah ibid; Mat 5:5.

Dai ibid; Mat 6:24.

Daj ibid; Rom 7:25.

Dak ibid; 1 Cor 6:19.

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