Monday, April 22, 2019

Progressivism Revealed

     I have written much about socialism, not to be political, but because there is only a one-way wall between the church and state. The government can easily penetrate the wall, but they have big "guns" to prevent Christians from encroaching upon the secular. Why socialism when I could write about the mafia, M-13, war, or even child abuse? Because although it is never heard today, socialism was always preceded by one or two adjectives: "godless socialism: or "creeping socialism." That makes sense since most things godless slowly imbues what was before Christian.
     Karl Marx had antipathy for religion - Judeo-Christianity in particular - because it stood in the way of the communist ideology and socialist Utopia. Why would men need a Paradise in Heaven when they have Utopia on Earth? When people put their faith in God, they have less confidence in the doctrine of Marx. Although, Marx and his cohort, Freidrich Engles, had much negative to say about religion, below are a few examples (Wikipedia; "Karl Marx Quotes"):
  • “Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.” 
  • “The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man... This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world...
  • Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
  • The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.
  • Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself.” Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
     The notion of an Almighty God interfered with Marx's will for mankind. His will was an illusion of contentment on earth. Of course, Marx's doctrine was one of revolution rather than Utopian, but his revolution would lead to the betterment of society. Socialism/communism - the same "ism" - in Marx's Manifesto, would provide hope to the worker, unfortunately at the expense of everyone else. 
    Marxism is the antithesis of Christianity as both claim to provide hope but only one of them can! Socialism is the application of serving the biblical "two masters:"
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (man)" (Mat 6:24).
     Marx was somewhat honest in that respect. He knew scripture well, it seems, because his ideology expounds the same idea - the masses cannot serve both themselves and God. Christianity is all about self-denial and the magnification of God. God just does not fit well in communist doctrine.
     In contrast to that, democratic-socialism presents Marxism and Christianity as compatible. They know the voters are too stupid (Jonathan Gruber) to see the incompatibility. Socialism is endeavoring to serve two masters. Communism ensues when the farce is exposed: You cannot serve yourself and God, which is a re-arrangement of what Matthew wrote in the above passage.
     Of course, the idea that people improve themselves is illusional and delusional. The real motive for socialism is for power, not to the people but for the leadership! The evidence of that is in the eventual totalitarianism of historical socialism. Marx as much as admitted that socialism is a opaque process of introducing communism. What is the difference? Socialism is "Uncle Tom's" who prefer a lifetime of meager existence out of fear of self-improvement and motivation. Communism is when "Aunt Jemima" tires of making pancakes for other people and spits in the face of her master. When that happens, communism puts her in her place. Strangely enough, the cruelty of communist dictatorships is well known, but "Uncle Tom" and "Aunt Jemima" remain happy serving others as long as they believe they are doing good things!
     Of course, I am not writing about minorities, but people of all races who serve another master without realizing that they are mere pawns for the foremen who want to own the capitalistic "plantation." Indeed, socialism has much in common with antebellum plantations; merely with different colors of slaves and brutal masters who seem really nice to the servants who survive off the crumbs of their masters' tables. To be blunt, socialism is voluntary servitude (indentured) whereas communism is slavery (forced). Both are different degrees of Marxism.
     Karl Marx wrote of the all the extant systems of socialism in Europe and America. He wasn't satisfied with any type of socialism, be it democratic or radical socialism. His initiative was never only democratic-socialism, but full-blown autocratic communism! However, he was willing to use their naivete for his own purposes. Within the Manifesto, Marx elaborated how communists would use the socialism of other countries for his own purposes.
    Marx understood quite well that the masses would not accept violent revolution and the overthrow of their governments. Therefore, in Marxism, democracy is imperative. The "masses" of which Marx writes, are the majority of people. Like Jonathan Gruber, his ideology depended on the stupidity of the people. Democracies can lead to autocracies unless tempered by republicanism.
     The founders of the United States were well aware that a democracy would lead to totalitarianism. They also knew that the righteousness of a just God would change the temperament of self-serving people. Never forget that those who favor socialism are self-serving under the guise of serving others. Their type of "social justice" is for others to pay for their notion of moral responsibility. Taxation is not charity, it is slavery to the government, but their system must be funded on the backs of others! Progressive income taxation was one of Marx's initiatives to move toward communism.
     Since most people are not willing to fight a revolution, socialism is not only creepy, but creeping. It must come about without the masses being aware. That's where the stupidity of the voter (Gruber) is used to further Marxism. The technique of creeping socialism is fairly well how any iniquitous behavior is compounded according to James, "Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death" (Jas 1:14-15). 
     Socialism is based on lust; the masses want what the wealthy have without regard to how much hard work went into creating wealth. The basic tenet of Marxism is, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" (Marx, Critique of the Gotha Program; 1875). That sounds fair, but it operationally it is, From each who have worked, to each according to his wants without working hard for it.
     Marx knew that socialism had to be come covertly. He knew that as stupid as people are, there is a limit to their stupidity. He developed a way of getting the people to accept godless communism gradually; sort of humanely walking into slavery:

In America, where a democratic constitution has already been established, the communists must make the common cause with the party which will turn the constitution against the bourgeoisie and use it in the interests of the proletariat. (Engels, Freidrich; Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith, pg 25)
    The "bourgeoisie" are those who have property and manage direct laborers. The "proletariats" are those who provide direct labor - the workers.

     Engels missed the republicanism in the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, before the War Between the States, republicanism was much stronger in America than now. Engels wrote that before the War. Why has the United States not become full-blown socialistic? Because it is a democratic-republic. The left at the present wants to eliminate the electoral college - a barrier to socialism because it favors republicanism.
     Marxists, for years, had their own party in America - The Communist Party, USA. Some within the movement withdrew and formed The Progressive Labor Party through the Workers Student Alliance and Students for a Democratic Society. Note that those folks remained "communists" but called themselves "progressives" and "democratic." That type of covertness was what Engels wrote over one-hundred years before!
    During the turmoil of the 1968 Democratic Party Convention, radical progressives (communists) went into hiding. They saw it more effective to be Democrats than communists or even socialists or progressives; they became a wing of the Democrat Party to influence their platform toward socialism. Just as Marx sought, it was necessary to tolerate the moderate socialism for a time before full-blown communism could be implemented. As Engels suggested, the Democratic Party (sic) was selected because it leaned more toward democratic ideals than the Republican Party. (Although at that time, the Republican Party was nearly as ripe with progressive Rockefeller Republicans.)
     Since 1968, the progressive minority in the Democrat Party has expelled all the conservatives within the party and most of the moderates. What remains are the progressives who only digress from each other minutely. The Democrat Party has become the Progressive (i.e., socialist) Party! Since Trump's campaign, they have become belligerent, quickly becoming revolutionaries with intimidating tactics and even violence. America is on the precipice of violent revolution and the overthrow of a legitimately elected president, and the left still depends on the "stupidity of the American voter" as Jonathan Gruber indicated. They created a crisis with the Russian collusion hoax to further their aims. As Rahm  Emanuel indicated, "Why let a good crisis go to waste?" Why not create a crisis? is a better question!
     What makes voters so "stupid?" They are blind to truth. They are being deceived by the cunning Serpent. This time, it's not a viper in a tree, but a snake in the underbrush. I am referring to George Soros. If you don't know who Soros is, it would be wise to find out! As the implementer of socialism in America, he is the leader of the "deep state" who controls the media and the progressive agenda. Why would Soros, a billionaire capitalist, want socialism? For the love of money! Somehow, rich philanthropists gain when socialism makes people their servants. American socialism is feudalism; just examine the number of the one-percenters who are socialists!
     Progressives use "social justice" to increase their numbers. They care little about sexism, racism, immigration, and so forth except for one thing -  votes and power. Just as the communists and progressives of the 1950s to the 1970s used the turmoil of race wars and Viet-nam protesting for their purposes, they use students, LBGTs, feminists, and minorities to further socialism. Stupid voters are content with a modestly improved minimum wage (another objective of Marxism from the Manifesto) as crumbs to tempt the people toward revolution. Somehow, progressives no longer discard their useless slaves, they convince blacks to murder their own in the womb!
     The façade of socialism is never-ending. It is not a one-act play but they fake concern so well that they deserve Oscars for their performances. One day they care about things, but when Republicans propose the same things, they no longer care, but consider their previous positions inhumane. Orwellian thought is Democrats having conflict with their own beliefs. Political correctness is Orwellian "newspeak." Democrats even have a propaganda ministry as can be seen from their daily "narratives."
     Likewise, with Orwellian perfection, they even rewrite history, as an example, as Biden just did with the Clarence Thomas accusations by Anita Hill. Democrats even have their own thought-police force! How communistic will they get before the stupid voters realize they have been had?
     Is Marxism a left-wing conspiracy? Emphatically, no! It is Satan's will they are doing. The apocalypse in scripture describes a seemingly benevolent global government with a rock-star type leader who wins the people. That sounds like socialism. Then after three-and-one-half years, force is used to get the people to fall into line.
     Christians will be beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast. I believe that Sharia Law, a type of ruthless communism, will be the end-of-time government. I believe the Antichrist will be a Muslim leader who claims to be Isa - their "Jesus" coming with a vengeance. Marxism marries Islam and their bastard child belongs to Satan.

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