Wednesday, October 23, 2019



1 Kings 18 (Cont.)

And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel? (18:17)

  Elijah was accused of troubling Israel just as Jesus was accused of troubling Judea, especially his home, Nazareth which was in the Samaria, or ancient Israel. Being “troublesome” requires a reference for perspective. Ahab wanted to hear what he wanted to hear. It was troubling that he did not! His standard for reference was himself, and Ahab was devoted to Baal.

  Baal’s standards are the standards of the world. There are only two sets of standards, but only one God! Thus, God’s standards are the Law of God and all the rest the law of sin. Be reminded again, that ultimately sin is wanting “TO BE”… to be what? As God. Therefore, all the other numerous gods are mere “wannabees” and their doctrine is from the law of sin.

  The Law of God is twofold: (1) Love Him, and (2) love His creatures. Consequently, the law of sin is (1) Hating God, and (2) hating His creation. Not just his “creatures” but despising the idea that God made the heaven and the earth!

  Ultimately, love is desiring that none should perish (John 3:16). That includes God and any of His creatures. Hatred condenses to not caring whether Jesus died or not, and not caring if fellow creatures are Hell-bound or not. Hatred is more apathy to God’s Will than despising intensely.

  Elijah wanted to “drain the swamp.” He didn’t want to destroy anyone, but reform what was in Israel. Israel had a pagan religion, an evil king who was unrighteous, and a melding of the false religion and the governing authority. It was much like America under the Clintons and Obama. In fact, Bill Clinton seems to have been a type of Ahab and Hillary a type of Jezebel!

That seems partisan but it is not. Bible prophecy ceased when the book of Revelation was written, but fulfillment of prophecy continues on until the end. America as Japhethites who “live in the tents of Shem” (Gen 9:27), are a great part of prophecy. It is still Israel-centered, but the relationship of America to Israel is prophetic.

  Israel needed Ahab and Jezebel so that Elijah could save the Israelites from them, and fulfill prophecy. America needed Bill and Hillary to fulfill end-of time prophecy as well. The battle in progress right this moment is between the Deep State and the Legitimate State:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph 6:12).

  In the end, the people will not listen to sound doctrine (2 Tim 4:3). That’s the way Ahab and the Israelites were and that’s where the Clintons, Obama, and the Deep State is at the present. The Deep State prefers the lie. They keep repeating it, and as Joseph Goebbels wrote, ““If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it… for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

  Goebbels was entirely correct; people prefer the lie. It offers so much! Lies, unknowingly enslave, as the world discovered with Nazism, but the truth will set men free (John 8:32). At the moment, I have many loved ones who believe the lie because they want free things: health care, education, tuition, etc. However, to obtain those seemingly free things, there is a great cost: Socialism demands that God be misrepresented or totally denied. Social justice misrepresents God, and Marxism denies God.

  With that said, Godless Marxism troubles the nation at the present. In Israel, it was Ahab and Jezebel who troubled the nation; they blamed God and the world still blames God to the extent that The Deep State has killed off the doctrine of God. (Refer to my book, Killing God, for more details.)

Elijah knew who was troubling whom! He said, “I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed Baalim.” Just as with Jesus who was not the troublesome one, neither was Elijah. God is the Righteous One and Elijah was as well.

  Sinful people always blame. The first case of blame was when Eve blamed the Serpent and Adam blamed Eve (Gen 3). Ahab blamed Elijah, and irrational peoples still blame anyone else available. Trump said something as, It is not me that they are after, but you, and they must come through me to get to you.

  In the end, it’s not even “us” they want, but God who they do not want. Rebellious people want what is right in their own eyes, and for that “to be” God must not “BE.”

Socialism troubles America and Islam troubles the world. In combination, they are Baalim. Both have forsaken the True God. Ahab was a type of socialist and Jezebel a representative of ungodliness as is Islam.

  Elijah asked the people, “How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him.” (18:21). Like Israel, Christians must decide who it is they will follow! They cannot follow both God and men. Christians often vote for the politician who promises the most without regard from whom they will appropriate the funds (steal it from.)

They ignore the abortion, same-sex marriage, anti-godliness, and lascivious life-styles, and go into the voting booth and vote for “Ahab” and “Jezebel!” Christians ought not do that; either you are for God or against Him (Mat 12:30). Christians, as the Israelites of Elijah’s day, cannot be of two opinions.

  “Two opinions” has much ado with the modern Church. The true Church follows strictly the Law of God. Essentially, the Law of God is to love God and His creatures. The Ten Commandments, or better said, The Ten Prescriptions, identify how to love.  Ultimately love, as written earlier, is wanting that none should perish and go to Hell.

  The other “opinion,” or doctrine, is desiring that none should do without material things. “Love” is the Doctrine of Christ. “Supplying” is the doctrine of men. The two “opinions” in the modern Church are “Divine Justice” and “social justice.” The Doctrine of Christ is that Jesus came to save sinners from sin and perishing because of it. The doctrine of men is that Jesus came to save the underprivileged from not being privileged.

  The doctrine of men offers the same fruit as the Tree of Knowledge. People, yet today, still prefer the Epicurean “fruit” of the forbidden tree to the nourishing “fruit” of the Tree of Life.

The modern Church has allied itself with the modernistic government. Social justice is socialism, and with that governing system, the tenets of Marx preclude the principles laid forth by Jesus.

Elijah wanted that none should perish. He wanted to save the people: “Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again” (18:37).

  In this day of division, the left hates the right and perceive that the right hates the left. The Christian right TRIES to love the left, but it is a hard thing to do! Christians are tested by their ability to love their political enemies.

  The modern Church professes love, but has institutionalized hatred by insisting that others ignore God and go with the doctrine of men. Ironically, those who try not to hate are accused of the hatred, when it is those who profess love so intensely who hate so rabidly.

  That is not God’s Way! The modern Church uses pagan doctrine. Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance is how the modern Church and anti-church justify hatred: “In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.”

  That translates to, “Hate the haters to promote love.” Is that right? Is that righteousness? Hatred, for any reason, remains hatred. The modern Church is full of haters and is little different than the anti-church. The anti-church is more transparent; they admit that they despise God. The modern Church is opaque; it claims to love God but despises His doctrine!

  Why is all this important? In the end, Christians will be required to choose who to follow. Will it be the Church of Social Justice belonging to Baalim, or will it be the Church of Divine Justice belonging to the True God? God will not continue to allow those two opinions to co-exist. God’s people must choose!

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