Sunday, February 16, 2020


  Since middle school and earlier, kids are taught that there must be a "wall between the Church and State."  Church is the first estate and the nobility the second estate. That leaves the people as the third estate. "Estates" are assemblies of people of common purposes who represent their constituents. The "Church" is the body of believers. At the time when estates were important, the Church were the Christians. At that time, the nobility governed, and thus the government was the second estate. The people were those with allegiance to the Church, the State, or both. Allegiance to the government would detract from God and allegiance to God, from the state.
  In feudal times, however, the State was secondary to the Church, specifically to Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations of the Church. Many of the colonies in America had "state" churches. The Church's power was eliminated in the foundation of America. Baptists, for instance, were arrested in Virginia for preaching a doctrine other than Anglican. At their behest, Thomas Jefferson sought protection for the Baptist denomination against the state church. That separation of Church and State was never in the U.S. Constitution, but people quote it as if it is! That is Big Lie!
  Big Lie? What does that mean? Those are lies so preposterous that no one could make them up! Hitler's "Big Lie" was that the Jews were entirely responsible for the troubles of the German people. They repeated it often enough that almost everyone believed it. That the "Church and State" has a wall between them is America's Big Lie. Liberals love that non-existent wall. They have built an ideological wall between God and the people, and the government is that "wall."
  "Stone walls do not a prison make" according to Richard Lovelace is familiar to most of us. Physical walls are not nearly as repressive to people than invisible walls. Many have been persecuted by the State because of the invisible ideological wall of separation of Church and State.
  Walls are usually for one purpose - to keep threatening people outside. They are built for safety reasons. Repressive governments build walls for another reason - to keep captive people in! The first wall on record kept two faithful people safe within, and when they went rebel, to keep dangerous people outside (Adam and Eve). Thus walls are situational, or better yet, attitudianl.
  For instance, Christians have a wall between them and the world. It too is ideological. It is the Wall of Attitude referred to as "sanctification." For Christians, the wall is made of love, but to non-Christians, it is a wall of hatred.  Evil people persecute for God's Name sake... because of Jesus. Jesus rules in true Christians' lives, and if he does, the government does not rule. How can the government maintain power? By building an ideological wall between Jesus and Lady Liberty. The goddess Libertas is allowed in, but God kept outside. In America, Liberty is worshiped more than Jesus., who  weeps for our naivete. The cunning Serpent is still cunning, and most Americans put more importance on liberty than spiritual freedom!
  That walls are one-way in most cases has great significance. It turns out that the wall between Church and State keeps God from crossing, but the government can cross at will. God is kept out of government, but the government encroaches on the Church whenever they wish! Even Thomas Jefferson, as well as the Baptists, were naive about that wall! Who would have ever dreamed that liberals would have created the Big Lie about that wall! They did though, and it still stands. Liberals love walls, but only their walls; ones that they can cross but conservatives cannot.
   God tore down the wall of Jericho. It was a fortress to keep God's people out. Ironically, it also kept the people of Jericho from knowing the One True God. Again, walls are how one looks at them. What if the Canaanites in Jericho had been hospitable to the Hebrews and had welcomed them in? It's obvious that there would have been accordance between those two groups. The hospitality of the Jews, coupled with their strength, would have been extraordinary for the people of Jericho. Perhaps they would have become God's people as well! However, they took the path of rebellion, and God knocked that wall down, much as he did with the Berlin Wall of Russia. That wall kept Christians out so that East Germans could not see the benevolence of God, but it was a stone wall that did a prison make.
  That wall was an ideological wall as well. The stone (bricks an mortar) only maintained the ideologues inside - in a virtual prison. "Stones do not a prison make," but socialism does a prison make! When people discover they have been duped by Marxism, they always want out! Socialism does indeed imprison people, but if they do not know what is outside, they seem to be content inside. Those outside socialist walls see them imprisoned and pity them for believing the Big Lie. Why fear socialism? The Berlin Wall stood in Berlin, making the West feel they were safe. But all the while, socialism was expanding their wall to encircle naive liberals in the West. Today, the Berlin Wall not only encircles Germany, but the Scandinavian countries and Russia. Now the "Berlin Wall" is coming to America; brought to you by Bernie Sanders and his competitors.
  Bernie has good intentions. The wall he is building allows people in with ease. However, once in, clueless people will never be let out. Can't you see the wall that he is building? I can! Kyle Jurek, Bernie Sanders's field operative responded to a question about Trump, if elected: “F–ing cities burn" ... “I mean, we don’t have a lot of time left, we have to save f–ing human civilization.” He added, “We’re going to make 1978 (meaning 1968) look like a f–ing Girl Scout f–ing cookout,” and “The cops are going to be the ones that are getting f–ing beaten in Milwaukee. They’re going to call out the National Guard for that s–t. I promise you that.” To make his point, Jurek added, “If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, or it goes to the second round at the DNC convention, f–ing Milwaukee will burn" ... “It’ll start in Milwaukee, and then when the police push back on that, other cities will just f–ing burn.”
  Another Bernie Supporter, feeling the Bern, has already indicted that the violent revolutionis in in the planning stages:
Project Veritas has apparently snared another pro-Soviet, pro-gulag Bernie Sanders campaign staffer, this one saying in a hidden-camera video released Tuesday that he was ready to “get armed” for the “revolution” and musing about sending Republicans to “reeducation camps.”   The footage featured a man identified as “paid” South Carolina field organizer Martin Weissgerber was posted a week after the release of video featuring radical Iowa field organizer Kyle Jurek, part of the undercover journalism outfit’s #Expose2020 series.  In the video, Mr. Weissgerber described himself as a communist and said that he was in contact with groups that planned to hold mass “yellow-vest” protests like those that have roiled France if Mr. Sanders loses... “I’m telling you. Guillotine the rich.” (Washington Times; Valerie Richardson; Jan 21, 2020).
  As you can see, Bernie is the mild-mannered man building the wall, but people like Jurek and Weissgerber are part of the evil empire who will keep deceived people inside the ideological wall once it is built! It should be clear to reasonable people of the ease of getting in, but the difficulty it will be getting out! Because voters are stupid (liberal Jonathan Gruber's words), they are helping Bernie build the wall, but when they want out, Jurek-types will demand them stay in and use force to keep them in!
  That wall will keep God out, and indeed, Jurek-types will endeavor to "kill" God by keeping Him outside the Marxist wall.
    Socialism is voluntary Marxism. When the façade is exposed, and the people tire of the evil empire, then communism evolves from socialism. The only difference is that under socialism the masses will go to the "gas chambers" much as zombies from their graves, but communism uses "cattle prods" for the same end result.
  Bernie Sanders is not evil, but a mere useful "tool" and "fool" for those like Jurek and Weissgerber. Once Bernie is in power, if it ever came to that, like Leon Trostsky long before him, his "friends" will surely assassinate him, or at a minimum, his character!  Sanders is a secular Jew just as Trotsky. Much like Trotsky, both are more moderate than the Bolsheviks. I would consider Sanders to be a Menshevik just as Trotsky. Likewise, the "Bolshevik" faction - those like Jurek - will have their own "Stalin." Like the tzars before them, Jewish heads will roll. Perhaps Bernie's will be the first to suffer the ideological guillotine!
  I write this from the heart! Socialism destroys countries, and the souls of men. For them, according to the words of Marx, religion (Christianity) is merely the opiate of the people to keep themselves satisfied with what they have. In the end, socialism is the true opiate, and like the National Socialist invention, - crystal meth - it will kill you!
  Capitalists have a dream. It is a dream already come true; it is the American Dream. Socialism wants to replace that heritage with the Marxist nightmare. The U.S.S.R. was the real nightmare as was National Socialism. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (Einstein).  That is thematic of socialism. Galina Veshnevskaya called that nightmare, "Our insane ideology!"
  Those voting for the outright socialist are ideologically "insane," They go with open eyes and willingness to the gulag. The problem is that Buttigeig, Warren, Klobuchar, Sestak, Biden, and Bloomberg are less transparent. They pose as "progressives," but anyone in the "basket of deplorables" should be able to see that each one endeavors to out-socialist Bernie! They are all "Stalins," but only Sanders admits to that!
  Wake up, America. Just as Sharia Law is out to destroy Christianity and capitalism in America, so is Socialist ideology! In the end, communism (Marxism) and Islam have the same antipathy for us "devil" Christians, and in the end both have been known to behead! Build that wall! Keep America American!
  John the Revelator summed up the Brave New World's religion and government with irony,  no walls between them:
And he (the Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Rev 13L16-18)
  The Beast will be a world leader in a brave newer evil world. His economy will be Marxist. Proper credentials will be required to buy and sell. That, my friends, is Russian and German socialism. That Beast will proclaim himself a "god." That Beast from the Middle East will usher in communism. There is little difference between communism and Sharia Law. The Islamic Beast - Isa (the Antichrist) - will ride in on a pale horse, representing death by the guillotine.
  When naïve Americans vote for socialists, (i.e, Democrats) they shall eventually receive spiritual death! You may not understand that, just as Adam and Eve did not, but death comes with the pale horse of the apocalypse. The rider of that horse is a Muslim person. Preceding the pale horse is a rider on a red horse. That horse's rider is some tzar-like Stalin who precedes death. I believe those two horses represent Islamic Marxism, and their plan is to introduce communistic Sharia Law through peaceful means before the booby trap is sprung! Beware the riders of all but One on the White Horse. He will ride to save the damned!
  Oh, did I forget the black horse of the apocalypse? The rider of that horse is famine. Socialism promises all types of free stuff to the masses, but time after time, the stupid voters only receive famine and starvation!
  The modern-day "Big Lies" are two: (1) Islam is a peaceful religion, and (2) socialism is for the common good of the masses.


The Berlin Wall (Bernie's Wall)

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