Wednesday, March 25, 2020


  The United States is a nation divided, and the House of Representatives, a house divided. Nikita Krushchev said that America would destroy itself from within, obviously by internal conflicts, and Benjamin Franklin said that “we have a republic, if we can keep it.”  Validating that, progressive Rahm Emanuel said, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.” He reiterated that just this week, with the coronavirus crisis.
  Is the virus the problem or is it us Americans, and even the world? The United States is the lead nation, and our president the most powerful man in the world. The world has demonstrated by their criticality that we are the “evil empire” and Donald Trump the demonic force. However, this commentary is not about Donald Trump but us earthlings!
  What does the world deserve? What do us earthlings warrant? What Jesus said:

But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. (Luke 17:25:27)

  Scripture is brief about the days of Noah. Whatever they were doing, the sons of God were marrying the daughters of men (Gen 6:2). That is explained in sacred literature: Seth’s line on the Holy Mount Hermon saw Cain’s line doing evil on the plain, and wanted to do as they did, and did so: “Jared continued to teach his children eighty years; but after that they began to transgress the commandments he had given them, and to do many things without his counsel.”
  “They began to go down from the Holy Mountain one after another, and to mix with the children of Cain, in foul fellowships” (I Adam & Eve 19:8). What foul things? “It pleased well the children of Cain, who inflamed themselves with sin among themselves, and burnt as with fire; while Satan inflamed their hearts, one with another, and increased lust among them” (1 A & E 20:4). Further reading reveals that the days of Noah were like Woodstock with free love and inebriants flowing vociferously. Implied was everyone had an inflammation regardless of gender.  That is the way it is today.
  In that day, there were two philosophies, and indeed, there are always two: (1) holiness of Seth’s line, and (2) iniquity with Cain’s line. (Fair Warning — this gets political as there is no wall between the separation of Church and State.) Seth’s line did what is right according to the Doctrine of God. Cain’s line did according to the vain philosophies of men. Those “vain philosophies” have ended up being the creed of the Satanists — “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” (Aleister Crowley), and means “hedonism.” That’s what Seth’s and Cain’s line were doing in unity. Evil seemed to win the day until God’s wrath caused a flood.
  God’s wrath caused the coronavirus. Nothing happens unless it is God’s Plan for mankind. He is angry because of us, both pagans and Christians, represented by Cain and Seth, respectively. God expected Cain’s line to be hedonistic but he did not Seth’s. He had them “sanctified” on Mount Hermon, away from temptation. They looked down and lusted. They wanted to be as the world was! Then they entered into temptation, and the righteous people became nodifferent from the worldly ones.
  That’s nearly where the Church is today! It is difficult to discern between the hard rock concerts and worship service in megachurches. I went to one recently, and it looked almost like I would expect and rock concert to look. That’s not the problem, though. The root-cause is that many Christians love the world so much that they can’t stand being away from it for one hour. Church should be our sanctuary from the world; it should be our own holy “Mount Hermon,” but it is more as Cain’s plain; doing what they wilt!
  This commentary is about political division, but who is responsible for the great divide? Christians voting for and electing ungodly people! Christians seem to not care whether the candidate is in favor of abortion, same-sex marriage, attacks on the Church, and against free speech and the Bill of Rights or not! They vote their conscience and mostly because of misinformation. The love of money is the root of all evil. People vote for their true love, and with poetic justice, their true love is an infidel. Evil people promise many things, but they can’t deliver. Because they can’t, they get mean-spirited. That is socialism — people demanding control and obtaining it by empty promises. When their demands are not met, then they get nasty! Now for some scripture:

And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. (Luke 3:24-27)

  We are a nation divided, but also our “house” is divided. Socialism copies its author. Karl Marx, in his Manifesto, delineated groups within the masses of people.  Socialism, propagating unity, divides. It is okay for them to hate to eliminate those who hate. That is a paraphrase of Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance which progressives use to divide. They decide the standards and determine who to hate. They hate righteousness in the name of social justice. How easily fooled people are! That trick is as old as the Devil himself.
  Satan is the author of division. He wants the nation to fail, and he will use the House divided against itself. Never in my life have I ever seen such division as in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now is the crisis that Rahm Emanuel taunted. Now is the time to do mischievous things that people would not buy into at any other time. Much as in the Faustian story, they have held the President and the people hostage while they sell the living souls of thousands of people for money for their social programs. They will kill for their cause! They “one-up” Christians who are encouraged to sacrifice themselves for Jesus, but the Democrat Congress would sell the lives of others for the cause of Marx!
  Dead people don’t bother them; they often still vote (sic). Dead people don’t bother them because they define little people as non-persons. Dead people don’t bother them because they have seen the deaths of millions destroyed by socialism, but still prefer socialism! They are not insane but they are inherently evil.
  Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer are the faces of evil, and the vipers who beguile them are the “gang of four.” Never in the history of America has the irrational ideas of the few hurt so many. They care not whether they hurt people as long as they get their way. Christians in their paths are merely collateral damage, but yet Christians still vote for Democrats. How insane is that? Better yet, how beguiled they are!
  In the Old Testament, God used evil people. It was not the pagans who were the problem, but those called to righteousness who were like the pagans. God didn’t punish the Babylonians when they were evil, but he punished the Jews using evil people as his fools. Christians today are those being punished. We have become too much like the world. Although the Chinese are pagans, God seems to be using them to punish those of us who would be Christians. If you doubt that, merely read about Ahab and Jezebel and how the Jews were punished for being like them.
  Let’s be straight-forward. Do people stay out of the churches because they are more like the world,  but poorer performers? People could be watching Christian movies rather than the blood, sex, and gore of the mainstream, but Christians with their poor acting is not overwhelmingly desirable. Christians prefer pagan entertainment even while they stand on a “holy mountain” but crave what the world provides. My wife’s cousin asked me why there are so many R-rated movies. I told her that the people vote for that. “How so?” she asked. “By buying tickets.” The world gives them what they want, and Christians pay for what they claim they hate.
  Christians vote for wicked Democrats although they claim to hate their evil ways! Why is the US so wickedly liberal (do what thou wilt) now? Because Christians are not what they claim to be! Let’s call them what Jesus did – “a brood of vipers.”
  That is children of the Serpent for those who did not get the point.  This coronavirus is a house-cleaning. People will die. Some will lose and perish in Hell but the true Christians’ deaths will be gain. Why would a good God allow evil? Because that’s what the deceived prefer. Each time a sin is chosen, it tells God, I prefer this to what you offer.  Quit blaming God. Quit blaming Trump. Krushchev was right. We are destroying ourselves from within, and him and the old Devil are probably laughing at us right now; that is, if the old guy was not in agony!

Image result for picture of congress in session

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