Tuesday, September 1, 2020



  There I sat, in a classroom at Western Kentucky University, learning psychology. My undergraduate degree was in mechanical engineering, so why was I in a graduate class in psychology? I have written before, that I am a problem-solver, and I enjoy fixing things. Usually, except for simple lawn mower engines, since I was a child, I fixed everything that I found broken.

  I had been drawn to engineering because I knew the physical sciences. I wondered about that during my studies and concluded that, as the name suggests, the “study” of the psyche (soul) is little more than a manual on how to fix a broken spirit. I already had my original manual and used it often; I would use the Bible to test the doctrines of the world.

  With that said, let me explain. “Souls” cannot be broken; they are immortal. What breaks is “spirit” and it does not really “break” but fails much like the human heart. “Heart-broken” is a broken spirit, but rather than “broken,” the spirit cannot be contained in a vessel used for other things. In scriptural terms, new wine cannot be put in old bottles. What happens when that occurs? The bottles burst and the wine runs out.

  Well, the “bottle” is the soul and the “wine” is the Pneuma of God — the very “breath of God.” Think of a “broken” soul as a corked bottle. The “cork” is God’s hand in containing His Holy Spirit, but when His Hand is removed, the breath of God is exhumed.

  Spiritual death is when the Pneuma of God is released, whether by slowly seeping out or bursting forth. Satan’s usual method of expulsion is by cracking the “cork” a little at a time until the Holy Spirit of God vacates God’s “bottle.” Note that God called His own “bottle” His “cup” or in 1600’s English, the chalice from which the disciples drank and is considered the “Holy Grail.”

  Now for some commentary about the Holy Grail. Of course, it has not been found in this world, because the “Holy Grail” is in Heaven sitting at the right hand of God. Not actually at God’s right side, but Jesus as the Cup of Yahweh. How is this for the “study of the soul?”

  Now, returning to the subject at hand: living souls do not require “fixing.” Only broken souls need repaired. Adam and Eve’s were the first souls that leaked out God. In the beginning, God had breathed life unto Adam (Gen 2:7), and Adam shared that Pneuma of God with Eve: 

22 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 23 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. (Gen 2:22-23)


  Rib? Men do not have a missing rib and each gender has twelve pairs! Is that an exact translation? The Hebrew word tsela’ means “side chambers or cells” as one of the translations (Strong’s Dictionary). “Ribs” would be the “cage” for the side chambers and those multiple chambers, seemingly lungs, but perhaps those chambers were not two lungs, but one soul for each man and woman. My hypothesis is more meaningful than “rib” in that God first breathed life unto Adam, then Adam shared that Pneuma with her. Hence, Eve’s breath of life, her living soul, was taken from Adam.

  Eve was mother of all, except for Adam who was co-equal and of one flesh, or as Adam said it, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Gen 2:23). There are three “substances” of God and three of people: Mind, Body, and Spirit. Here Adam speaks of their common body, her dust made from his “dust” — the same physical substances. But the creation of Eve was Holy Matrimony. Although she was taken from Adam, God joined them together (Mat 19:6). What joined them together? Certainly not their minds, but God’s Holy Pneuma! They were one in Spirit, and essentially Holy Matrimony is sharing one spiritual “cup” without it “breaking.”

  My conclusion, in the study of the real soul, is that it was not a “rib” that Adam and Eve shared but one Spirit and the very breath of God! Now that is the real study of the soul!

Psychology, “the study of the soul,” is then inherently wrong as psyche is not “soul” but “Spirit,” according to Strong’s Dictionary, and is the “animated attitude.” In other words, when Adam was animated, it was an attitude that God breathed unto him that He did not do with the other animals in the Garden. “Psychology” is more the “study of god’s spirit,” which raises the questions, What “god” with what “spirit?”

  Psychology had its beginnings in philosophy, “the love of wisdom.” Jews call the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the “Wisdom Tree.” Why so? Because everything theretofore in the Garden had been only the knowledge of “good” and since only God is “good,” then Adam and Eve’s knowledge was only the Doctrine of God. That Tree represented by the Tree of Life of which “Tree” they could have eaten freely, because that “Tree” is analogous to Jesus.  I call the Tree of Wisdom, the “Philosophy Tree” and I call the Tree of Life “Jesus Christ!” Right there in the middle of the Garden were two philosophies — the Doctrine of God and the doctrine of sin.

  The Wisdom Tree is only one of a pair, an odd couple: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Death, and to discern which is which requires reasoning (i.e., exercising wisdom). One Tree has free things to partake and all those twelve fruits of the Spirit are for life. The Tree of Death contains fruits as well, and they are evil fruits that lead to death (Gal 5). The bad fruits that Paul wrote to the Galatians are the sins that displaces the good fruits until the “bottle” leaks its contents, either gradually or like a champagne bottle. How can a fellow Christian determine if God’s Holy Ghost is properly contained within a Christian’s bottle? Whether there is the joy in the twelve fruits of the Spirit (Act 13:52).

  Are you learning the contents of the soul? Have you any thoughts about who can repair the soul? Jesus is “Yahweh protects.” Until Christians die, Jesus protects the soul by keeping it “safe” (Greek; sosos). Jesus fixes the soul at glorification as he regenerates it the same as it was generated in the beginning. At the rapture, Jesus snatches up the dust and replaces the Pneuma which is safe within the immortal soul (the cup or bottle). Then he provides a thoroughly cleansed “bottle” and breaths His Pneuma back unto it, and the Christian is again a “living soul” just as in the beginning. If anyone is not a Christian, he or she is a “dying soul” in that God’s Pneuma has leaked out and eternal death is inevitable.

  What I write herein is the “Philosophy of God” and not the vain philosophies of inquiring minds. Paul confronted the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers at Rome whose God was unknown (Acts 17). Those “wise men” made decisions. Some remained comfortable with their “unknown god” and others followed the Living God. Paul, “Reasoned with them out of the scriptures, opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ” (Act 17:2-3).

  Paul revealed to them true wisdom using reason and truth. Pontius Pilate was an obvious Platonian. He asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38). Paul’s reasoning to them was that their “god” is unknown, but then he proclaimed the True God. He used the argument that “God” is the One who suffered, then rose from the dead. That was the God who Paul “preached” unto them.

  Philosophy is a form of preaching. It is presenting to man what man loves. It does not present to man what God loves. What is it that men love? Themselves. What is it that God loves? “Whosover.” Those who love knowledge, love themselves. They esteem themselves to the extent that they endeavor to self-actualize. Philosophy is the “love of the self” and is the parent doctrine of psychology which is studying how to fix the selves which are broken.

  In my years of study, it finally occurred to me: “Psychology is another religion.” I felt stupid when I asked Dr. Fong about that. She answered (quoted exactly), “Are you just now figuring that out?” I felt “had,” as if I had been spiritually violated. I had been studying the philosophy of an unknown god, thinking that it was science.

  I had believed that they had “secret knowledge” which I had to learn to fix me and everyone around me. I never learned any secret knowledge that could fix anyone, and by the admission of my own textbook on abnormal behavior, there is no evidence that psychology has ever fixed anything! “Secret knowledge” about the Holy Ghost and Jesus is called “Gnosticism” and that is the likely the same religion as the one with Paul’s “thorn in the side,” as Paul wrote: “There was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me” (2 Cor 12:7).

  The “messenger of Satan” was most certainly Simon the Sorcerer who preached against the apostles at that time, claiming that he was the Christ, and that Jesus was a mere “phantasm” — an illusion or specter. Simon presented the Savior as a mere “ghost” or slight of hand in which he specialized himself. Many Muslims believe that Judas Iscariot was the sacrifice and that the Judas Tree was the Tree of Life.

  Some denominations seem to worship the Holy Ghost. I have explained before that the “Holy Ghost” is the Holy Pneuma of God who experienced death on the cross but was given up at the death of Jesus. John conformed that notion when he wrote, “But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:39).

  The “Cup” of Jesus gave up the Holy Spirit of God and that Spirit was transformed into the “Holy Ghost” of Jesus. Christians must keep in mind that God is three Statoos, working in harmony with homeostasis (as one). The Resurrection of Jesus was when God breathed life back into the “Cup” of Jesus’s Soul. He was as He was in the beginning — having a glorified body, an eternal “Cup,” and a Living Spirit (no longer a “Ghost”) when the Father breathed life back unto his “sleeping” Son.

  God had a plan for me, and it was not to take a cheap shot at fixing people. After years of study, my fellow students asked if I, who they considered “broken,” would group counsel with them. My answer, “If it aint broken, don’t fix it.”

  God had fixed me years before and all that the god of psychology could do is puncture my soul with a “thorn.” I overcame that “thorn in my side” be reading the Word of God. I would never again diminish God by turning to philosophers to fix me.

  I no longer needed fixing. I was born again quite some time ago, and a new attitude evolved when God breathed life unto my empty cup. I required preserving, though. “Thorns” can still puncture my soul, but thanks to Jesus, His death fortified it. Since Jesus overcame death, my own assurance of the same is that Jesus is still alive and that my soul was built for immortality.

  Everyone has an immortal soul; it just depends on where and how that soul will spend eternity. God fixed me. Only I can let out the Pneuma, like Adam, that God breathed in. God has promised never to do that, and only I can. It is my free will whether to deflate God or not and empty my soul. Care must be taken for a broken “bottle” can never contain a renewed Spirit; it is as if crucifying — breaking the Cup of Jesus — all over again (Heb 6:6).

  Now your “study of the soul” is complete for the day. It is your choice to continue the Study of the Soul, which is the Word of God. The Word drives the original “Thorn” away as Satan will flee from you (Jas 4:7). Your soul shall remain safe if you stand under the right “Tree.”

  As a sidebar, some psychology seems to be effective in that people must understand reason and rationality. However, psychologists cannot “fix” anything. They are poor engineers of the soul. Jesus is the Tradesman who can, not only fix all things, but created new things. Just as He created you, He can re-create you as well. Jesus is the “Carpenter” and the Repairman. Never believe that anything or anyone different than that can fix you; maybe band-aid at most until the Light is seen.

  Dr. Fong said, “Our job is not just to teach you, but remold you.” Jesus remolds. His hand molded the flesh and entrained it with the Spirit of God. The filling is the Pneuma is more imbuement or entrained than “filled” because so long as we are alive, sin seeps in and displaces God’s Spirit. The Holy Ghost self-repairs if we remain joyful of Him. Remolding by any other is blasphemy and brainwashing.

(credit for picture: Pinterest)

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