Wednesday, August 11, 2021


  This is my own deposition to be used when and if I am called before the law for refusal to be vaccinated for the Chinese virus, commonly called “covid”. I refuse to be injected by any means with any foreign substance that might even have a chance to make me impure in the eyes of God, in whom I trust much more than the merchants of death who profit from vaccines; to wit:

  The Book of Generations, or “Genesis”, is about the development of mankind both genetically and spiritually. I have written many times before, especially in my book, On the Origin of Man and the Universe, that pure spiritual DNA may be YY and human biological DNA perhaps XX since Eve was the “mother of all living.”  [i] Implied there is that Adam was not the father of all living, and I deduced that Cain was seeded by the “Serpent” because Cain was” of the Wicked One” [ii]

  I proposed that the DNA of the children of Cain was different than Adam’s. Later, before the flood, the Sons of God (fallen angels) coupled with the daughters of men [iii] (the seed of Cain) and the DNA of mankind mutated again. The Sons of God, it is learned from The Book of Enoch, were the seed of righteous Seth who lived on the Holy Mountain (Mount Hermon) and whose seed remained pure. Seth’s was righteous seed as his birth replaced Abel, the apparent Son of God and Eve.

  Just as Cain was of the Wicked One, Abel was of the Righteous one, and was called “Righteous Abel” [iv] whose blood was purer than Cain’s because he was the Son of God. Admittedly, this is based on scripture but is conjecture from many clues of which I have written before.

  The thread throughout both testaments is that there is power in the blood. There was power from the blood of innocent animals and power in the blood of Jesus who propitiated His pure blood for all sins that were past, even the sin of Adam! [v] Adam was created with pure DNA, perhaps his “silver cord
 between him and God.[vi] Just what is that cord of life?

  DNA is a molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses… Both strands of double-stranded DNA store the same biological information… The genetic information in a genome is held within genes, and the complete set of this information in an organism is called its genotype. A gene is a unit of heredity and is a region of DNA that influences a particular characteristic in an organism.” (Wikipedia; “DNA”).

  DNA is hereditary… it is the genesis of Adam’s kind!

  Human DNA, therefore, is life itself. It is the main feature in the blood that makes people what they are. Not only does DNA effect development and reproduction but stores biological information.

  The archeologist, Ron Wyatt, alleged that he tested the blood of the Messiah and it lacked characteristic human genes. The blood that the Jewish scientists tested had full chromosomes that one would expect as the Son of Man, but only the “Y” which perhaps made Him the Son of God, and if that is true, it validated my hypothesis that YY DNA perhaps originated from God Himself when Adam was created.

  There are many haplo-types of DNA. The origins of men and women can be identified by their genes. Each person, according to geneticists, have their genetic “Adam” — the one person to which their haplogroup originated.  In Christianity, mankind is all Adam’s kind, so the real Adam is our “Adam” if Adam had been the father of all living.

  Adam found grace. God made him a coat of skin to protect him from the “fiery darts” of the Wicked. [vii] Adam was wearing the whole armor of God in his time.

  Sacred literature identifies the skins; and they were from lambs. Safety in those lamb skins prefigured preservation by the blood of the Lamb of God. The Word, Jesus, had shed blood belonging to Him for the sins of Adam. His blood remained pure because of grace. On the other hand, the Wicked One had already fired his “darts” at Eve. It was too late to change the genetic composition of the blood of her child.

  Right after expulsion from the Garden, “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, ‘I have gotten a man from the Lord’” (Gen 4:1). Not the LORD GOD as is written in all the early chapters but merely “Lord” — possibly her new Lord, Lucifer, the Wicked One. It seems that she had deceived Adam much like the Serpent had deceived her! She was the Serpent’s adulteress… one of the meanings of “wife” (Strong’s Dictionary).

  Right then, the blood from God to Adam to Eve was mutated. Already mankind had devolved from glorious creatures made in the image of God, to inglorious bastard beasts in the same image as the Serpent.  Thenceforth the “silver cord” (maybe the double-helix of Eve’s DNA) was loosed as Solomon wrote about spiritual death. [viii] So, mankind is all of Eve to this day but are also children of the Devil, Lucifer, [ix] because of the degenerate blood of the Wicked One in Cain.

  Scripture is all about adoption; to transfuse the blood of Jesus into the children of the Wicked One to re-create (regenerate) them. That is the importance of Jesus’ propitiating His own blood to clarify the blood and DNA of the Wicked One in all of Eve’s kind. In other words, mankind is not entirely “mankind”. The word, “Adam” is not the first man’s name, but his kind which is call “species” in modern times.

  Because Eve was of Adam, everyone has the DNA of Adam but through the creation of Eve. (Mitochondrial DNA provides the characteristics of both the genders.) Because of original sin, perhaps from Eve’s carnal knowledge from the image of Lucifer, who is called “Serpent”, Adam’s kind mutated.

  I believe scripture implies that the fiery darts from the Serpent were both spermatozoa and evil seeds, but that is just my guess based on the operation of the sperm attacking the ova in women.

  The point to this is that sin results in mutated DNA. How else are all the mutations and haplo-groups explained? And for mankind to be saved from sin, it means that the blood of Jesus must be transfused. When Jesus died on the cross, He gave up the Ghost, was pierced, and out came blood and water. The “mist” had returned to the earth just as when Adam was created, and so did the DNA of God in the Pure Blood of Jesus.

  Of course, the blood of Jesus cannot be mixed with the blood of sinners, but the Holy Ghost of Jesus perhaps transfused the blood of God into those who believe in the power of the blood, just as was done in the beginning when the Spirit of God was breathed into the nostrils of Adam; [x] to make him a live image of God in the same image as Jesus.

  Then, with Ham, DNA mutated again and got through the water. Canaan was cursed because his DNA was from Cain possibly through the blood of Ham’s wife. Mankind mutated again, and there were thereafter at least three haplogroups, and with each generation, sin increased until there were many!

  That brings the reader to the time of Abram when God “adopted” him. Abram found grace with God and covenanted with Him. It was sealed in blood — both real blood with circumcision and spiritual blood with circumcision of the heart, or spiritual “blood”.

  Of course, the Covenant was probated much later on the Cross when Jesus finished the Covenant that he had commenced and “signed” it in His own blood. The very point here is that the blood is sacrosanct:

10 Whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people. 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. (Lev 17:10-11)

  The point therein is certainly not the oral consumption of blood, but that any manner… and species… of blood is sacrosanct. The reason is even given — “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” Nowadays it is known why: because the DNA defines all life and distinguishes between the species. If indeed, spiritual life is YY-DNA then they are of a supernatural species.

  Even if that conclusion is wrong, angels are real and have appeared in different images. The Hebrew word, “nāḥāš, is translated “Serpent” but another more general description is “image”. The image of the seraph, Lucifer, was at the Tree of Knowledge. In scripture, Lucifer is portrayed as a “beast”. He was of another species than Adam’s kind, his blood would be different, and his DNA non-human(e).

  Beasts were prototypes of Adam but without the Spirit of God. Beasts are those who still lack the Holy Spirit. Care must be taken when consuming the DNA of the Beasts. Dietary Laws in Scripture are the measures to be taken so that the blood of impure beasts not be consumed.

  So why not eat any manner of blood? Because the blood has different, even feral, DNA than humans. The blood of untamed beasts must not be intermingled with humans. Blood from different species cannot be mixed with the human species because it coagulates. Even different types of blood in men cannot be mixed. That is not by coincidence, but because blood is sacrosanct in the eyes of God.

  The strands for mRNA in the Pfizer, Moderna, and J &J vaccines came from different aborted babies. That injection is generated from murdered human beings of whom “the life of the flesh is in the blood.” It is even known whose infants the mRNA was derived. Those preborn humans now have been named: HEK -293 “murdered” in 1975 in the Netherlands and PER.C6 “murdered” in 1885 also in the Netherlands (SCRIBD website).  Their “seed” is alive in those who have been vaccinated. The blood of even Christians has been contaminated with the cells of those who have died unmercifully.

  Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are nucleic acids that carry instructions of life. That “cord” is the instructions from God for life. Introducing mRNA in so called “vaccines” introduces a foreign objects into the blood: “Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein” (Wikipedia; “Messenger mRNA”. That foreign acid sends a message to the vaccinated person’s DNA to do something, and that “something” is to supersede the God-given RNA already provided!

  Now back to THE MESSENGER — THE ANGEL OF GOD, called “Jesus”: What message does He send? “Marvel not that I said unto thee, ‘You must be born again’” (John 3:7). Why must anyone be reborn? Because the blood of the Beast in the Tree corrupted the blood of Canaan with original sin. The Adamic species had been degenerated by another species of beast — a spiritual beast.

  Since that time, all men have impure blood in them. It has been stored in their DNA. The DNA that Adam passed along to Eve was corrupted in the womb of Eve and a half man/half beast was generated. He was named “Cain”. (Canaan was of Cain.)

  As such, all men since, as with King David, were “shapen in iniquity” [xi] and “all have sinned.” [xii] Not all men have sinned, but just “all”! Men are Adam’s kind. Perhaps “all” is used to include Cain’s new kind who had different blood with one specific foreign ingredient that is called “sin”.

  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because “their sin was very grievous.” [xiii] They desired to mix the DNA of cursed Canaan’s kind with angels to further degenerate the human species. The Hebrew word, “ḥaṭṭā'āṯ” is translated “sin” in that passage and means the “offense” against God was grievous from which purification was required by God.

  In the Hebrew, ḥaṭṭā'āṯ, is also referred to as a “crouching beast” (Strong’s Dictionary). Sinners, hence, are no longer fully human, but another species of beasts.

  The penalty for Lucifer’s image, called the “Serpent”, was that “upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life” (Gen 3:14). The image of the Beast would be the first sinner and the original “crouching Beast”! Now, all are “crouching beasts” and all are of the Wicked One.

  The virus that mankind carries is iniquity. In Hebrew, iniquity is “ʿāôn” and is defined as “depravity” (ibid). Depravity is “degenerated”, of another devolved “generation” that requires regeneration. Jesus explained how to begin the regeneration:

14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:14-15)

  Summarily, the Hebrews, even who were bitten by “fiery serpents”, if they looked at the image of Lucifer (the brazen Serpent) dead on the pole that Moses carried, they were preserved from death. Jesus would heal them! [xiv]

  The fiery serpents did what? Shot fiery darts that Jesus would quench: “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephes 6:16).

  The Shield of Faith is putting on the Holy Ghost of Jesus. Regeneration is putting on that protective coat, as Adam did, [xv] to quench all the fiery darts from the image of the Beast… and keeping it on.

  Is it coincidence that the jabs are foreign substances and that they are acids made from an evilly produced strand of DNA? Not that the unborn were evil but that the use of their DNA to save ours is evil. Rather that trusting God-given DNA for immunity, to whom are people turning? The Wicked One!

  Of course, “they know not what they do” as Jesus would say, but just in whom does their faith lie? [xvi] In whom do you trust? Science or God?

  Our coins expressed in whom we once trusted: “In God We Trust”. That has changed... In science, even alchemy, we now trust, even in unscientific “science”!

  My stand against vaccination is twofold: One is the deception and misinformation coming from the world and the other is that the blood of the Christian is purified by the blood of Jesus, and not the blood of the innocents. The Government (Herod) against God in the time of Jesus made that clear!

  Misinformation is now called “science” and darkness “truth”. Those jabs are not even classical and traditional vaccines. The definition of “vaccines” has recently been changed to suit the purposes of Moderna and Pfiser who apparently has never made a successful vaccine! In whom do you trust? God or failures?

  Is it not clear that the jabs are the “fiery darts” of acid from cunning merchants?

  Whether or not the jabs are The Mark of the Beast remains to be seen, but because of its generation, the jabs seem to be “marks” from the children of the Wicked One.

  “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord” (Lev 19:28). Why would the Lord desire that? So that the blood of the dead never enter blood that He has made pure. The jabs fit that description quite well. Injecting into the flesh of Christians the mRNA of dead infants is offensive (sin) so says God in whom the sanctified should trust!

  This is my case against the covid vaccines. Of course, scripture is full of examples about the importance of pure blood. Even the blood of a menstruating woman was impure because it represented the potential for life!

  Rebekah, in her time of month, sat upon the idols of her father and diminished them in the sight of God. The Christian must be cautious whose blood we trust. We must all be skeptical of the things of the world. If Adam and Eve had been as skeptical as should be, then even the virus of sin would never have infected the world!

Larry R. Herrin

In the Year of our Lord, Aug 11, 2021


(picture credit: Everyday Health)

10 Ways to Ease Your Baby's Vaccination Pain | Everyday Health








[i] Gen 3:20

[ii] 1 John 3:12

[iii] Gen 6:4

[iv] Mat 23:35

[v] Rom 3:25

[vi] Eccl 12:6

[vii] Ephes 6:16

[viii] Eccl 12:6

[ix] John 8:44

[x] Gen 2:7

[xi] Psalm 51:5

[xii] Rom 5:12; Rom 3:23

[xiii] Gen 18:20

[xiv] Num 21

[xv] Gen 3:21

[xvi] Luke 23:34

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