Sunday, October 30, 2022



This may seem to be science fiction, but it is not; we have arrived at science becoming what was in the past, fiction. We are in the New Age of biogenetics and human potential. “Towers” were once built of brick and mortar, but now they are ‘stairways” of double-helixes whereon God can be usurped.

God is glorious, as Moses wrote, “Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness?” (Exod 15:11).

There have been many “gods” that were created by mankind, but only one pre-existent God who created mankind. Gods (with small “g”) are all images that represent some thing, but Adam was the animated “thing” that represented God. Adam was alive as God was a “living God” (Psalm 42:2). Adam was glorious as God is Glorious.

Adam was as God, but idols are only similes of God. God is alive and His image (Adam) was a living creature, implying that Adam was a created image in the likeness of the Creator. He was just a likeness but not the genuine “Thing” like God is holy (Hebrew; qōḏeš) — a holy Thing (Strong 1890).

Adam was made like God — glorious and holy. Glorious, ('āḏar), in that same passage implies a “swelling (of the belly)” (ibid). Think about that; God inhaled and breathed life unto Adam (Gen 2:7). He filled Adam with glory with that divine Breath and made Adam glorious and holy as Himself.

Before sin, Adam was like God in substance, glory, and holiness and he was already as God. The other “Image” (the “Serpent”) made an accusation against God; that God would see them, not as images of Himself, but gods themselves (Gen 3:5). That ploy was to confuse them because God is omniscient (all-knowing) and cannot be confused nor tricked.

Where am I heading with this? That the first Adam, like the “last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45), Jesus, were of the same substances and both were and are images of God! Therefore, glorification is regenerated in the image of God and like original Adam and Jesus — the Living God Himself.

Regeneration, like generation, would be a process. In the beginning God “divided the waters from the waters,” or figuratively the “semen from the semen” (ibid). Semen is seminal fluid (water) with living particles (sperm) within the waters. Sperm is a single cell with one chromosome that has the identification of the creature, whatever it is, within that “vessel.” That identifier encoded within reveals the oncology — origin and growth — of the creature, plus everything about it from biological aspects, intelligence, personality, character, immunity, and so forth.

In the beginning, the identification of Adam was like God’s. As such, Adam and Eve were meant to be manifestations of God and have His character (Goodness and love, among other things.)

God is eternal (the beginning and the ending) and with the immunity of God encoded within every cell of their bodies, they were meant to be immune from all things forever because they were like God. With sin, things changed drastically, especially that the immunity encoded with their genes was limited, making the flesh corruptible. No longer was mankind glorious and holy like God but inglorious and unholy because evil cannot reside alongside good.

Right now, examine yourselves. You are neither glorious nor holy! However, as a Christian with Christ in you, you are as much “wearing” Jesus, at least His Holy Ghost. He is the “Comforter” that provides safety in this troublesome world for those who trust Jesus. Life is tribulation (Gen 3:16-19), but not the “Great Tribulation” that is forthcoming.

Just as God swelled and breathed life unto Adam, Adam passed along the seed of God in a different manner: 

21 The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. (Gen 2:22-23)

 Literally, God took something from the side of Adam, not necessarily a rib. Extant sacred literature expands on that process: 

9 “For Thou, o God, didst cause a slumber to come upon him (Adam), and didst take a bone from his side, and didst restore the flesh in the place of it by Thy divine power. 10 And Thou didst take me the bone, and make me a woman (Eve), bright like him, with heart, reason, and speech’ and in the flesh, like unto his own; and Thou didst make me after the likeness of his countenance, by Thy mercy and power. 11 O Lord, I and he are one…” (1 A & E 5-9-11)

 That Adam and Eve are “one” is significant; they are of the same genome of God, and were both glorious and holy, even having the same countenance.

She was “bright” like Adam as well. Brightness is intelligence, of course, but they both had a “bright nature” that was genetic. They were holy and with their bright eyes could see unto the heavens. They were beyond natural and were as angels but not angels because their chromosomes were for existence in this realm, not the invisible realm where the “waters” (semen) were much different.

Adam said it a little differently than Eve but with the same message, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called ‘Woman,’ because she was taken out of Man” (Gen 2:23).

At first glance, flesh and bones merely describe their substances and structure with an internal skeletal system, but bones in biogenetics are highly significant. They are storage vessels for DNA. I believe that God took the DNA that fully described Adam and transposed the same DNA into his flesh to make Eve. In modern vernacular, God, as written in an earlier chapter, “cloned” Eve from Adam by use of the DNA from the bones of Adam. Man and woman have the same number of ribs, so perhaps the literal meaning is not “bones” but “chromosomes.”

Eve was an exact copy of Adam but for two things: their “molds” and “structures” were a little different. It seems, as written before, that cloning was the divine process for reproduction and that carnal knowledge was introduced into the genomes with original sin.

Theoretically, if the bones of Adam were ever discovered, since DNA can remain intact almost indefinitely, some say a million years, then Adam could be cloned again. Now, it should be coming together for the reader!

Jesus did not die. He is alive and well in Paradise. From where will the Antichrist come, considering that cloning might be the good-angelic process for reproduction?

That raises some questions? Are the bones of Adam extant today? They may very well be! Is it known where they are? As I wrote in my book, The Skull of Adam, Adam’s bones would be beneath Calvary (Golgotha, “the place of the skull”). Therefore, to find the bones of Adam, it is only necessary to discover the true Calvary. I believe that “Gordon’s Calvary” is the best candidate for the real thing.

The popular consensus, for various reasons, is that Gordon’s Calvary, not the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, is the true Calvary. (Stump 2011). If that is the case, then Calvary has already been excavated, and all that needs to be done is to identify bones from there.

Ron Wyatt, the archeologist who entered Zedekiah’s Cave, discovered therein, he claims, the Ark of the Covenant, that he believed could not be removed until the Great Tribulation. If that is true, then at that time artifacts from that cave can be removed. That coincides with the advent of the Antichrist.

What am I implying? That the originator of sin, Adam, could very well be cloned again to his sinful self, considering that if his skeletal remains exist, then his DNA can be extracted from his bones just as Jewish scientists have extracted DNA in the revived white blood cells of the blood of Jesus found at Gordon’s Calvary.

White blood cells are known to be produced in bone marrow, and DNA is stored in the nuclei of white blood cells. Theoretically, mankind could be recreated for the Great Tribulation and with the development of CRISPR-Cas9, that DNA could be altered. The “Anti-Adam” could be returned to his wicked ways just by editing his DNA and making it the same as with original sin.

Again, I repeat, this all may sound like science fiction, but fiction has become real. Nefarious men, thought of as good, can do these things!

I believe that Russia is fighting a war because of fear of the nefarious use of biogenetics in the laboratories of the Ukraine. I believe they take the end seriously!

That technology is real and on hold (supposedly) until a very serious crisis demands its release.

Continuing, what would a cloned, ignorant “Anti-Adam” be able to do with only archaic knowledge? Not much, but what if… what if his DNA was edited by CRISPR-Cas9 and synthetic DNA spliced in?

From where might that knowledge base come? Remember the earlier chapter about Wiki? Wiki has started a database of 16 gigabytes of Wikipedia in the English language. When that is completed, then the synthetic database will have all the knowledge of the world in over 300 languages, and that vast knowledge of both good and evil could be linked-in to the Adamic DNA to produce a “Super-soldier” on the level of the “mighty hunter,” Nimrod. The Anti-Adam would be a hyper-link of knowledge that was readily available to persuade man kind to defect from God.

So, what should Christians watch? Further excavating Jeremiah’s Grotto, expanding the Wiki synthetic gene database  and surely the erection of a biogenetic laboratory in Israel.

Surprised! I was not. After writing the last sentence, I Googled® that, and here is what I discovered: 

The National Laboratory for the Genetics of Israeli Populations (NLGIP) was established in January 1995 by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities as the national biobank of Israel, featuring a collection of lymphoblastoid cell lines and DNA samples that represent the ethnic diversity of the Jewish and Arab populations in Israel. DNA samples from this repository have been used in many international research projects in a range of medical and biological fields, such as pharmacogenomics.

The NLGIP focuses on collecting, establishing and maintaining human B-lymphoblastoid cell lines and matching DNA samples from healthy donors representing the various Jewish and Arab ethnic groups in Israel . The human B-lymphoblastoid cell lines and DNA samples in the NLGIP collection may be used for research purposes only. (Tel Aviv Univ. 2022)

 Note the statement of caution therein: that it “may be used for research purpose only”! The best guess is that is true until a very serious crisis develops, then Israelites, as gullible as they were with the misnamed “vaccines,” will relent.

Not only should Christians follow the money trail with the profiteering from biogenetics, but must also follow the Jews to wherever they many go! That is not meant to be antisemitic because God has always used Jews for His purposes throughout the ages. This is no exception.

Imagine, or “reimagine,” as the neo-Nazis say it, a world with one sinful man with all the combined knowledge of all the world. He would be “walking science” and he would be the one who must be believed. Imagine the trust that the world would have in that “dude,” as Biden would call him. He would make Fauci out to be the fool that he was.

Have a question about a pandemic? Just ask the “dude.” Have a question about how to survive the pandemic? Just ask the “dude.” Want to buy and sell? Just take the mark of the “dude.’ You get the idea…. mankind, even some Christians, would follow the science and follow that evil “dude” with all the answers!

Another significant question? Will the Antichrist even be a man or could “it” be a female Adam made from Adam again in his sinful likeness? Could the Antichrist be a “Lilith” as with the Goddess of Reason in the Cult of Reason of the First French Republic wherein God was removed from their new age?

(picture credit: Discern Life; "Failure of Reason")

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