Saturday, June 10, 2023


The following account is written because I prayed for and love another human being, whether he believes as I do or not. I do not want him to believe as I do but to believe the truth; that nobody need not die without a just cause.

Justice comes down to in whom you trust. Why would any god preserve a person if that same person does not believe in Him?

One atheist revealed some truth: If a Christian is truly a Christian, he could not sleep at night for the burden of those going to Hell. Last night, I could not sleep. I prayed for a friend, not that he would not die soon, but that he would never die. That is how much I love that man just because God considers him worthy of eternal life.

Is Hell for real? The bet of the atheist is that it is not just because Hell has yet to be discovered to their satisfaction. (Luke 16 may help with that.)

An acquaintance of mine who I consider a friend is a truly nice guy and there could not be a much better neighbor. Just yesterday, he revealed to me that he has cancer and is being treated by radiation. As most know, radiation can be devastating, but the fear associated with malignant cancer can be horrifying, especially when it is stage four.

His as of now may not be that advanced, but the fear of stage four would be tragic indeed. Although my friend seems calm, fear can be concealed. Hope is what keeps cancer patience afloat; their hope is that cancer will not be their end. My belief is that the soul is immortal and there will be no end. Those who do not believe in a god believe that death ends it all and they will just cease to exist.

In my childhood and once in my maturity, I had a vision; that I would die and just cease to be anymore. Philosophers call that “fatalism;” that all the living inevitably face extinction and there is nothing that can be done about it.

My friend has hope, or he would not seek treatment. He is not ready to die. So, to delay the inevitable, he relies on medical science to delay his death. Some go so far as they might turn to gene editing to prolong life indefinitely.

An atheist, according to the dictionary, is “a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods” (Merriam-Webster Dict. 1828-2022). Gods are noted for what? Creating, nourishing, preservation, and providing all the necessary things for mankind to exist.

My friend has been diagnosed and turned to the physicians for treatment.  They have turned to intense energy, not to create life, but to kill cancer cells.

On the other hand, theists turn to God not to kill any cell but to preserve all cells. That point is made to provide evidence that my friend is not an “atheist” as he claims, but a “theist” who believes in a scientific god; he trusts the science, hence he trusts his fellow man for his well-being. That is little different than Christian theists who trust Jehovah God to prolong life, and specifically His identity as the “Doctor” called “Jesus” whose blood can transfuse the cancerous blood of all of mankind.

I will avoid scripture here because the Word from the Bible scares theists, albeit the deterministic word of science sooths them. Whereas science says, you will not die, God says there is a way to never die. It is your choice; believe the science or believe God. Rational people would trust God who has the better promise, even if there is not a heaven or a hell.

Confess now; your body will indeed die. There, however, is hope that your mind and inner being might not. Science says that all that you see is all there is — that is the entire “existence.”

In conflict with themselves, scientists have explored what can be seen to its limits, and now have engaged in exploring the unseen — antimatter. They believe that there is an unseen realm in parallel with this cosmos that can only be detected with technology and its advanced instrumentation. It has occurred only to few that science has merely discovered what God revealed to theists long ago; that there is much more than meets the eye.

Science is “such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena” (ibid). So, you trust the science but not any god? The Judeo-Christian God claims to be all “Existence” — the seen and the unseen. Even the branches of Vaishnavism identify their god as “Existence” — all of it whether it can be seen or not.

The Judeo-Christian God is the Invisible God. So many were skeptical (“agnostic”) that God manifested Himself to be the provenance for them. He refers to that manifestation of Himself as “Jesus,” but mankind still does not believe that science; that Jesus is more than a god that cannot be seen but the evidence of the Invisible God. Jesus is the “Science” because mankind must always have evidence.

Hope is for those who believe the evidence. The evidence is that radiation may or may not extend life. God claims that he can extend it forever. Who are you betting on? The least positive outcome.

If God had not revealed Himself as Jesus, there goes the science. Allow me to explain. Jesus worked miracles and restored the life of Lazarus, restored the sight of blind Bartimaeus, and healed the woman with a genetic blood issue. He did all that to prove that He was God in the flesh, and the Bible is a legal deposition to the truth of that, and for all practical purposes, the Bible is essentially a “scientific journal” of medicine; yet people who believe the science do not believe the results reported in that “journal.”

Because of their unbelief, Jesus willingly submitted Himself for the ultimate scientific experiment. He claimed to be God. The null hypothesis is that if He is God, then He would not die since gods claim to be the author of life. (Jesus did what Ephraim McDowell did in the early 19th century — he “operated” on Himself to prove His claim.)

Jesus suffered death but he did not die. His body remained in the tomb as evidence that He was indeed dead, but His Inner Being that only Christians could see, was active. When Jesus was resurrected after three days, life returned to his stinking flesh. He overcame the world. He did the scientifically impossible! He proved to ancient “scientists” that all they see is not all there is. Luke for one, saw the Ghost of Jesus — His soul — enter Jesus, and even Pontius Plate saw the same soul leave Jesus at His death. Many could see Jesus in spiritual form on the road to Emmaus. They saw a living soul that looked like Jesus but was not of the same substance as Him.

The evidence presented that this new person who appeared as a living soul was indeed the man, Jesus, He showed the nail marks and scars to prove it!

The gospels are a scientific report, all four in concurrence, that Jesus is God, that there is a living God whether He can be seen or not, and that He still Exists. An atheist believes the science but disbeliefs the greatest scientific evidence ever presented! That is irrational, is it not?

A scientific theory must be internally consistent to be credible. Science is dynamic; what is truth today, for them, may be denied tomorrow. Science, therefore, is not internally consistent. On the other hand, Judeo-Christian theism is and has always been. There has always been an Invisible God and He showed Himself for thirty-three years. Jesus is the evidence of the Invisible God in whom theists believe.

Now, who is the god of science? Christians know. The Invisible God made the science, and inferior men are just now discovering what was, is, and will be forever.

The god of those who trust the science is an “unknown god” as Paul argued with the Greek philosophers. We all have gods, but just a few of us know who their god is. Atheists deny they have a god or gods, yet all the while trust the invisible god called “science.”

Two of the smartest men in the world changed their viewpoints. Both Albert Einstein and Michio Kaku, the most pre-eminent theoretical physicist, trusted the science, but when both concluded their exploration, both credited all things to an invisible god.

However, neither explored the experiment of all times; that Jesus was the evidence presented to the world that there is a True God that could be seen, touched, heard, smelled, and even tasted, if they dared, but the elements of communion — the wine and the bread — are how mankind savors the “taste” of God.

How do we Christians know the truth? What is truth? The truth is that there are things unseen because Jesus showed His Invisible Self to prove that. He revealed God within His flesh when the Holy Spirit left Him and was revealed to the world.

How do Christians detect the Invisible God? By trusting that Jesus is Truth; that He is the evidence that there is a real God.

With Jesus gone; how can we be certain? The New Testament is a written “deposition” by those who were so sure that there is a living God that they refused to recant. Eleven of the twelve died for the truth — that Jesus is the evidence of the Invisible God — and John was boiled in oil to force him to recant. He never did!

Recently, there was a pandemic. We all were told that the vaccine would prevent the spread… to trust the science. Most people trusted the science. Whether it worked or not is beside the point, but people clung to life so much that they obeyed the science to prevent their bodies from dying.

Mankind is the most foolish of the species. Given the chance to live for a spell, they will stand in line, but given the chance to live forever, they won’t even kneel.

Just what is it that is so hard to do? Christianity is you doing nothing! All that it takes is to look toward Jesus for life.

So, you credit the science for radiation? All they have done is used the radiation. Who created the isotopes? Who causes them to decay so that they can be beneficial?

Like some believe about the source of electricity; you just plug the cord in and voila, power; they have no idea what is on the other side of the wall and don’t care!

The same goes for radiation and any therapy. The doctor just plugs it in, and you never care from whence it came and what it took to get into you.

God had a plan for you, and if you are to live; that doctor and those isotopes were His Plan that science used.

So, never say that you are an atheist; just admit that you don’t know who your god is because you fail to recognize your unknown god.

Who is the god of science? There are many, and we ask each other Who is the best doctor? Many say that our doctor is best. Yet inquiring people do not even consider any god; they reject them all and go with their invisible existence that has never proved himself itself. You just do not know who your god is. It is whomever or whatever you trust for longevity.

This is not meant to insult, just things for non-believers to ponder. Einstein and Kaku considered all things; they concluded that there is a god. Which one, they do not know, but they are part way there, and many atheists, on their deathbed, realized God. Among them some of the greatest minds ever — Peter the Great, Thomas Hobbs, Thomas Payne, Charles the IX, David Straus, Josef Stalin, and even the Satanist Anton LeVey, but for them it was too late. It is not to late for any who have yet to lie on their deathbed.

Some of the greatest minds in history believed in God. How about you? Is your mind greater than theirs? I doubt it.

Hope is believing that there exist things that cannot be seen or detected. What harm is hope? Many hope the radiation helps or they would not take it; but refuse the hope offered so graciously; that you need not die; that there is a place where you never die!

I have now written my thoughts about science and theism. Science can force-feed itself through mandates. However, God encourages free-thinking. It is you who must decide the best way for you to go! Herein was my evidence, now you must judge its veracity and your frame of reference is what science is able to do for you.

(PICTURE CREDIT; Alliance Technologies)





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