Monday, June 3, 2024


The thoughts in this book are not my thoughts. I understand God, but quantum theory is beyond understanding; and it is to be noted that Albert Einstein himself came short of understanding spooky quantum entanglement. I have done the best that I can do, considering my mind is not brilliant, but that God put notions about the cosmos into my mind, and I just write down what my mind’s eye was revealed.

However, the ideas that I have presented in this text affirms the Presence of God. A real God would not develop different processes for various things, but use the same efficient process that worked so perfectly in the beginning.

God is not only the “First Cause” but the “Unified Field Theory” that is more truth that theoretical. The Bible relates both real and virtual fields from the first verse and that “string” of thought exists to the end. All “things” are either objective or virtual, according to the Bible — they are the unified truth.

Much research was involved in writing this book. It was hard to understand but it does make sense. The truth is rational thought. Sometimes preachers just repeat the falsehoods that they have been taught and after billions of repetitions, wrong thinking has become the truth to them.

Most Christians believe that there was really a Serpent that got into our kind. It was most certainly an “image” but whether objective or virtual remains uncertain.

Serpents should not frighten Christians, but sly thoughts should. Within that “Beast” was an angelic being whose way was deception. The “image” seems to be the “cunningness” or deceptive ways of thinking. That remains the modus operandi of our kind. We all are as gullible as Eve and whatever notion enters our minds, natural man will do. Only a new person with an altered spiritual state would operate on a higher plane.

As such, “born again” is indeed a “quantum leap” by faith. Faith is the power that changes even our nature. Without faith, there is no leap from one spiritual plane to the next.

Some of us “leap” with caution. Even I have hesitated to believe the truth.

Doubt is the reciprocal of trust and trust over time is faith. Believing in things that we cannot sense is faith. It is not just to hope so, but so be it. It is the understanding that the virtual is as real as the objective.

The crucifixion of Jesus proved that. Pilate, knowing the writings of Plato, asked, “What is truth.” Jesus did not answer directly, but God “staged” a command performance of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” to demonstrate what is truth.

God turned out the lights, then turned them back on. He was creating a “cave” then He shined the Light on the Object, Jesus. Soon, the “Shadow” of the man defied science and in a very quantum, even spooky way, the Holy Ghost was separated from the Object.

Pilate and some of the others saw the “Shadow” of God (Selem; Gen 1:27). Then God showed them that the Shadow that is God is as real as the Object of God (Jesus).

Plato revealed in his allegory that the shadow on the cave wall, revealed by light, was a fragment of the object. God’s revelation revealed that the Ghost of Jesus was a fragment of the Person of God.

Plato exposed the truth; he revealed the two sides of my “God Coin” example. God repeated that Allegory of the Cave and Pilate was persuaded and saw the truth. God is Truth and He revealed Himself.

Like Pilate, I saw God, not just the Object and its Virtual Image, but the Dynamic as well. The Holy Ghost, the third Substance of the Holy Trinity, reveals himself in truth, God’s goodwill toward man — divine love — manifested by grace is the third “Object” that is as real as the Face and Backside of God.

Ironically, the Resurrection of Jesus revealed the Dynamis of God — the action of the Holy Spirit as the “Angel of God.”

Just as “Noah found grace” (Gen 6:8), I think that I have found grace as well. God was in his ship, not in person but by grace. Grace is the workings of an Invisible God. It is His Dynamic… the good things that He does for us. He saved Noah from the flood — from the end of Noah’s world.

He will save us as well when the time comes. For those who endure to the end, “the dead in Christ,” they will join with the living in Christ; and “We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thes 4:17).

As such, those entangled with God are not saved but before the end shall be saved. The Dynamic of the Godhead will appear in the Cloud just like in olden times. He will take the living souls, whether now dead or still alive physically, and provide for them a new body. Then they will enter Paradise and “forever” where, according to Dr. Kaku, “time does not exist.”

The dust from which man came, they will indeed return, but that is like particle theory… it is akin to quantum dynamics.

As I supposed, Christianity is very scientific, and prayer is as real as talking aloud. We need not yell or even speak audibly to God but have Him in our minds as often as we can.

Why write this book? Many will think it to be New Age or Scientology. It is neither. Science is not the truth but men seeking the truth. “God is Truth” as He says in the Word.

The Word is inspiration. It is not the letters of the alphabet that are put together to provide order and meaning; the “Word” is the activity (Dynamics) of the Godhead and He speaks to mankind via His actions. Believing the Word is life changing, although the Word is the Motion of God, not in physical Newtonian dynamics, but other-worldly, even spooky activity!

As a result of my research in both scripture and quantum theory, I believe science is gradually revealing the Truth, but for me and other Christians, God is Truth. Jesus as the “Word” reveals the same evidence of the Truth as does quantum theory. However, biblical Truth is absolute because God showed it to Enoch. The Truth is that God is Reality, and now quantum theorists believe that quantum action is reality. They now see the Holy Spirit as Quantum Action, hence the title of this book, An Awesome Quantum God.

That is one small step for mankind but a great leap for me. Quantum Theory has increased my faith; now I understand the “mystery of God”: 

That their (mine and yours) hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ. (Col 2:2)

 That “knitting” is perhaps quantum entanglement. “The Mystery of God” is revealed therein:  the Father, the Christ, and the mysterious Substance that conceals and binds them — the Holy Spirit. Those three are revealed by the “Quantum Coin” example of Al-Khalali and by the quantum “God Coin” from my example.

I have believed in God most of my life, and I have believed in Jesus. Now, I believe that the Holy Spirit is as real as the other two Substances of the Godhead. The “Allegory of the Quantum Coin” reinforces my belief in what I cannot see but know Exists by its “spooky action at a distance.”

With that said, it is finished.


THE END… or is it?

Picture credit: "Nuclear Explosion;" Pixabay

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