Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Nobody knows for certain in what language the Bible was written. Many believe that the Hebrews invented the first alphabet while they were enslaved in Egypt.

They took a large quantity of hieroglyphs and reduced their number down to twenty-two… from aleph to tav. That itself is quantum-like, dividing the quantum from the quanta, but the Bible explains it: “I AM the Alpha and Omega” (Rev 1:8). Those two letters are Greek in origin, but the Greeks did not invent the alphabet; they only added vowels to it!

God was indicating that He is the Aleph and the Tav, the hieroglyphs that make up all the Word. When did writing first occur in the Bible? When Yahweh wrote the Ten Commandments with His “Finger” (Exod 31:18). With that said, the Object of God is Jesus, the “Word” of God.

Soon, the Word spread from Egypt northward to the Levant and later the Greeks added vowels for pronunciation purposes. In a sense, the Gentiles complicated what had been so simple tot the Hebrews!

The “Word” of God was with the Hebrews in the exodus from Egypt. As such the Hebrews invented the alphabet used all over the world. The Word is Dynamic, moving from one place to all over with the speed of the Light of God.

Scripture revealed the Author of the Word — pre-incarnate Jesus — just as John revealed to all who have read John chapter one.

In that respect, the “Word” revealed Himself first to the Hebrews. It was not the Hebrews who invented it, but God who cut the quanta of Egyptian hieroglyphs down to a manageable number, so that more people could read the Word. Then the Word in Hebrew hieroglyphics spread across the world. God invented the alphabet, then used what He had made to reach mankind with the gospel truth. That again was His “Dynamis,” or Virtue.

The Hebrew Bible, the "Talmud" is made up of these "pictures" that gradually became block characters then script.  That is the language of God made so simple. 

Picture credit: "Hebrew Pictograms;" Hebrew for Christians

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