Saturday, December 28, 2024



After the convergence, the conjuncture of the Godhead.


KEY VERSE: And so it was, that, while they were there (in Bethlehem), the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. (Luke 2:6) 

“So, it was” comes from the Greek word, ginomai. — “to cause to be” 

God is the “Cause To Be” as the Creator. “TO BE” is the Existence of God which is generally expressed in the Hebrew as JHWH and in the English as “I AM.” 

And so it was that the great “I AM” — The LORD GOD was “delivered” (tikto), or bear fruit. 

It is often missed, but in the beginning, with the first Adam, God was producing fruit in the Garden of God: 

There went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom he had formed. (Gen 2:6-8) 

Father God endowed the first Adam with His own Seed and set the firm thing in the ground to grow and multiply. God was planting a Garden of firm things with His divine Seed as the starter. 

God was growing a Garden of living souls in the beginning from His own “Root” in whom He would grow a Garden of Adamah. 

The crop failed due to the insidious “tare” (the seed of Lucifer) that had stealthily creeped in in the form of the seed of a snake. The genetics of Lucifer had overshadowed the two Adamah. 

 Perhaps the genetics of Yahweh was still within them but had been overcome by what is now called the microbiome of bacterial and viral genetics. 

As Jesus was “the last Adam,” — “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam (Jesus) was made a quickening spirit,” (1 Cor 15:45), then the Spirit of God made mankind alive again, of course if the persons are open to quickening. 

Jesus was the outcome of the quickening Spirit of God. It was the same Holy Spirit that would be breathed unto sinful men to enliven them again. 

In my last commentary, the subject was the convergence of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus that came together (in conjunction) to make one “star.” I likened that to the three substances of God that came together in conjunction in the womb of Mary to form the one “Superstar,” Jesus.

The conjunction of the three planets, according to astronomers, lasted two minutes and fifty seconds using the “God Equation” — one day equals 1,000 years (2 Pet 3:8), then 3 seconds equals 8 months and 12 days. Perhaps the three substances of God were in conjunction in the womb of Mary for three seconds using God’s clock but nearly nine-months gestation using man’s clock!

As can be seen, the three heavenly bodies and the three divine “bodies” would each remain as one that was dependent on which “timepiece” used. The point is that the wise men knew the calculations when to get to Jesus by the use of the convergence. 

God was planting His Garden again with the quickening Spirit of Himself again. God would plant His new plants with His own Seed (Born again; John 3:7) and this time, God would overshadow them that was of Himself to shield them from the tares. 

The “Church” is the new Garden of God; it is not planted in or on the soil, but it is a virtual “Garden” planted among the “thorns” that surround them. 

Within the key verse is the word, “accomplished” which literally means that over time, that that the three substances came together to form one; the Spirit of God by the Power of God was imbued within the Person of God, so that Jesus was delivered as the literal “head” of the Godhead, remembering that the Spirit was the backside of the Godhead from the vantage point of Noah.

In the key verse, the “that were accomplished” was the delivery of the three persons in one whose time element paralleled the conjunction of the planets. 

As usual, the time element of God can be any time He wants; 5500 years can be five-and a half days, as in the Books of Adam and Eve. Three seconds in conjuncture can be like three days in the tomb. “In the creation, time does not exist,” and in the conception of Jesus “time is a construct of man,” as Michio Kaku, the astrophysicist says. 

The point herein is that the conception and birth or Jesus is in the manner of the convergence and conjunction of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, and time is of no matter.











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