There is a divine relationship
between planets and animate beings. Not to support any new age philosophy,
there is both a scientific and theological explanation for that.
First things first: The Word said
to Adam, “for dust you are, and unto dust shall you return” (Gen 3:19).
There was an affinity between the
new kind of creature and the ground of the planet Earth: Not only was it the
Lord’s Garden, but it was the “ground” (Hebrew; adam) on which the LORD
GOD planted the Image of Himself, so to speak. It was His own “Divine Seed”
that was planted, and since the person, Adam, was of God and the ground, he was
called the “Ground” (Adam in the Hebrew), or more precisely the dust, or
atoms, of the ground. Mankind to this day have the same composition and in the
same proportion as the elements of the ground itself.
Scientists think
planets, including the ones in our solar system, likely start off as grains of
dust smaller than the width of a human hair. They emerge from the giant,
donut-shaped disk of gas and dust that circles young stars. Gravity and other
forces cause material within the disk to collide. If the collision is gentle
enough, the material fuses, growing like rolling snowballs. Over time, dust
particles combine to form pebbles, which evolve into mile-sized rocks. As these
planetesimals orbit their star, they clear material from their path, leaving
tracks of space empty but for fine dust. At the same time, the star gobbles up
nearby gas and pushes more distant material farther away. After billions of
years, the disk will have totally transformed, much of it now in the form of
new worlds. Watch the video to see this process unfold. (NASA n.d.)
Figure 2: A Planet Forming (NASA) (ibid)
Now compare the formation of planets to the formation of Adam:
There went up a mist from the Earth and watered the whole face of the ground (adam)and the Lord God formed man (Adam) of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man (Adam) became a living soul. (Gen 2:6-7)
In my own caricature art, God’s
formation of Adam was much symbolized by my own imagination. Artificial intelligence
from the Paint application somewhat re-created the formation of the
first Adam (see the figure below).
Figure 3: Formation of Adam (by Herrin)
As you can see, the Earth was the
“turntable” on which the clay of Adam was formed. God provide the dust and the
water from the ground (adam) and Adam was the offshoot that was created,
or literally from the Hebrew, he was “cut.”
Cutting was the formation of the
man, Adam, from the material substances of the Earth, and the pattern for Adam
was the invisible Image of God Himself (Selem in the Hebrew). God cut
clay from the clay of Adam has he formed it by His divine Hand.
Then as you can see from the following scripture, God took the prototypical man and planted him in the Garden of the Lord to multiply. Multiplication was not meant to be sexual, but some type of asexual reproduction of the Image of God, perhaps like a spiritual “cloning” of sorts. (The woman was the first “cloned” from prototypical Adam.)
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Gen 2:6-8)
“Eastward in Eden” was not
directional but the antiquarian way of saying, “before time.” God planted Adam
in the Garden before time, hence, all the Creation was before time began.
There were many characteristics
shared by man and the planet Earth” (1) Their compositions are of the same
elements, (2) and in the same proportions; (3) their creation processes were
identical; (4) each were meant to be eternal, and (5) the same Divine “Hand”
turned them both. The “spin” of both planet Earth and Adam were the same because
the Earth, in a sense, was the “turntable” on which Adam was formed.
Many Jews have written that the “Foundation
Stone” beneath the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the very stone on which
Adam was founded and that, that stone is the very “navel of the Earth” as well
as the celestial axis of the cosmos. Hence, Adam and the “world” have the same
origin — the center of the Earth or “ground.” [1]
I tried to demonstrate in figure
#3 that premise. Note that the “invisible hand” of God is invisible in both
figures #1 and #2 and that the foundation in my image might represent
the throne of God, or perhaps more so, His footstool as scripture indicates
(Mat 5:35) with His throne in heaven in a like but different realm. (There is some
type of “cord” between God in heaven and us on Earth. (That “cord” is
telephonic and genetic!)
Solomon said about death, “Or
ever the silver cord be loosed” (Ecc 12:6). Life, therefore, would be the
silver cord be bound, or even converged.
Furthermore, that silver cord,
from the Hebrew, is literally “a pale twisted thread”
The Phantom of God might very
well be chromosomal and since it is in the shape of a body, our version of that
could be the “ghost” of a human being, or the human “soul.” [2]
The original symbiosis between
the two is called “quantum entanglement” because of the different but shared
characteristics. Of course, entanglement is on a sub-atomic scale, but God may
have used the same kind of process on macro-processes. Ironically the man Adam
is made of atoms and within all his atoms lies sub-atomic particles. The man
and the planet even share the same atomic processes!
So, what is quantum entanglement?
A property of a set of
subatomic particles whereby a quantum characteristic (such as spin or momentum)
of one particle is directly and immediately correlated with the equivalent
characteristic of the others regardless of separation in space.
The “spin” for the planet
formation is by the divine hand of God as it was for the man, Adam. The momentum
of the planets in space, without resistance, is constant motion. In the same
manner, Adam was to be constant, or the world to have no effect, nor affect, on
Space separated both Adam and
Jesus from the planets. No wonder the former is the “first Adam” and the latter,
the “last Adam” (1 Cor 15:45) because they were both “entangled” with Father
God. “Father” indicates genetics. They were both “sons of God,” meaning that
they were of the same genetics as God. Jesus was the “quickening Spirit” around
which the first Adam’s Image was formed, from the same passage.
The point to all that discussion is that creation was a “symbiotic” process, to wit:
Relating to or marked
by symbiosis: characterized by living in or being a close physical association between
two or more dissimilar organisms.
The creation of Adam was very
similar to the formation of planet Earth, but dissimilar at the same time. Adam
was in “symbiosis” with the ground of the Earth, so hence his name. His
soul was symbiotic with God because of the Image of God within Him.
Pre-incarnate Jesus was that phantom Image that stood on the molding turntable
that I fabricated in figure #3 to symbolize the molding process of God.
Because Venus is the “bringer of light”
planet, then Jesus and Venus are symbiotic, not in substance, but energy. Because
Mars is without an atmosphere, it is a phantom planet for its light is the
reflection of the Sun from iron oxide on its surface.
Mars mirrors the elements on its
surface, so the light from it is basically a shadow of the planet itself.
(Remember that a shadow is just a darker frequency of light because photons of
light are in space and flash on and off so frequently that they go unnoticed). Mars
would represent the Phantom of God — the Holy Ghost.
That leaves Jupiter. How is
Jupiter and God alike? Jupiter is the Dynamic planet that shed many moons (95
some say) and the first planet in the solar system to exist. It is the “Father”
of them all — the first planet seeded in the solar system and at one time,
science says, was all alone until others were created. Perhaps God
created those three planets to symbolize the Godhead, and He would have done so
before the foundation of the world (the cosmos).
The planets grew, in as sense,
from the most supreme of the light — the Sun and from the Sun, Jupiter came
first and the others followed. Planets multiplied just as God meant for earth
creatures to multiply; not by sexual dynamics but Spiritual Dynamics and Himself
the Dynamic (Virtuous) Existence in them all!
Mankind was meant to be one body
and that applies to the planets of Mars, Venus, and Jupiter; they were meant to
shine as one when a certain event came at the right time.
Mankind was to be constant like
the planets, always returning with quantum entanglement to reveal the
Substances of God entangled with each other in the Godhead.
That “Superstar” that came from
the three sub-stars; that was God’s creative attempt for mankind on Earth to understand
that they were seeing the Godhead in formation with Jesus at its “head” with
the shining light of Venus the most prominent.
[1] Life as we know it is
probably not on any other planet unless it is of the same elements of those
planets. Perhaps they should not be looking for mankind on Mars but living stones
of another kind. If there is animation on other planets, they would be far
different that God’s creatures here on Earth.
[2] Sacred literature describes
the soul as the exact shape of the person’s body down to the fingertips and
toes. That implies that the bodily shape of the Holy Ghost, and our soul, is
the shape of our bodies but of a different substance.
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