Wednesday, January 29, 2025



The previous commentaries were about the “Tree of Life” in the Garden Paradise. The “Tree came to life and was called Jesus and Emanuel — “God with Us” Jesus said, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. Therein, “I AM” identifies the Godhead consisting of the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)

Let’s begin with “Life;” that is the ‘quickening Spirit” of Jesus (1 Cor 15:45) that we called the “Holy Ghost” as the quickening Spirit of the Godhead in “bodily shape” (Luke 3:22) is the Holy Ghost.

Truth is reality. Reality to us is objectivity. The Truth is the Object of God, the “Son of Man” (Mat 8:20). (huios anthropos in the Greek). The Greek is there for a reason soon to come.

The Way indicates dynamics. Jesus healed by virtue. The leaves of the Tree of Life were for the “healing of the nations” (Rev 22:2). That comes from the Virtue (Dynamos) of God, so the Way is not a path as such, but by the Dynamics of God as in the beginning when He created all good things (Gen 1:29). Therefore, the Way is Yahweh the invisible presence of the I AM, the Godhead. The Way, the Truth, and the Life corresponds with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Mat 28:19).

So the body of Jesus is the House of God, housing the Dynamic and Spirit of God. The Godhead is aleph bet in the Hebrew, the Way and Life in His House. Rather than the three-in-one God, Jesus is more so the House of God with two within.

Bear with me; this is preparation for the Tree of Knowledge. Just as the Tree of Life was the House of God in the Garden, perhaps the Tree of Knowledge was the House of Lucifer there as well. Just as Jesus is the House of God, then the Beast might be the House of Lucifer.

Lucifer is an antitype of God. Generally, God means the “Godhead” whereas Yahweh is the Power, the Holy Ghost the Spirit, and Jesus the House (Temple; Mat 26:21) of God.

Lucifer is the antitype of God: “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isa 14:14).

An antitype can be either like or opposite or a combination of both. God is the Way, Truth, and Life but Lucifer is knowledge, presented as good and evil as in the tree of the same name.

Jesus is the object of the Word (Truth), the Antigod is the object now called the “body of knowledge.”

Hence the body of knowledge from the tree of that name consists of two characteristics: good and evil whereas the Body of God is only Good (Mat 19:17).

The point is that just as Jesus is the House of God and His Power, the Antichrist is the House of Lucifer and deception. The “Serpent” (the Beast) beguiled (nasa) the woman and her kind was called “Eve” because inwardly, she had become something else that was not good.

The Serpent is nahas (naw-kawsh’) in the Hebrew. Compare that to nasa (naw-shaw). Whereas from God came light; from the Serpent came something astray. Rather than her being the daughter of God, she became the daughter, or gens of Lucifer, and cunning was put into her somehow by genetics. You can guess what transpired with carnal knowledge!

Lucifer is much like God and much different at the same time. He uses goodness for evil doings. What seems good, within is evil whereas with God what seems good is always good.

As an antitype just as there are three substances of God in homeostasis, with the “Deadhead” there are three types in Lucifer in homeostasis: 

A relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group. (Merriam-Webster 2024) 

Jesus was the “organism” in that definition. He was a divine Man of the same substance as us creatures. His states were human, holy ghost, and power.

Jesus, was the “Holy Thing” in the womb of Mary (Luke 1:35). The object of Lucifer is the Unholy Thing — the Beast. Hence, the Serpent was still Lucifer, the woman saw a beautiful bright shining angel but inwardly, there was an awful thing — the Beast. John called that awful thing the “Wicked One” that was in Cain (1 John 3:12) even while he was in the womb of Eve.

To be blunt, the woman saw the a scotoma: there stood an angel, so she could not see the Beast within for the shiny things… and so it goes to this day.

The case I’m making is that the Tree of Knowledge is the Luciferin head which I am calling the unholy “Deadhead.”

Herein, I quote AI Overview for a reason: 

In Christian scripture, the "three unholy things" are often referred to as the "Unholy Trinity," which typically includes Satan (the dragon), the Antichrist (the Beast), and the False Prophet; essentially a wicked counterpart to the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, representing evil forces that deceive and oppose God's will. (AI Overview) 

Satan is the adversary. It is the dynamic of the unholy thing that is the “father of lies” — the Devil (John 8:44). Satan is the Spirit within Antichrists. Albeit, there is one Christ, there are many (polys) Antichrists (1 John 2:18); alternate Antichrists.

My definition of an Antichrist is like Christ but different, and with an unholy Spirit not holy. One of the many alternate Antichrists was Judas in whom Satan entered (Luke 22:3). For Satan to enter Judas, its substance had tom be Spirit; therefore, Satan is the unholy spirit of Lucifer.

The Beast is the object of Lucifer who can morph from an angelic form to any other form. Sacred literature reveals that Lucifer, and his dark angels, can appear as beautiful women at will for their purposes. Even good angels appeared as holy men when they came to Sodom.

Angels appear in many places in the Bible as machines: 

And there appeared in the cherubims the form of a man's hand under their wings.And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness, as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel. (Ezek 10:8-10) 

My point is that cherubim angels can morph into anything they want to be to suit their purposes and Ezekiel saw them in the future as machines of some sort that had some characteristics of a man (Adam).  They would look glorious like Adam before sin.

Making no attempt in describing such a machine one might perceive an Android of some type, not necessarily wheels but literally something revolving. Or dynamic, perhaps an animated man-look-alike.

The false prophet is the unholy word whereas the Prophet-King Jesus was the Holy Word. The false prophet would be the speaker of the knowledge of good and evil or some tree.

What are people expecting? Even Christians are expecting three people. What is the coming Antichrist is three characteristics in homeostasis? Spirit, object, and false word all from one existence, not an Adam (man) but a “Cain” man (;is; pronounced eesh.) — another kind of existence (extant; Strong’s Dictionary). 

(to be continued)







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