The genealogy of Jesus is given in the books of the Bible Matthew and Luke but what is missed is that it is also given in the books of both Mark and John chapter one, to wit:
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1:1)
2. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:1-3), referring to Jesus in verse 14 — God made flesh.
The genealogy of Jesus is given by Mark; that Jesus is the
Son of God, but He was also the son of David and Abraham: Matthew writing about
the genealogy of Jesus, “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of
David, the son of Abraham” (Mat 1:1).
Obviously “son” (huios in the Greek) is not a biological
son but of the genetics of David, Abraham, and God.
John describes the flesh of God (Jesus) as the “Word” that
was God in the beginning. As such the sentences in the Bible is not the “Word”
but the Image of God in the beginning was.
The Image had no bodily shape in the beginning. All that
existed was the Spirit of God (Gen 1:2). Hence the “Word” is the Spirit of the invisible
God, Yahweh.
Yahweh was the cloud or pillar of fire that made all things. (Exod 13:21) and
was all that existed prior to the Creation. He told Moses, ”I AM THAT I AM” (Exod
3:14). He did not say that in English but in Hebrew hieroglyphics:
הָיָה הָיָה
The diacritical marks the subscript “T’s” were not
there in ancient Hebrew but were added later for pronunciation purposes. The paleo-Hebrew
aleph-bet was in symbols. Likewise, the Hebrew language of the time of
Moses would have been Hebrew hieroglyphs.
For some reason a placeholder hieroglyph was added to the
three letters, the “waw” that was added to make a vowel sound. That “placeholder”
might have been saved for Jesus. Sounds may have come after so that symbols
could be understood. So, the “Tetragrammaton” became, in English, JHWH where “J”
has a “Y’ sound and hence Yahweh in pronunciation.
Yahweh is the “Word” Jesus and thusly the nomen of God should be triune, if I
am correct, then the grammaton of God would be three letters JHH, Yod Hey
Hey characterized by the following, reading from right to left:
I will say that in my own words, “Behold the Creator.” Yod
by itself would be the Creator — the sole Existence, and Hey Hey “The Beheld.”
That corresponds to John’s idea of the “Word” that was beheld in his day.
The missing “waw” or “vav” could represent
something, could it not? It not only designates pronunciation but the Messiah
according to linguists, and not by coincidence, its symbol is a nail.
Nails were driven through the bones of Jesus. Bones are the
storehouses of genetics, if you remember reading the resurrection of the dry
bones in scripture, “…dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord. Thus, said the Lord
God unto these bones; ‘Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you
shall live” (Ezek 37:4-5). Life is in the seeds of Jesus — the Word that spoke
and the bones were generated.
Perhaps the missing “waw” was the object of God, Jesus
(the “Placeholder”) who had yet to be revealed to Moses. Was Jesus the missing “waw”
Was the missing waw the Holy Ghost whose Image would inhabit
Jesus when, “The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape” (Luke 3:22)?
The “Word” could have been the missing “Letter” of God that
seems to have been the “vav.’
However, words are more than one hieroglyph. Jesus was “THE
WORD” singular, but He spoke in sentences. The ten commandments were His Words…
“God spoke all these words, saying” (Exod 20:1). The Word spoke
words in Hebrew in sentences. Thus, aleph-bet was used to form sentences,
maybe before, but certainly in the tablets. God wrote sentences, perhaps for
the first time, although paleo-Hebrew is said to be 10,000 years ancient.
Who was “THE WORD” before God manifested Himself to mankind?
He revealed it to John when Jesus, the “Lamb of God” said, “I am Alpha
and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” (Rev 22:13).
Jesus was the aleph-bet. The Greek alpha and
omega correspond to the aleph and the tav in the original
Hebrew. Jesus is the Aleph-Bet — aleph through tav.
More precisely, He is the beginning; the Aleph-Bet. The
aleph is silent as if it is not even there. The aleph is the hieroglyph
of the ox and means strength, as in Almightiness.
Strength can’t be seen but God demonstrated it with
creativity. Jesus demonstrated His source of strength with virtue leaving
Himself to heal (Dynamos in the Greek.) The Creation was not just very
good (Gen 1:29) but perfect. God used Virtue to make a perfect place for His
That creativity that cannot be seen is the Aleph. The
Power of God is the Aleph and it is invisible except through its actions
— the arm and hand in the yod symbol.
The symbol for bet is a house, not necessarily a building,
but a vessel of some sort. Jesus identified Himself as a “cup” or
literally a vessel in the Bible, “O my Father, if it be possible, let
this cup pass from Me” (Mat 26:39. The Bet hieroglyph represents
the second Word, Jesus.
To further that notion, Jesus said to the Jews some time before
the crucifixion, “Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise
it up” (John 2:19).
Jesus was referring to His Body which was raised up after His
The Temple is the unnecessary “House of God” that David
wanted (1 Chron 22:2). The House of God was Bayit Elohim. Bayit
in paleo-Hebrew was “Beyt” the second letter of the aleph-bet.
Within the aleph-bet is Jesus as the invisible Holy
Ghost in Power: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power”
(Acts 10:38). That is the “Aleph” part of the Word, and the entire Word
is the entire aleph-bet from Aleph to Tav.
All the Hebrew aleph-bet is about the Holy Trinty.
Even three letters bound together in the Hebrew is a type of Holy Trinity from
which all compounded words are formed.
is the House of God or the body of Jesus that housed Yahweh, the Elohim.
The Body of God was the true House of God, and that would be Jesus, the “Word.”
All the 22 words of the aleph-bet for they were each a
word, forms all the words of all Hebrew scripture. Perhaps Genesis is
the exact written Word of God; written in His divinely inspired aleph-bet.
(to be continued).
So far, I have established that the aleph-bet is the
Word of God, and that God is the author of the aleph-bet.
Sumerians were given credit for the first writings as early
as the fourth century BCE, they were not writings at all but cuneiform pictures
of things and numbers to purvey messages. The word “cuneiform” merely
identifies the wedge-shaped pictures. Whether they were first or not is unknown,
but they were early.
However, cuneiform is not the basis of the alphabet. The
Hebrew nomenclature reveals Hebrew as the basis of our modern alphabet.
Some linguists have written that the Hebrew aleph-bet is
10,000 years old.
Hieroglyphic writing, identified mostly by the Egyptians were
likewise pictographs. The world over, the printed language was done in
pictures. Each picture had to be interpreted for the meaning. On the other
hand, the Hebrew aleph-bet was very well organized, and much order is
revealed in ancient Hebrew writings.
The Phoenicians are given much credit for the modern alphabet.
However, the Phonetic alphabet came along later, circa 1000 BCE. The Greek
alphabet was derived from the Phoenician alphabet even later. The Phoenicians
introduced spelling and the Greeks vowels. Neither, however, created the
I believe, as many now do, that it was the Hebrews that created
the alphabet from hieroglyphics. The reign of Ahmose of Egypt began in 1539
BCE. Many now give credit to Ahmose as the evil Pharoah of the time of
Mose. Perhaps Mose was the one who gave
the western world the modern alphabet, and maybe even from Mount Sinai. Note
that Moses preceded the Phoenician alphabet by five-hundred years.
Who were the Phoenicians? Seafaring people that lived on the
coast of modern-day Israel and the Levant. They are believed to be Aegean and
of Greek origin. Could it be that the Hebrews brought the language north during
their exodus from Egypt? What happened on Mount Sinai?
Some indicate that Sinai means the “Bush of the Lord”
Stone melts at temperature on the range of 2000 F depending
on the stone. Moses did not write the Ten Commandments. Who did?
On Mount Horeb (Sinai), “The Angel of the Lord
appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked,
and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed” (Exod 3:2).
The bush was literally thorny. A thorn, perhaps from the Tree of Life,
Jesus, was the laser that burned the stone tablets.
Much later Moses went back to the same mountain and something
miraculous happened again, “He (God) gave unto Moses, when He had made an end
of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of
stone, written with the finger of God” (Exod 31:18). From the Hebrew
root word, the “finger” of God was something that He grasped with a fluid as
the medium. That divine fluid would have been the Power of God, namely the “Living
Waters” of John 7:38.
Jesus Himself, the “Angel of God” was the “Word” that burned
a quickening Spirit into stone and made the stone come alive with words formed
by the Power of God, if that is true.
About the tablets of stone, it is written, “God spoke all
these words, saying…” (Exod 20:1). The Word wrote the words on the
tablets. The tablets of stone — the “Decalogue” were the living word preserved
for perpetuity.
“Decalogue” means the “ten words” from the Greek Logos,
meaning “Word.” Jesus is the “Logos.”
What am I suggesting? That Jesus developed the alphabet on
Mt. Sinai.
“Horeb” means ruins. Moses broke the tablets when he saw the
Hebrews already breaking them; then Moses himself chiseled them out in stone.
Hence, the original Word of God lives only in the Words of Jesus.
The “Word” of God is not mere words but the Power of God in
sentences using an aleph-bet.
As the Hebrews traveled for forty-years, they would have
spread the Decalogue — the Ten Words — to all they encountered. Why would God
not allow them to settle? So that they could spread the Word. And that they did
to the Phoenicians as they traveled to the seacoast all the way to the Levant.
That is the evidence that it was God who made and spread the Word to the Phoenicians and to the Greeks, and now to the western world.
Previously, I discussed that the aleph-bet in its
twenty-two letters define God and His Way. It also identified Jesus long before
He was made flesh. The invisible God was found in the aleph and Jesus, the
House of God, Jesus, in the Bet.
There is a third substance of the Holy Trinity in the aleph-bet;
the letter gimmel. The hieroglyph gimmel represents a camel.
The gimmel is not like a camel but like a man walking
and pointing. Gimmel’s yod points toward the aleph and the
bet because it comes third in the aleph-bet.
Gimmel represents a camel in motion. Camels kneel to be
loaded and rise when it is finished.
What was finished at the crucifixion. The Holy Ghost was
loaded with the sins of mankind that were enumerated on the tablets of stone,
and “Gimmel” carried those sins to Hell and the repentant thief to
The body of Jesus was in the tomb. It was the Holy Ghost that
was the Gimmel and pointing to the “House” (Bet), the image of Gimmel
was the phantom-like bodily shape of the person, Jesus.
The number of aleph is one, bet two, and gimmel
three. Also, aleph plus bet is gimmel since 1 + 2 = 3. The
Holy Trinity is identified in the first three letters of the aleph-bet.
and they all contain yod.
is the point that pre-existed everything, then pointed at it.
is the basis of all the aleph-bet and for the Creation of the world. It
is above all the other letters and seems to float among all the other letters.
So many words in the Hebrew text contain yod. It is
the basis for the entire aleph-bet. The “J” in Jesus is yod; Yeshua
(יֵשׁוּעַ). The same goes for Israel, pronounced "Yīsraʾel".
Israel of David’s Kingdom is a yod.
Figure 1: Kingdom of David and Solomon (Kingdom Missions)
In summary, The Word is the Man, Jesus, and the
original Ten Commandments which contained the sayings of pre-incarnate
Jesus. On His love hangs all the Law on those tablets (Mat 22:40).
Where are the tablets that contain the Word? They were hung
on the Cross and the Law died. Jesus is the Word that He wrote so long ago. He
is the aleph and the tav; the alpha and omega.
When you read the Bible, you are receiving divine Thoughts. About
the “thorn” that wrote the Word, “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word
of God: (Ephes 6:17). The Spirit in the bodily shape of Jesus is the Decalogue!
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