Friday, December 16, 2011

Politics and the Christian

Jesus failed to get involved in politics. However, his teachings have much to do about government. Remembering that Jesus' mission was not to rule the world, but to save it, we can learn much about government by applying his teachings.
Let's first examine the persecutions of Jesus:
Matthew 2:13 “And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.”
Herod was a tetrarch in power because of Caesar's authority. To save the life of their child, Mary and Joseph fled the government for their lives. If they had failed to escape mankind would have been doomed because Jesus would not have accomplished his mission. (The government does matter!)
Mark 6:23 “And he (Herod) sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom. 24And she (Salome) went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist. 25And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.”
John was the cousin and emissary of Jesus. He was the one preparing the way for Jesus' ministry. In doing so he criticized King Herod's adulterous marriage. Herod as a gift to Salome, gave her the head of John on a platter. The introduction of Christ to the world was done. John was dead thanks to the ruler of the people.
The judge and religious council of the Jewish people was the Sanhedrin. They made the religious law which overlapped entirely with the civil and what they said was enforced. During the ministry of Jesus, they were the adversary. Scribes and Pharisees (modern-day lawyers) were constantly badgering Jesus and trying to entrap him in his own words. Jesus was persecuted by Jewish lawyers!
Ironically, the Romans did not actively persecute Jesus. They did enforce the right of the Jewish people to run their own affairs without intervention in religious issues. By protecting wrong, they condoned wrong. The Romans were accomplices because of their silence; no toleration; of injustice.
Not one time did Jesus attack his persecutors! That wasn't his purpose. Whereas Christians as I am are so impatient with wrong in our government, Jesus knew it was because of sin that corruption existed. He could have initiated a heavenly kingdom at will, but that would have failed to save us. He had other instructions! Jesus, tactfully acknowledged his place in government when he paid his taxes:
Mark 12:17 “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.”
That said, are we to even care what goes on in government? Yes, as long as we keep it in perspective. We know of the coming corrupt apocalyptic government and it's our role in the future of the world. It is the enemy of Christ. Each day we will move toward totalitarianism. It's inevitable because John saw it and prophesied it. It's our job as Christians to oppose the ideology leading up to the rule by the anti-Christ. Those rulers preceding him aren't THE anti-Christ, but are anti-Christs. It's our role to keep them out of power so as our people will have time to find the Lord before the second-coming of Christ.
What are we to do in politics as Christians:
  1. Pray for our nation.
  2. Pray for Godly leaders.
  3. Pray that our non-Christian leaders will do right.
  4. Support those in politics who are Christian.
  5. Avoid political parties whose platform are in violation of God's will.
  6. Support political parties who favor the true God and those ideas reflected in their party platform.
  7. Firmly reject those mavericks who defy Christian principles in political affairs. We are to seek God's guidance in all things, including politics and government.
  8. Recognize that the role of the government isn't to save us. That requires faith in God. However, do recognize that the government's role is to protect our freedom, especially our Christian freedom.
  9. Never vote for a candidate who doesn't respect life. God made life and we have no right to destroy what God has created. That one issue is a deal maker or breaker. If a person doesn't respect life, can we expect them to support other Christian values? No!
  10. God has ordained marriage between one man and one woman as His will. Any candidate who seeks to destroy God's plan for the family is in gross violation of God's will. (Same sex activity is a sign of the end-of-times, It is ungodly behavior).
  11. We are to love each other. Politics must not involve hate, but truth must be paramount. Look for those who don't pander, but who speak truth even though it may hurt their electability.
  12. In line with truth and love, don't fall for demagoguery. Because the majority believes a certain way doesn't make it right! The rulers can twist truth to fool the people. We need to discern. Discernment means to compare what's said to scripture.
  13. Never be jealous of other groups within society. If your neighbor has more than you and it was obtained legally, you're stealing if you want it confiscated. God tells us not to covet. If the rich have been treacherous in their prosperity, we are to love them. God tells us that He will be the one to heap hot coals upon their heads (he will punish).
  14. Drop that false idea that you “deserve” prosperity. You will be prosperous if you obey God, but if you don't, you're on your own. With jealousy, don't count on God to help you. He won't! (Many people who fail financially have this jealous attitude and narcissistic expectation that they deserve what they failed to earn). That's un-Christian.
  15. Turn to God in your need! By turning to politicians and the government you show little faith in God.
  16. Paying UNFAIR taxes is injustice. Jesus had no problem paying taxes, so some taxes are expected. The government is to be good stewards of God's wealth just as we are. If we fail to be good stewards, we deserve failure. Likewise, if the government is a poor steward of your contribution, it deserves to fail. Rome did fall. God heaped the coals on their heads!
  17. Look for those candidates who help with Christlike charities out of their won pocket. Generosity with the money of others is theft!
  18. Help with Christian charity yourself. When you see how God wants assistance to work, you'll see the error in forced assistance. We are to help those who can't help themselves and to assist those who are committed to success in their own life. (The Bible does not encourage support for the unmotivated, but for those willing),
  19. Never be a poor representative for your own viewpoint. Name-calling fails to change minds. Example, facts and scripture is God's way.
  20. Never support those who turn to violence and mob-rule. They are direly out of God's will. There is, however, “justified anger”. An example of that would be war to save the lives of the innocent, such as in Nazi Germany. It is wrong to turn our heads to collective evil.
  21. God doesn't intend for there to be discord between the genders and nationalities. Groups which separate the nation on either side are wrong. As the Klan is wrong, we must also recognize that feminism and special rights groups divide people. We need the rights guaranteed by natural law, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
  22. “Pursuit of happiness” doesn't insure “successful outcomes”. We propagate injustice and lackadaisical attitudes if we help those in their lethargy. Our help must be linked to effort! We give the chance to succeed. The helped must provide the action!
  23. By even joining with a party which propagtes evil we are accomplices in that evil. (Fresh water and salt water don't go together in God's view.)
There's so much more. We need to consider everything! Scripture will guide us if we seek truth. Anyone who votes a certain way because their parents did are basking in fantasy land. Parents can be and are wrong. Likewise, politics are dynamic. The parties of the twenty-first century are far cries from what they were even fifty years ago.
People vote because of name-recognition, popularity, fine-tuned speaking skills and even great smiles. As Christians we are called to support truth. To do that we have an obligation to study the issues, look at the records of the candidates and ask how they are to fulfill their promises. Any politician can promise a new society of some sort. In truth, they're spewing optimistic-sounding mantras to provide false hope in order to ensure their own election. Promises must be realistic goals... real and obtainable. Other promises are campaign spin.
In all things seek God. If you don't understand God's will, ask a godly person to guide you. If our nation returns to God, our nation will prosper! That's God's promise.

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