Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Method to this Madness

This commentary is political in nature, because as in every place, there is a spiritual war going on in politics. This thought comes to mind because sincere Christian people vote for candidates who are the opposite to what they themselves ascribe.

As Christians were are taught early on that Satan, aka the devil, aka Baal, aka the Prince of the Air, etc. is responsible for evil. One name we neglect oftentimes is that he is also Lucifer.
Isaiah 14:12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."
Lucifer is a "fallen angel" who does devilish things. He exalted himself above God and emulates God. As such he has communed with God, knows God and can act like God. As a created being he is less than the Creator, but God has given him authority. It's not Lucifer who did God's Plan, but God!

When Lucifer was created, it was before mankind came into existence. We have a history of the "seen", but know little of "the unseen". However, God doesn't change plans. He had in his foreknowledge that he would create mankind, and that for them to be more than mere automatons, they needed a choice in revering him. Lucifer was created to give mankind a choice, he didn't fall on his own, but he was a mere tool in God's plan for mankind, and he has little power. God didn't make him fall, but he allowed it!

Satan must travel "to and fro" to do his deception and he has as his helpers other fallen angels. Satan is free to use all manner of temptation, but Satan can never kill us if we're Christians! If we die it's because of God's will. (Read the Book of Job to see what God allows Lucifer to do.)

Therefore, Lucifer is part of God's plan for mankind. This commentary is on A Method to this Madness. Why do "good" people do "bad" things. Why do those who are supposed to be "righteous"  do unrighteous things and why does mankind know better than God?

We are all born with the same view of ourselves that Lucifer had! "I will be like the most High"! Lucifer declared. Knowing how he exalted himself Satan said to God's creation "ye shall be as gods" (Genesis 3:5). Note that in Isaiah 14:14 that Lucifer is a pretender to the throne. He wanted to be like "the most High", of God himself!  On the other hand he told Adam and Eve, that they shall be "as gods". In other words they were to be cheap imitations of what Lucifer pretended to be. Lucifer in essence declared himself "most High" and relegates God to subjection to him.

What Lucifer wants is for all his subjects to be as he is! His desire is for us to be "the other gods besides God" who do as he says. God has a Plan, but Lucifer does too. Lucifer knows his own limitations and knows the outcome. He knows God! However, even with defeat, he accepts a win if he can merely antagonize God! He knows that God won't fall, but his desire is to be just like the most High! Right now he SEEMS to be, because even weak Christians do his will. We are his individual gods whose role it is to antagonize God for him!
Ephesians 4:30 "And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."
Paul is speaking to Christians. Lucifer does deceive everybody to keep them from becoming Christians, but that's an easy feat because the soul of the wicked is empty of God's Spirit. Satan went to change Job, a righteous man, not some wicked tyrant who was already submissive to him! If Job had fallen for the temptation and succumbed to persecution, he would have "grieved the Holy Spirit", and with that done, Lucifer would be as "the most High". Lucifer failed his mission. (Job's temptation was a picture of Jesus' temptation to come much later). God is still on his throne and Satan is limited in what he can do! What is that? He can lie and deceive!
John 8:44  "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
The biggest lie that Satan ever told was in his character of Lucifer. It's called "the wall of separation of church and state". Lucifer deceived the fine hearts of Baptists to inspire Thomas Jefferson to write on this subject. It is NOT in the U.S. Constitution and neither did Jefferson write that document!  Jefferson merely supported the protection of Baptists from persecution by the established "state churches".  (Read my commentary at this link: THE LIE OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE)

Jefferson, being a Deist was a "good" man in secular terms, but much less than who most would consider to be a Christian! Lucifer used Jefferson to do what appeared to be "good" and Jefferson performed well. Now the U.S. government, most people, and even most churches fall for that lie! Satan did his "bad" deed (evil) by deception. He knows God well and he used "good" to bring about "evil". That's the "Madness" which is our malady! Christians fall to his method and become tools for him to endeavor to increase his own power.

Aren't we to turn to God in all things!
Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Yes! We even as we vote are to be in obedience to God, yet people still vote for candidates who propagate wicked policies and the agenda of the the evil one. They still vote the slate of those who are tools of Satan to undermine the most High! Of course none of the political parties are ordained by God, but each do a degree of what's right. The problem lies in the part platform of those parties who minimize the most High and aggrandize the less high!

For instance, a party whose platform is to abort babies and allow same-sex marriage may be progressive in secular eyes, but are quite regressive in God's eyes. Their platform is a mere pedestal to their god Lucifer and even many Christians, even the elect. are deceived by the propaganda "the party of the working man", "the charitable party" and the like. Satan always uses positive sounding themes to introduce evil. That's his job. His forte' is deception and he's extremely good at it!

Right now Lucifer us using Bernie Sanders as a pawn to further his agenda. What he promises sounds so good and charitable "free stuff for everybody"! People like free stuff because free stuff appeases their own little god, each of them. In order to sway even godly people, Lucifer waves the shiny object that is desire into our collective faces and many people take the bait! Wanting what others have without the effort is a very shiny object! I would rather have had that than all the work I had to succeed to be honest with the reader, but that's not God's will!

Socialism is a massive shiny object. It knows that it can SEEM to offer prosperity, giving a little bait, but it can never give the whole fish because in socialism there is no fish! They can only use the fish which capitalism grows!  Not only is socialism deceptive,  but he's a thief as well! Lucifer used socialism and it's appeal to our little god to make him like the most High!

In Lucifer's arsenal are many tactics. Here are some:

  • Evil always uses good things to deceive even Christians.
  • Lucifer twists the thinking of people to convince. Good aids in that.
  • Lucifer changes the focus of what we see. (For instance, rather than seeing the methods of socialism and it's disdain for Christianity, it's the charitable attitude on which people focus).
  • Unfairness is always a method to create unfairness. (For instance, taking what others worked hard for is theft and unfair, but income equality sounds fair to ignorant or deceived people).
  • Satan focus only on the possible positive outcomes (You will have more, but neglects to tell it's your own pockets from which it comes!)
  • Lucifer uses the young because they are more gullible. (The serpent caught Adam and Eve before they had been around for awhile and came to know God better. He still works that way!)
  • Lucifer uses propaganda to persuade. He uses words to convince and his words are powerful if not tested against God's will! He said "you won't surely die" although God said they would (Adam and Eve), so they did their sin. He tells the millennials, "The socialists won't do the evil things they always do this time. It'll be different for us!"
  • Lucifer has us forget! People tune out what Lucifer doesn't want them to hear. (For instance, in this modern age, they socialists won't persecute!" without regard that they always do!)
  • Lucifer points to what works, not the failures of socialist systems. (For instance Scandinavians have free health care and education, without mentioning that their tax rate is 60%).
  • Lucifer uses smooth words. He gives nice-sounding names to evil concepts (example: "pro-choice" for favoring death).
  • Lucifer teaches that his way provides freedom when in fact it enslaves. The freedom which socialism offers is sexual liberty guaranteed by abortion, freedom from the repression of Christianity, and the enjoyment of what the masses have. It neglects to mention the regulation which comes with all that false freedom and the victims in the bondage of freedom! Their ideology is to "do what is right in your own eyes", but never mentions that it has to be "what's right in the eyes of the state"! Their eyes are controlled by Lucifer who laughs at naive people putting on his glasses!
  • I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Socialism is a evil tool to undermine the Most High!
Now for the crux of the problem! Christians are turning to socialism. They even think that there is a difference between the socialism of Bernie Sanders and that of Hillary Clinton. It's documented history that communists turned to the Democrat Party in 1969 as little different than what they believed. As time went by the Democrats are now the socialists. If not where are all the capitalists and conservatives to be found in that party? They aren't there!

The question for the naive Christians and the malleable young Americans, the  millennials, is this "What do you know about socialism?"  Read my commentary (link below) of The Communist Manifesto and what Marx said about it being just as well The Socialist Manifesto!

Christians must read this! Those who vote for Democrats are voting socialist and even against their own most High God! If the Republicans are repugnant to you, then just don't vote. This is not a defense of the Republican Party, but a repudiation of the socialism for which Democrats stand!

There is "A Method to this Madness" and it's the method of Lucifer. Consider how he may be using you to advance his cause.

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