Friday, October 21, 2011

Marijuana is the “Soma” of This “Brave New World”
I am astounded! An actual candidate for he office of President of the United States” is for the legalization of drugs! What's more, he's a medical doctor. I suspect that he's been out of practice way too long. Unlike Bill Clinton who “smoked, but didn't inhale”, I've never smoked marijuana and I've never used illicit drugs of any kind. However, I've lived with the consequences of drug usage most of my life. Drugs are a cancer to society and a destroyer of lives. Families are annihilated and jobs are estirpated!
Of special concern to me is the public's attitude about marijuana. Although Americans have now been educated as to the dangers of smoking cigarettes, marijuana is in vogue as the “suicide of choice”. Let's look into the statistics of each.
How many deaths from tobacco per year? “In the USA about 438,000 people die from smoking-related illnesses per year. Overall, cigarette smoking accounts for about 30% of cancer deaths. Of every 5 deaths in the USA, 1 is caused from smoking.” (According to the American Cancer Society). Cancer isn't cool, smoking isn't cool and breathing another's smoke isn't cool. If that many soldiers had been killed in the Middle East both Bush and Obama would have been hung by the neck until dead! Fortunately, Americans have finally listened to the facts; the wheeze of lung cancer, the dieing words of loved ones and the pungent odor of death hovering all around us. We have wised up!
As cigarette smoking is now considered stupid and selfish by almost all Americans now, the legalized smoking of marijuana is being touted as the best solution to the problem. According to the latest reports (as heard on Foxnews) 50% of the American people are in favor of the legalization of marijuana. (If 85% of Americans believe in God, that means at least 42.5% of Christians think it's okay to get high!) The solution to marijuana use is this: If Americans have to have a crutch, tax it. Make a profit from the weaknesses of the people. However, there will never be enough tax revenue to repair the ills to society if widespread use of marijuana is accepted. As for me, I will never accept marijuana in my house or any other illicit drug. I hate what drugs do to people!
The lies of the devil:
  • People “experiment” with marijuana.
  • Marijuana is the only helpful drug for cancer and glaucoma.
  • Marijuana isn't addicting and is only habit forming. Thus, is not a “drug”.
  • My own personal drug use is my business. It's my choice and isn't hurting anyone else.
  • Although some people who use marijuana go on to harder drugs, most people don't.
  • Marijuana isn't dangerous to your health.
  • Marijuana helps me make contact with God.
  • We should tax the use of marijuana. People are going to use it anyway.
  • The Bible doesn't say anything about marijuana use.
Much of my knowledge about drug use (which marijuana is) comes from the interaction of family members, friends, a well-known drug rehabilitation program as well as personal research on the subject and interviews with users. I have applied what my education in “Family Systems Therapy” teaches about dysfunctional families as well as my knowledge of the Bible, God's Word. Some of this is at odds with the medical community, but I've lived with it where many of the scientists have not.
The young don't “experiment” with marijuana. They aren't scientists. They're users headed for trouble! Many of these so-called scientists are elementary and middle school age. They are victims of irresponsible adults. The term “experiment” is a lie and intelligent people must avoid such newspeak.
Each lie (above) can be addressed. States such as California where marijuana is sold legally (Illegally according to Federal Law) Pot Shops are on about every corner many are side by side. It's obvious that most of the drug which is sold is for recreational use and so-called doctors are making millions by issuing false prescriptions. Furthermore, THC which is the main ingredient and the so-called “helpful” ingredient could be provided in legitimate drug stores and its use controlled. Likewise, the person who sells and buys the drug are criminals since it is against Federal Law to traffic in marijuana.
Experts say that marijuana is habit-forming, but not addicting. This is the greatest lie! If gambling and compulsive sex is addicting (according to them) why would a compulsive need for marijuana not be addicting since by definition that's what addiction means. If you regularly smoke marijuana you're a drug addict! Do you feel good about yourself, addict? Marijuana is one of the most dangerous drugs due to lives it ruins, motivation it steals, families it disrupts and crime it breeds. If you buy marijuana you are supporting the scum of the earth criminals and you're an accessory to the crime. Furthermore, the next victim may be your child, nephew, niece or grade-school friend. Drug pushers don't care from where their money comes. You are an accomplice in ruining innocent lives if you favor marijuana legalization or use it!
Some claim what they do in the privacy of their home is protected by the 1st Amendment. The proper way to determine that is through the court system. No rights such as that exist because all drug use effects others. Many pot heads are the same ones who want free health care. What a contradiction! Drug use is a multitude of times more destructive to your health, both physiologically and psychologically. Marijuana has eighteen times more tar than cigarettes. “Doctored” marijuana is full of chemical trash. You don't know what you're getting.
According to the “Partnership for a Drug Free America” short term marijuana effects your memory, learning ability, problem-solving activity, motivation, and muscle activity. More severe consequences are rapid heart-rate, anxiety, coughing and breathing problems. Like cigarettes marijuana is a carcinogen and even more so than cigarettes. The euphoria and blaise the smoker is seeking is dangerous in itself. Pot heads are on the highway with you and your family and the user is a killer ready to happen. Their response is much slower and they have a false sense of confidence, some even saying that they have telepathic abilities to change red lights to green!
The most destructive consequence of early marijuana use is a stunting of emotional growth. Many adults who have used marijuana since childhood have the emotional age of children. Rather than handling problems in a mature manner, they make the stress go away with the miracle of THC. Sluggish reaction time can cause safety dangers on the job. This is especially true on the farm and in industry.
Marijuana breeds crime! From where does the unmotivated get the funds to buy the drug? Quite often it's by theft. I've had neighborhood teens break into my own house to feed their marijuana desires. I've had family members steal money from me and visitor's belongings while they're in my home. Users are often pushers to get funds for their own habits. Often they buy marijuana and “dilute” it for profit by adding other ingredients, often PCP. You never know for sure what's being smoked and brain damage may result. The cost of crime becomes high and insurance costs go up.
Who's to pay the medical costs of all these self-indulgent losers. Many are a burden to us all because medical costs rise as well as insurance rates. Can you imagine the increased cost to society if marijuana is legalized? Using the argument that with alcohol prohibition failed is just stupid … has the current alcohol policy been successful? Any thinker knows the answer. It's been a dismal failure!
Some say that few people who use marijuana go on to harder drugs. That's just foolish thinking. Marijuana reduces inhibitions and the user, even casually, may have no knowledge of what else is consumed. Those using any drug seek a higher thrill. Some marijuana users have been to parties where all kinds of drugs are served on the dining table. Why? Pushers want you to get addicted. It's the love of money which feeds drug selling. Murdering crime bosses in inter-cities and foreign countries are being supported by the fun-loving American user. You become an accomplice to murder! Of course users don't think clearly so they never consider all this!
Marijuana is the “soma” of the “Brave New World”. Soma was the drug Aldous Huxley used in his book to demonstrate how people cope. Marijuana does the same. Here are some quotes from the book:
"All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects."
"..there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon..."
"you do look glum! What you need is a gramme of soma."
Soma was an extract used in the Vedic religions to communicate with Hindu gods. Christianity doesn't require drug inducement to communicate with God. In fact Christianity requires a clear mind!
2 Timothy (ESV ) 4:5 “As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
You have an obligation to God to come to Him with all your faculties intact. Praying while “high” would be the exception indeed because you're by definition being self-indulgent! You are too lethargic to even consider the true God, but open yourself to infiltration of evil spirits. Scripture warns of opening of the mind in meditation and marijuana removes the suit of armor which the Holy Spirit provides. In fact your body belongs to God and if you smoke dope you're in disrespect to your creator:
1 Corinthians (ESV) 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
You are to do what is “pure” and “commendable” in praising God. There is nothing pure nor commendable about being a pot head. While God still loves you He is surely disappointed in you. You seek temporal pleasure over eternal joy. You break the 1st commandment because you have a new God. Rather than being a servant to Christ you are a slave to “Mary Jane”! As you go through this life oblivious of your own existence, you're wasting the one earthly life you have and have little chance of repenting so you can at least live in eternity. Your soul is at stake and demons are fighting to have you! Focus on the following verse. Are you living according to God's plan for you?
Philippians (ESV) 4:8 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. “
Raising taxes by feeding on the addictions of the people is evil. How can you fight the evil which supports the people? Taxing condones. It's saying “Go ahead. It's all right!” In effect the government is taking money out of the user's pocket through taxes and paying for the increased costs to society. It's in effect a “stupid tax” and if you use marijuana you're just stupid! Chances are your smarts were stolen when you were too young to understand your destiny. You have been lied to! Satan deceives and you have inadvertently become a pawn in the hand of decadence.
Some users may rationalize their use by saying “The Bible doesn't mention marijuana!”. The Bible doesn't mention a lot of things, but they're still wrong. Behaviors associated with marijuana use are prevalent throughout the Bible starting with the 1st Commandment! Furthermore, if you're a Christian, your body belongs to God and you are irreverent to contaminate it. God has strict rules on spiritual cleanliness which quite easily rules out the use of marijuana.
In summary, if you are a user you should pray for deliverance from your enslavement because that's what you are; a vulnerable slave to a weed! If you believe in legalization your thought processes need serious examination. You may not care if your grandkids are pot heads, but I care about mine and your indulgent little snakes influence my kids and grandkids. If you naively support irrational habits because you never take the time to consider the truth, I can tell you where to find Truth … The Bible. I pray for the ones I love quite often and hope that someday they will respond to God and his love. I've had to learn to cope by turning my head, but I still have faith in them and pray.
I have never seen a daily user quit drugs on their own. I have seen even hard drug users quit “cold-turkey” by giving their lives to Jesus! My own bad habit of “smoking legal cigarettes” was quashed by my Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Users, call on God to eliminate your desire. For those who propagate legalization, pray for divine guidance.

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