Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The War on Women... The War on Men

There is a "War on Women", but often forgotten is "The War on Men". Some people belittle women, but even more condemn men. We're at an age when being of the male gender is a cancer on society. It's there, considered malignant and every endeavor is made to shrink manhood to levels which can be contained!

On top of the "War on Men" is "The War on Caucasians". It's part of the malignancy. In this age, being white isn't a ticket to success, but unless one is apologetic for being what he is, whiteness is  symptomatic of the cancer of male dominance.

After I graduated from one of the top engineering colleges of the time, it was to bring me success because those from there had always been successful. Over time, however, this male bastion of whiteness was no longer in vogue. It had become a victim of social justice. Thereafter, being from this college was a curse. It assured almost automatic resentment because it had been the venue of successful engineers and managers of times past. Because this was my alma mater, people blamed me and my college for their failures.  As a white male engineering graduate from this prestigious college, I was at a disadvantage! My company sought minorities, women from second rate schools to employ and promote. Personnel told me that if I was Jewish, female and black, that I would be assured of success! No mention was made of qualifications.

Therefore, "The War on Men" is multi-faceted. It's really "A War on Success" because the tradition of men as bread winners made society successful!  Those who desire "social justice" and a "leveling of the playing field" propagate the elimination of motivation, achievement, and ability in favor of "fairness". A "fair chance" is acceptable, but "fairness" at the expense of being unfair, is a travesty. If one was disadvantaged in past competitions, it's unfair to rig the outcome on present competitors. Why should Caucasians be penalized because a few white people owned slaves. That was long ago!

Why should men of this era, because some men were unfair to women in the past, and some of that "unfairness" was beneficial to females, be penalized?  Men worked hard in the coal mines so that their wives did not have to do so! Men plowed the fields so women could nourish the children. Men and women were serving the roles God intended!

Adam's role was to toil and to tend to the garden. It was to be hard work. Eve's job assignment was to nourish the family and be a helper to Adam. If that seems unfair, blame them! Blame Adam and Eve. God was merely meting out justice for their disobedience. Much scripture speaks of teamwork and unity in being a family. Each serve roles which complement one another!

Men still disobey God! When men fail to be the provider and head of the house, women take on new roles. They did that because of weak men. For doing so, they are strong women, but each are still women and men. Women are to be credited for taking charge when the male figure failed to do so! Even many churches live on because some men were weak in their commitment to Christ. Women must be credited for their perseverance and strength! However, that is not what God intended, and is a result of the man failing to "tend to the garden" .

Women are victims of a war. "Tradition" (read that Christianity) placed them in assigned gender roles. Men, because of their elite position, are blamed. There is also "A War on Men". The western world, the bastion of free enterprise, was ruled by whites. Because of past injustice, the tradition of male authority is out of vogue. Men and authority are being warred upon and women who are traditional are victims of that same war!

Why war against anyone? "By dividing" is the path to conquering! One should wonder: Who is dividing and who is trying to conquer? Since God desires us to love one another and he is the source of traditional roles, then the war is against God! Who wants to defeat God?
Isaiah 14:12-15 (ESV)  “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star (Satan), son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit."
Satan wants God's authority. It is his desire to rule he heavens as he now rules the earth!
1 John 5:19 (ESV) "We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one."
The devil is described elsewhere as "Prince of the air". The devil rules the world right now for a time until he's thrown down by God.  It's not that he has power, but because an all powerful God allows him to wonder to and fro to test our faith. Most people cave-in to the devil at their own peril. He deceives the world!

Because their is "A War Against God", it is fought in separate fronts. The War on Women, The War on Men, The War on Whites, The War on Blacks, The War on Capitalism, The War on Tradition are all part of the great "War Against God"! Because of this war, women and men become enemies, blacks and whites are inspired to hate one another and an unjust society is taught to hate capitalism, tradition and what was founded on the precepts of God!

There is a tool for "The War on God". Likewise, the author of this tool was an anti-Christ. He came to pave the way for The Anti-Christ who shall come in an attempt to enslave the entire world and proclaim HIMSELF as God. It's strange that the one who champions women in the wars of the sexes is himself a man! That's because he deceives. He cares little about women, but only his own power and glory! Women fall for the lie and so do men! Blacks fall for the lie and so do whites!

An anti-Christ of which I speak is Karl Marx and his tool is socialism! Marx waged war on Christianity, the church, capitalism, freedom, tradition, industry, property, men, families, marriage and even success. All these are institutions of God and to defeat God, their is "A War on Everything Godly"!

Socialism uses gender, success, property, tradition and even church doctrine to divide. His writings prepare the way for the communism of The Anti-Christ! Satan's henchman, Marx, is responsible for The War on Women, The War on Men, The War on Minorities, and The  War on anything he wants to divide. "Social justice" isn't a matter of concern. It's a mere tool for division. If the progressives, a wealthy and educated demographic group, are so concerned about the good of the downtrodden, they would give of themselves without forcing everyone else to do their charity for them. It's of no concern to progressives that the downtrodden get trodden on so they can deride tradition and God!

The church is part of the war. There is a "War on the Church". Marx and the devil want the church split. Those progressive churches which adopt social doctrine (aka Marxism) into their tenets are false churches and are tools used to destroy Christianity. When a church condones same-sex marriage, who smiles? Socialists and Satan!  When churches allow women preachers who smiles? Marx and the devil!

I believe the first sin was the serpent's "War on Women and Men". The devil tried to separate the sexes. He did just that!  Eve took the male ordained role of priest and negotiated with the devil while Adam merely watched and allowed Eve to lead.  I often contend that this was the first incidence of feminism, it is of the devil and Adam was the first incidence of a man being a wuss! Eve was punished because she assumed the role of leader and Adam because he let her!

This "War on Women": "War on Men" are both a "War on God"! Satan instills racial hatred, Christian hatred, and jealousy of success as his tools. He cares little for homosexuals, but just as Hitler did, the devil uses homosexuality as a tool to divide. There is a "War on Homosexuals", but they are mere pawns in a greater war! They appear to be soldiers the devil likes until his goals are achieved. Then just as Hitler's "Night of the Long Knives" the knife will be used against those who have same-sex relationships!

Christians are battling against homosexuality because that behavior is a way to demean God! It's a mere tool in Satan's tool box to divide and conquer. Churches fall for that deceit often and it's getting more prevalent. When the "tool" ceases to be useful, it will be tossed into the junk pile and a new tool shall be constructed! Look for polygamy, sibling marriage and even bestiality to become issues for society in this New World Order! They already are in some western countries.

I know who wins! The devil will be cast into the fiery pit. I will not ally myself with the devil because to do so is to die the second death. Christians must be discerning: Who is to gain by all this social justice? It's not the evangelical Christians who demand it, but those who demean God and rebel from what God commands.

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