Monday, August 20, 2018

Without Firing a Shot

    Nikita Khruschev, during the Cold War added to his earlier words, "I once said, 'We will bury you,' and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." Implied is that the Russian people will not fire a shot, as is often misquoted, but socialism will destroy America from within. Americans will be their own destruction! Where did Comrade Krushchev get that notion? From Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto, which Marx admitted is the socialist manifesto!
     Right this moment, Americans are burying freedom from within. Krushchev was prophetic as well as more honest than American liberals! His ideal was socialism, and he ruled with the iron fist (actually a hard shoe which he hammered on a podium). He propagated socialism openly! 
     On the other hand, because they are ashamed of National and Bolshevik Socialism, American socialists are covert. Since the days of Teddy Roosevelt there has always been a "deep state" attempting to bury America. Krushchev was wrong on one point: He said it would be our own "working class" which would destroys America from within! That's not happening; it's mostly the non-working class - those people who desire free things! During the administration of our first outright socialist president, there was nearly the same percentage receiving as working. Let that be said in words easy to understand: "If you worked, you were supporting two families!" That is near slavery which is indeed the "road to serfdom". Socialism is the same corrupt institution it replaced!
     Recently, "progressives", heretofore known as liberals, have come out of their closet. Before, they depended on creeping socialism to create change. The liberals in government used the American process against ourselves! That tactic was easy: The liberals introduced extreme legislation then compromised on less. With that initiative in place, the next move was to introduce even more extreme legislation then settle on less. The United States is nearly as socialistic as China as naïve Americans bury ourselves. How does that come about? Americans like free things and settle for socialist crumbs while thinking they are getting a rich cake. Compromise is the strategy of socialism; force the tool of communism!
     Liberals depend on the stupidity of the American people! That was said by the Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber. Conservatives, as Hillary accused, may be "a basket of deplorables", because, indeed, we are deplorable to liberals. However, Gruber called his own liberals stupid people! They are those who Krushchev foretold would bury America! Yes, stupid people are burying America and the rate is accelerating. Now communists are coming out of the closet as progressives openly admit that they are really socialists. 
     Socialism is when Marxists use rules of order to achieve their ideology. Communism is the same ideology, but after persuasion fails. The difference between the two is the violence which must be used to create change. Socialists use persuasion which is riddled with deception. Communists use violence, caring little whether people are deceived or not. At this moment, the Marxist curtain is being torn asunder. Although the iron curtain fell years ago and freedom came to eastern Europe, the iron curtain is just now falling as Marxists openly propagate European-type of serfdom. They are the true "basket of deplorables". Krushchev called them out!
     Why are Americans stupid? Because they don't know history! Socialism is and always has been deplorable. Socialism leads to one of two things: (1) repressive autocracies whose leaders are dictators, or when it fails, (2) to capitalism as Marxists learn the futility of socialistic ideas. Why so? People can only be fooled for a short time as nations sink (case 1), or the fact that socialism cannot create wealth becomes apparent to stupid people (case 2).
     Liberals are more crass than God. The former call their herd "stupid".  God calls stupid people fools! 
Prov 26:3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back. 4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him... 11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
     Those who will bury America are the fools of which God spoke. Socialism is living the lie. Living the lie is folly. Socialism uses fools to advance their ideology; communism use rods on fools' backs. Why would wise people desire a government which enslaves them? They know it has failed time after time, but fools still struggle for a Utopia built by men! It doesn't exist. However, God will provide a utopian Paradise:
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
     The mansion of which Jesus spoke is the paradise of Heaven. It is the Utopia all wise people seek! The facilities there are rich; Jesus called our place a mansion in his Father's House. That is the place those who are born-again have hope! That is the place that Adam and Eve desired to turn from since what they had was not quite utopian enough! I believe the Kingdom of David is Eden, and the Garden Jerusalem. (Read many of my earlier blogs about that.)  During the Exodus from Egypt - the land of sin whose Pharaoh was symbolic of Satan - the Hebrews headed toward "paradise":
Exod 20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.
     The Word was seldom forthcoming about who He IS! It seems that Jesus realized that those who know him would recognize him! Sure, God was telling Moses about the land of Canaan - the land of milk and honey, but he was at the same time revealing Paradise in Heaven! He was taking the Hebrews to a place He had prepared! The Israelites thought they were going to a paradise. They were sadly mistaken. Paradise would come in the end! We know from John 14:2 that their real destination was the Father's House with its many mansions! How so? The Way to Paradise is by God's Name - Jesus! He mentioned that to Moses.
     The Jews weren't headed to Canaan for their comfort, but so that Jesus could be born there to save mankind. That was the Abrahamic Covenant. Their final destination was by the Way of Jesus to a paradise in Heaven. Canaan was just a place of temporary provisional safety until Heaven comes down and New Jerusalem replaces old Jerusalem.
     Any physical place on earth is merely temporary whether it claims to be utopian or not. Marxism is a false promise. Their god is false, and their promises fool even Christians, just as scripture says (Mark 13:32). Marxism is a religion and Marx its false god. Those who propagate socialism such as Alexandria Orteso-Cortez, Bill de Blazio, and  Cynthia Nixon are false prophets! Hollywood is full of false prophets and the universities full of false teachers! They are the  "stupid Americans" of the elitists, and Satan's fools whose fantastical world is folly!
     Socialism is a religion. It was propagated as such by Marx whose ideal was that it would be anti-religion. Socialism is anti-Christianity and its adherents are antichrists! Just as Hitler claimed to be a Christian in his rise, it was not long before he showed his true religion: his god was himself. Socialism is a conglomeration of individual gods who want what appeases each of them. Socialism does appease to gain converts. Their way of proselytizing is no different than Joel Osteen's or even the Scientologists who promise a better world. Their promise is a paradise without God. Christians call that anti-Paradise "Hell". It is not utopia which they will have but torment. The foolish need to beware in what their hope lies!

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