Monday, July 29, 2019


Important events in His Story:
  1. God started His work: God created mankind in His image, not perfect as God, but "very good" (Gen 1:31). The imperfection was free will.
  2. By free will mankind failed God by transgressing. (Gen 3:6).
  3. God covered mankind's sin for the first time (Gen 3:21).
  4. God made a covenant with mankind to Adam and Eve; that Eve's seed (Jesus) would defeat the Serpent (Gen 3:14).
  5. Mankind continued trespassing. (Rom 5:12)
  6.  God said that He would provide living water. Moses tried to provide lifesaving water from rock on his own. (Num 20:11). Mankind still tries that. 
  7.  The people endeavor to save themselves from serpents but die. (Num 21:6) 
  8.  God saves them by showing the Serpent dead on his "tree". Thy trusted God's power rather than their own and were safe. (Num 21:9) 
  9.  Blood and water provides salvation (1 John 5:6). Jesus provides living water (John 14:10) by shedding his blood on the rock. (John 19:34). Jesus flesh died, but God still lives on. The Serpent died vicariously (Luke 22:3) on his tree when Judas hanged himself (Mat 27:5). That was what the brass serpent on the pole represented. (Num 21:9). According to Jesus, the only "must be in the New Testament is to be born again (John 3:7). That, according to Jesus is seeing the Serpent as if dead on his tree (John 3:14)
  10.  Jesus was crucified, his Spirit was transformed into the Holy Ghost (John 7:39) who he gave up, and it was finished (John 19:30). The spirit of the Serpent was crucified when Jesus died. Satan's desire was usurped (Rev 20:7-9); his plan to reign on God's throne (Isa 14:12).
     That's it - from start to finish. After that, it depends on what anyone does with Event #9. Why would we do that? "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that none should perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

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