Friday, September 27, 2019


This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, “See not;” and to the prophets, “Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.” Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, “Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon: Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant.” (Isa 30:9-13)

  Seers and prophets are mentioned therein. In Hebrew, “seers” are ra’ah and prophets chozeh. Ra’ah behold and advise what comes from divine revelation. Chozeh see or mentally perceive divine information, and surely pass it along (Strongs’ Dictionary.) The only difference is that “seers” always see and “prophets” comprehend divine information. Neither are strictly “prophets” in that prophesy shares the future.
  Of course, seeing and comprehending is oftentimes of future events but is not limited to it. For some reason, scripture distinguishes between the two, but later on “prophet” is mostly used, I suppose, because seers became corrupt as they quit providing divine insights but their own. The New Testament (NT)uses the Greek word “prophetes,” obviously for “prophet.” The NT does not use the word “seer” at all.
  Prophets, indeed, see future events as “pro” means “beforehand” in the Greek. It would seem that seers were less specialized as they saw information given from the divine for the present.
Prophets advise. Thus, prophesy serves two functions: seeing God’s will by inspiration in advance, and advising the people using the information received. They are messengers from God. Jesus was referred to as a “prophet” (Mat 21:11). That makes sense since he was God’s “mediator” (1 Tim 2:5). Jesus was The Messenger and The Angel of God since “angel” means “messenger.” Prophets are angels, then, not by birth but by inspiration.
  Isaiah was told to “get out of the way” (from the key verses). The Jews were saying, “We do not want to hear from God!” That is rebellion and Isaiah rightfully said, “This is a rebellious people.” From whom were they rebelling? Not from Isaiah but his message.
Although Jesus was from Nazareth and was a Nazarene, he too was rejected by his own rebellious people. Isaiah’s rejection was a foreshadowing of the rejection of Jesus in that prophet Isaiah spoke the Word of Prophet Jesus!
  What message from Jesus did they not want to hear? The Law (Hebrew Torah Torah) of the Lord. The Law is God’s precepts. “Precepts,” in this case, are God’s Principles, and of course are God’s Will for mankind. What makes them NOT laws is that they are voluntary, of course with repercussions. In the New Testament, they remain God’s Will, but Christians are expected only to harmonize their own will to God’s Will. Doing the Law without revering God is worthless. It is the human will that prevents from keeping The Law, and respecting the Law! Jesus came not to change The Law but to provide a new attitude about His Will.
  “Love is fulfilling of the law” (Rom 13:10). That means that The Ten Commandments are not commandments at all, but an itemization of how to love God and others – The Greatest Commandment and the one like unto it (Mat 22:36-4), wherein Jesus made it clear that he was referring to The Ten Commandments which were prescriptions for eternal healing!
  It was not Isaiah the Jews hated; it was God’s Will revealed through the words of Jesus from The Word Himself – Jesus by Name! They hated Jesus without a cause before Jesus even came into the world as flesh and blood. Isaiah was foretelling Jesus’s own words:

But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause. (John 15:25)

  People still hate without causation! They always will. People hate some because of gender, race, nationality, beliefs, and such things. Christians have been and will be persecuted to the end. Overcoming persecution for God’s Name (Jesus) is the Way to eternal life. Christians must endure hatred to the end! (Note that love is not toleration but desiring that “none shall perish;” John 3:16).
We are now in a period of hatred without causation. Isaiah was also prophesying of later times when he advised: “This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord.”
  The Law is the Will of the Lord and our somewhat righteous founders based our law – the U.S. Constitution – on mostly just (right) natural law which was derived from the Law of God. Now we’re seeing a rebellious people on a daily basis, not truly hating the administration but what’s right itself. They are hating the man Trump without causation.
  Actually, Isaiah was endeavoring to “drain the swamp” in Judah. It had been awash with rebellious people who disliked, no hated, The Law. There was a spiritual revolution in progress when Isaiah spoke to his people, but they were dead-set on doing things their way without obedience to the Law of the Land. The same exists today; rebellious people have taken the law into their own hands by disregarding the law of the land and doing what they will.
  The Jews got their king “impeached,” as he was overthrown by malevolent foreign forces and his eyes put out. The Jews suffered the consequences of their rebellion; they were enslaved for seventy years. They got what they wished for – an anarchy.
Socialism is anarchy; it is people doing what is right in their own eyes, never fearing that it is self-destructive. They hate the American way so badly that they are willing to destroy the republic and commit hari kari on themselves. That’s what the Jews did, and what the progressives (regressive socialists) are wont to do.
  It all goes back to Satan. Marx was his emissary, and he said that religion as nothing more than interference to the will of the masses. Isaiah and Jesus interfered with what the Jews and Nazarenes wanted to do. In the end, what was that? They desired to kill God? Why? He was hated without a cause… other than they pursued emancipation from His authority.
  The social war in the West at the moment is a movement, not against Trump, but against God and His precepts. Trump is hated without a cause for endeavoring to “drain the swamp” of malefactors just as Isaiah attempted to do. Beware the enemy within for “he” is us!
  Socialism is rebellion wherein selfish people attempt to be their own gods without rules or regulations. Just as with the Jews who were put in bondage, foolish left-wing Americans vote for their own enslavement. It is not really Trump they hate, but Jesus without a cause! Jesus is always victimized; always was and always will be.

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