Friday, January 24, 2020


  Psychologists are always at work. They want you to believe in psychology. Unknown to you, they analyze your every word; that is the psychology of psychology!
  FACT: Not even psychotherapists claim they can fix your psychological condition. Why? They can’t; they depend on you to fix yourself as they guide you on uncharted paths. If one road doesn’t lead to bliss, then they merely switch “roads.” They call that eclecticism, but perhaps it is guessing.
  FACT: You cannot fix yourself. Oftentimes the most maladjusted are too “sick” to know they are abnormal. After all, “normal” in these politically correct days, is however one defines himself. (Excuse me for my sexism and transphobia for using a gender specific pronoun, but frankly, cupcake, I don’t give a darn to paraphrase Rhett Butler.
  FACT: Psychology can at best guide you to contentment in your abnormality. (Excuse me again, cupcake, for nothing is abnormal anymore.) For instance, if anyone feels guilty because of some stronghold, then rather than defeat the stronghold, merely embrace it; to get comfortable being abnormal.
  EVIDENCE: God can fix you, and save you from abnormality.
  EVIDENCE: A changed personality: a new attitude of joy, hope, and love in thanks for the change.    Many Christians have experienced that. Most should have! For example, my friend Phil was a drug dealer, user, and member of the mafia. He smoked anything, hated everyone, and had no apathy for anyone’s suffering. His only faith was in his mafia “family.” In one counseling session with Pastor Mellish, Phil changed and remains the new Phil. My own assessment was that Phil was “fixed” by someone, and both of us credit Jesus! I guarantee; if Jesus can fix Phil, he can fix you.
  Psychology is based on the philosophy of rational thought and logic. To be honest, the thought of an unseen God who lives in an unseen world is not rational. Reason is based on tangible evidence, and most people associate tangibility with the five senses or some type of measurement system.
  Christianity provides the intangible; it is a feeling of contentment because the Christian knows his future (sorry about the sexist pronoun again – not).  As a Christian, one should savor the Savior. “Savor” in this context is to delight in the hope that Jesus provides.
  Psychology, as the study of the soul, is a religion which offers only temporary hope. Christianity, on the other hand, offers eternal hope. Hope is the fix for despair. Inevitably, there is usually one root cause for any malfunction. Despair for most people is either having no place to go in the afterlife, or knowing that they deserve and will obtain eternal punishment. Psychologists can’t fix that; they can merely acclimate someone to that as inevitable, or dope them up so they can face the future much as a zombie would a zombie hunter.

  Personally, I once admired psychologists and their seemingly secret knowledge. To be truthful, I thought that they could fix things that even God could not. I thought they could see into the mind and have all the solutions to life’s problems.
  I was overwhelmed with disappointment when I majored in family counseling. I could hang my shingle, pay the state for certification, and practice on you tomorrow. However, I larned nothing from my education that could fix you. However, I could just take your money for experimenting! Why do people call doctors and counselors “practitioners?” Because therapy is not a sure thing. Therapists practice on people with problems. If that does not sound unethical to you, perhaps you will bring a highly valued car to me to practice fixing it while you pay big money for my education.

  Why are clients called “patients?” It is obvious from the waiting room, that clients are usually quite impatient. Is it all a façade? They are patients because they patiently wait on being fixed. Medical doctors actually perform quite well, but how can one tell when the mind is fixed? What is the standard? How is deviation from the standard measured? Oftentimes, the America Psychiatric Association (APA) merely sets a new standard when they can fix the problem. For instance, homosexuality was at one time abnormal behavior. Because they could not fix it, they merely made it normal! That is the way political correctness was born. If the professionals can’t fix it, just change the standard! Then, if God fixes them which He can and does, just make laws where Christian counselors can’t teach abnormal people how to be normal. (They do that, by the way.)
  Psychology’s reference book is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). It is the manual of abnormal psychology. Within its covers are nothing more than the philosophies of men which Paul warned about when he wrote, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Col 2:8). The prognosis for abnormality is dim when the standards are different from right standards.
  In the DSM, homosexuality is not an abnormal behavior. Psychologists corrected their error that it was when they were picketed by homosexuals. It was easier for those with aberrant behavior if they did not work at changing those behaviors. So as to not offend abnormal people, psychologists merely complied with their fantasy viewpoint of their reality. They are stuck in abominable behavior, and there was only two ways to go: fix the abnormality or make the abnormality normal.
 The Christian Handbook of Normality is the Holy Bible. It was not written by a committee, but by the inspired word of God. It’s the book of expected behaviors and attitudes, foremost an attitude of love. Since love is difficult, psychologists merely push tolerance. Think about that; I don’t love my wife, but I can tolerate her! Tolerance, which is their fix, doesn’t fix them or you. However, God offers both positive and negative reinforcements for good behavior – a promised reward or a sure punishment.
  Why are we seeing so many “new normals?” Because the world is in chaos. There are so many sick people that they can’t be helped, let alone fixed. I read some time ago where the APA has written that adult-child sexual relationships are healthy in some cases. Healthy for whom? Who decides when and if it is healthy? Will some cases soon be most cases? The way sin works is much like cracking the door for a cat. If its cracked enough for one cat to come in, unless it is slammed shut, many more cats may follow.
  Remember the argument for abortion? It was to be safe and rare, and for the health of the mother. The cracked door is now wide-open. Abortion for any reason is the new norm. The same goes for any abnormality. If same-sex people can get married, what door will stop polygamy, adult-child marriages, man-beast marriages, and such abnormal things?
  Unless you are an ostrich, since 2008, the door has been swung wide open. Any aberrant behavior is the new normal. People hate in the name of love, are intolerant in the name of tolerance, and everyone is divided into classes by some unknown person or persons. Just as Paul declared the Greeks “unknown god” to them, let me declare your unknown god. Paul declared that God was not the philosophers, but Jesus Christ. Philosophy is the “father” of psychology.  Your “god” is the love of your own wisdom, but my God is the Omniscient One.
  Philosophers never fixed anything but their rantings have led to chaos. God fixes chaos and instills within people, true wisdom. Now think rationally: Are you fixed, or are you in despair when you are alone and take time to think? I was, but God fixed that. Hope is the metric for healing. Hope is not hoping so, but already seeing the prize as if it is in hand. Be honest; as a human being, do you not want to forever exist? As a youth, whenever I thought of a universe without me, I had a feeling of fatalness. Now, when I admit that I can’t fix me, and neither can psychologists, but Jesus can and will, then I am as if already fixed. My mind and soul are together again in perpetuity. I like that feeling of security, but vain philosophy does nothing but play mental tricks on people.
  The first "philosopher" was a cunning snake. He used reason to provide hope. Soon after, reality set in, and then God stepped up to the plate. He removed guilt and despair from two psychotic (troubled souls) people (who thought they were gods), and made them well again! Jesus is the One that heals. He came to the world to permanently and entirely heal the spiritually sick. Psychosis is not mental illness but a spiritual deficiency. It is a malady of aloneness, a living soul that needs a dose of Holy Spirit.

  Below is a picture of analytical psychologist, Karl Jung. I credit him with "political correctness"foremost above other theorists. His philosophy was much like the Gnostics of ancient days. Gnosticism was a new-time religion in apostolic times. Jungian Psychology is a redux of that old time religion.

Image result for picture of carl jung"
Karl Jung - credit

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