Saturday, May 30, 2020



  Pontius Pilate had Jesus crucified, but those responsible for his death were the Jewish “Deep State” — those who castigated and crucified an innocent man. What Law had Jesus broken? Not one! However, they misused an ancient Law on the books since time immemorial. Jesus Himself declared that He did not come to break the Law, but to fulfill it yet He was accused of that. Jesus, according to the Law, was guilty of claiming the Authority of God. That is called, “presumptuous sin.”
Now the man who acts presumptuously and will not heed the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall put away the evil from Israel. (Deut 17:12).
  “Presumptuous” is failing to observe; in this case failing to observe the authority of the priest. What did Jesus do wrong? He claimed to be God, and with that, His authority was over the chief priest. The penalty for presumptuous sin was death and to be cast out of Israel. The chief priests, Jesus said, committed a greater sin than Pilate (John 19:11). Jesus’s crime was exalting Himself over the chief priest. The true crime were the priests of God exalting themselves over God! Does that not sound familiar in the present age? They diminished God, and that was the violation of the First Commandment. That truly was the greater sin!
  Compare that to the modern Deep States. Hitler exalted himself over Paul von Hindenburg, Lenin over Tsar Nicholas, and Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Ironically, Pilate never exalted himself, but he did exalt Jesus. He proclaimed Jesus “innocent,” but the spiritual Deep State would not accept the verdict from the civil authority. Jesus, by washing the feet of the feet of the apostles, exalted them, not Himself. Simon Peter would deny Jesus three times, but Jesus washed his feet. Simon, in return, told Jesus that He would never wash his feet, but then to be part of Jesus asked that Jesus wash his feet, hands, and head (John 12:9).
  Simon Peter was as guilty of crucifying Jesus as was Pilate. Pilate, in a ritual, washed his hands of Jesus’s death. Peter did not, but by grace Jesus cleansed Peter of his sins. Unfortunately, Jesus did not wash Pilate’s feet, head, nor hands. Pilate washed his own. That was not efficacious warranting grace. No one can wash themselves clean, only Jesus can, and indeed, He will if allowed to as Peter did! As for Pilate, history shows that his career with Caesar ended shortly, and there are extant letters from Pilate to Caesar wherein he marveled at Jesus (Paradise Post n.d.). Perhaps Pilate, guilty of crucifixion as well, saw the Light afterward.
  Many naïve people misunderstood Jesus. Even those educated did as well. That Jesus IS God seemed absurd. (That I will call the “Paradox of Jesus as God”). That seemed absurd to Ananias, and many of the officials. Perhaps to Pilate it was not as absurd because he had no more than a simple understanding of the Jewish God. The truth is that Pilate would have consider Jehovah God as absurd because He was not part of the Roman pantheon of gods that included Caesar. For all practical purposes, Caesar was Pilate’s Ruler and God!
  Now back to socialism. Effectually, Karl Marx is their “god.” People who cannot understand Jesus nor God’s Laws are akin to Pontius Pilate. Their ignorance is appalling but less so than those who know God but propagate Marx. Pilate represented Caesar but Caesar had no law to crucify for false claims. When Pilate washed his hands, he was saying, It’s not our law, it’s yours. His blood is on your hands. Pilate could have released Jesus because there were no grounds for his death under Roman law. Ironically, Jesus gave to Caesar the things that were his, and Caesar (through Pilate) gave to Jesus the things that were His.
  Jesus planned His own death. Pilate, as Caesar’s representative, gave to God the “things” that was God’s. Jesus had to die, and Pilate was there to fulfill that purpose. Pilate, however, failed to know just what he was doing in God’s Plan.
  There are always people who do things against others either because it is the law, and even if it is not, they comply with the mob. Now blacks and unwitting whites are the mob because of the unwarranted and cruel death of an innocent man. Some responsible Democrat leader could end the violence, but like Pilate, that unidentified person has surely washed his hands of it. There are always leaders who wash their hands in apathy. In the socialist Third Reich up to 93% of the “stupid German voters” washed their hands of the holocaust when they voted for Adolph Hitler as German Chancellor.
  Today, Christian Americans wash their hands of abortion, same-sex marriage, and the slime in the Washington “Swamp” because the left offers free health care, free cell phones, free housing, free immigration opportunities, and free citizenship. Nothing is free; somebody always pays the price, but voters wash their hands of the truth. The mob washed their hands of Barabbas, but Jesus paid the price for their eternal lives.
  On the other hand, selfish people become the mob. They care little for the truth so long as they get their way. The left is determined to have a socialist state, and the Jewish mob wanted to stone Jesus, but were happy when others crucified Him instead.
  Jesus was collateral damage in the chief priests' ploy to retain power. The ignorant Jewish mob saw only a man breaking the Law of God. They failed to see the Man fulfilling the Law by loving them so that He desired that they not perish but was willing to perish for their sakes (John 3:16). Of course, Donald Trump is not Jesus, but he is willing to sacrifice his own billions and his livelihood that the Deep State will sink in the sinking sands of the Washington “Swamp.”
  Jesus sacrificed His life for the lives of mankind. Mr. Trump is sacrificing his livelihood for the livelihood of the people. The mob is always the same; they want someone’s blood and blood they will get come Hell or high water. The coronavirus may be the “serious crisis” that the left awaits. Did China plan the crisis? They may have been the “Pilate,” but God planned it because He uses Satan to test His people. Where are God’s people? They have been taken out of the church building, but are they still in the Church? Satan desires that the Church dies, and Trump stands in the way of the Church’s “crucifixion.”
  The mob will always create a crisis when they need one for their purposes, and if there is no crime, the crime will be created. That is just how the spiritual Deep State operated with Jesus, and how it does throughout history. Is the world better off with Jesus dead? It is certainly not. Is the US better off with the President out of office? The world seems to think so, but will it be? Trump’s crime: He was presumptuous toward Mrs. Clinton who seemed to be ordained as Chief of State. Jesus crime? The chief priests thought Jesus was presumptuous of his authority. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun!

(Picture credit: Getty Images)

Pontius Pilate [Misc.] : News Photo

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