Tuesday, May 19, 2020



  God provides men to either test His people, or to rescue them from tyrants. For instance, the nation of Babylon was created and ordained by God to punish the Jews for their wickedness. God even provided a ruler, Nebuchadnezzar, to destroy the “harlot” Jerusalem. But you thought Babylon was the “harlot” did you not? Well Babylon was the “mother of harlots” and Jerusalem became the harlot and still is until New Jerusalem returns to its foundation in Jerusalem after she is cleansed from harlotry.
  Nebuchadnezzar was a narcissistic and evil man who God humbled. He was so into himself that he proclaimed himself a god and had a statue built of himself for the people to worship. However, at the end, he had his “Jesus moment” as he saw Jesus saving the three young men that he persecuted in a fiery furnace. Seeing Jesus saving Shadrack, Meshack, and Ebednego, humbled Nebuchadnezar. He ate grass as a domesticated animal would. He was the “beast” that God tamed. The point is that Nebuchadnezzar changed, and God changes those for whom He has a purpose.
  Nebuchadnezzar was a wicked man that God used for His purposes. Not only did he see Jesus, but the prophet Ezekiel wrote that Nebuchadnezzar's assault on Egypt is represented as a divine initiative undertaken "by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon" (Ezek 30:10).
  Before that, God had used another sinful man to establish the Kingdom of God. David was a man after God’s own heart (1 King 15:3), but although his spirit was willing, David’s flesh was weak. As with many great leaders, the lusts of their flesh rules their hearts.
  Looking even before that, Abram deceived, Moses murdered, and Saul was jealous. God used sinful men for His purposes. Why would he do that? Because those to whom he forgives the most, loves Him the most. Jesus said that. (Luke 7:46).
  Then came Saul; he was a member of the “Deep State” existing in Judea. That small country was a tributary to the Roman Empire. There were Jewish zealots who sought to gain independence from Rome. “Zealots” are fanatic revolutionists and are entirely dedicated to their cause. Jewish zealots were also dedicated to Mosaic Law. Saul did not belong to the Deep State against Rome, but he was a zealot dedicated to the destruction of the new Christian sect. As such, Saul was a religious zealot who had more respect for the Law than for love. Saul had his “Jesus moment” for three days as Jesus’s Holy Ghost struck him blind. In his blindness, Saul, now Paul, saw the Light as he was born again a new person in Christ.
  Those are ample examples. Never would rational people select a murderer, adulterer, liar, nor a cruel jealous person as a leader, or would they? But Jesus used those types of people for His ends. They all became useful to God in developing and propagating Christianity. Likewise, Barack Obama was as useful as Nebuchadnezzar, or even Pharaoh, in the making of a new kind of US president. Saul was questioning God, and as Paul, he was humbled; ironically just as Nebuchadnezzar was transformed from a feral beast to one domesticated. Indeed, the meek shall inherit the earth (Psalm 37:11).  God makes meek (humbled) men from narcissistic beasts.
  In scripture, names mean things. “Saul” means “questioning” and “Paul” means “humbled.” Barack Obama means “blessing bent.” Donald Trump “means ruler of the world (Donald) of the one who blows the trumpet (Trump).” It seems that if names do mean things, and they do, that Obama changed the direction of America from the way God instituted it to his way. Perhaps Donald Trump was ordained to be President and the most powerful man in the world. Of course, Jesus is the ruler of the Kingdom of God, and Satan the ruler of the world, but those are in the spiritual realm. Sometimes God ordains wicked world leaders and others for His Plans.
  This theological history exemplifies why Christians voted for Donald Trump. They did not vote for Trump as Chief Priest, but to be our czar (Caesar.) Jesus recognized Caesar as the legitimate civil authority in Judea, but not a spiritual authority (Mat 21:22). When asked by the Herodians, friends of Herod and Caesar, to whom to pay tribute, Jesus responded to pay taxes to Caesar as the civil authority, and essentially to honor God as the Spiritual Authority. Donald Trump is not Jesus, but he is a czar. He must be honored.
  The Jews did not like it, but Jesus told them to honor Caesar, who by the way, in the face of Jesus, had proclaimed himself a god as the Romans had many. Jesus was implying that Caesar was to be honored for his position, but not as a god. That, He said, is reserved to the True God.
  Barack Obama was a “czar” as well, and Christians were required to honor him as Jesus taught that Caesar was to be honored. Note that Christians didn’t like Obama any more than Jews liked Caesar, but we honored his position, albeit he changed the US in much the same way that Caesar changed the Kingdom of God. Jesus was no Caesar and neither is Donald Trump a Jesus, but Trump was ordained by God to be our Caesar as Obama was. Trump and Obama are both types of Sauls; Obama as King Saul who changed his spiritual allegiance to himself and even played the role of priest. Obama as Saul was arrogant. On the other hand, questioning Donald Trump was changed into humbled Donald Trump. God again has used his “crooked stick” to straighten out the world; not a perfectly straight stick, but one straight enough to serves His Purposes.
  No one would have ever thought murderer Saul would be the principle apostle, and no one would have thought “King Midas” Donald Trump would ever be President. However, both Obama and Trump were ordained by God, even with their “baggage” for His Purposes. Ask yourself the question, “Would there even be a President Trump without a President Obama?” Obama caused Donald Trump’s presidency. God’s people had had enough of Czar Obama as the Hebrews had had enough of King Saul.
  As such, tribute must be paid to Trump as our “Caesar” as we paid tribute to Obama for the same reason. God has a Plan for us to give us a hope and a future (Jer 29:11). Obama was part of that Plan and so is Donald Trump! Of course, Christians must pay tribute to Caesars in things pertaining to him, but to God as they pertain to Him. In the course of life, Jesus is our King and God and civil and clerical leaders are His representatives.
  The zealots in Jesus’s day, were zealots for the Hasmonean Dynasty. The homage that they paid Jesus was as a secular king. Paul was zealous for Jesus after his zealousness for the Law was changed. It seems that President Trump is indeed a zealot, but in America zealous presidents are rare birds. He was elected as a zealot for civil affairs, and somehow, he perceived that the “Deep State” is much different than a bog in Washington, but a stench over the entire world. Trump campaigned on “draining the swamp.” Jesus came to drain the spiritual swamp that 400 years of God’s silence has allowed to seep in.
  Trump saw things amiss because he had been skimming the “swamp” for years. His demeanor was much as the Saul’s before Saul was transformed. Like Saul before him, Jesus seems to have given him spiritual insight, a little different than Saul, by removing the blinders from his eyes. We must admit that Trump saw things that even the best Christians could not see because he has had “swam” in the swamp, so to speak.
  The Deep State did not like Jesus and neither does it like Mr. Trump. Why not? Jesus came to drain the deep, smelly swamp of religious zealotry, and the Donald came to drain the stench of the economic swamp in the US, and even elsewhere — even the world. What is it that the US leaders fear? Judgment and punishment. What was it that the Jewish leaders feared? Judgement and punishment.

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Mat 25)

  The American “Deep State” fears exposure and judgment. The Sanhedrin, Chief Priest, scribes, Pharisees, Herodians, and scribes knew they had been exposed by their Messiah and denied Him His authority. They not only sought to diminish Jesus, but when that failed to work, they found it necessary to eliminated Him. They knew Jesus came to “drain their swamp” and feared that they would be sucked down the drain into the bottomless pit. The leaders did not fear Jesus who they thought would clean up the Herodian “swamp” but because they feared that Jesus would upset their kingdom of the Devil on Earth.
  Jesus called them “vipers” (Mat 3:7). They were not truly sons of God, but children of the Devil (John 8:44), and by relegating them to serpentine creatures, Jesus identified their “father” as the Serpent.
  The Deep State is always the will of Satan who pretends to God’s throne. Our US Deep State are merely goats doing Satan’s will so he can be czar, not only in earth, but in heaven.
The Deep State is not an alliance of Democrats, Socialists, feminists, Soros’s organizations, Planned Parenthood, liberal mainstream churches, the media, and such… but an alliance against God. They are all fools (useful idiots) that Satan uses as his tools for his purposes. Jesus already came to save the world from Satan, and now all these things must happen for Him to come to reign a thousand years.   In sort of a “groundhog day” way, the events of Noah’s day must be repeated, and now we are in it. Deep water came from the ground and drowned their own version of the Deep State and the huge swamp of the world will again be “drained” by fire. The Deep State fears that! They fear God and fear Donald Trump because like it or not, as our Caesar, he deserves what is his.

(picture credit: pininterest - Great White Throne Judgement)

Great White Throne Judgment | Revelation bible, The kingdom of god ...

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