Thursday, January 21, 2021

LITERALLY - Conclusion

   “Genesis” literally means, “generation” and its root word, gignesthai (Greek), means “to be born.” As I have written, people are “born” in the sense that women bear the child until birth. “Bear” is carrying the child different places for months, then bringing it forth when it matures. “Bear” is in the sense that it is burdensome, and women testify to that. Childbearing is just that — carrying a heavy load for nine-months different places.

  Rather than “birthing” (the evidence of carrying), Adam was borne by God. He was not carried anywhere nor was He burdensome nor did God bear Him. Adam was “borne” of God. It has much the same meaning, but the context is not in the birthing process. Hence, Adam was “generated” and we know from scripture that time was not required as in childbirth. Adam was borne in a static condition. He was not carried anyplace. Borne is not “carried” per se, but “transported.” Was his generation static at that moment or was it dynamic?

  Adam came from the dust (particles from the earth) in the earth (physical realm) at the Foundation Stone. [1]  God breathed life unto Adam. That “life” was a “living soul.” Since Jesus is referenced as the “second Adam,” then perhaps their souls would be much the same. That is implied, “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit” (1 Cor 15:45). “Living,” in the Greek is “zao” and means “breathing” or “vigorous” (Strong’s Dictionary). “Alive” then is the ability to absorb things that sustain the organism. There is activity going on inside the organism.

  God exhaled some substance that would activate His man. That “substance” was the Spirit of God from His side (chest specifically from the lungs). But we do not think of God in bodily shape, but that Form of God is Jesus. Jesus breathed life unto Adam, and their substance was the same!

  “Soul” in the Greek is psyche. In psychology, it would be the seat of all the faculties of a person. In Judeo-Christianity it would be the “vessel” which contains God’s Spirit. Jesus referred to His own “vessel” while He wondered whether He could pass it to another (Mat 26:39). Oftentimes, in scripture, “heart” is synonymous with “soul.”

  Adam’s physical form was like Jesus’s. God said, in “Our” image (Gen 1:26), and John confirmed that the Image of God is Jesus (John 1-3, 14). God made a “statue” of Jesus, molded it in clay and then formed a ”statue” of another man, an Adam — the very first Adam (man).

  Then God transported Adam’s soul as He did Jesus, according to, “The Father Himself, which hath sent Me, hath borne witness of Me.  (John 5:37). In other words, the Father aspect of God transported Himself into the body of the second Adam to make the already alive body a “quickening Spirit, meaning that His soul was “vitalized” (given energy). The Energy of God is God’s Holy Spirit and is the Power of God.

  The difference between the two generation processes, is time and method. Jesus was carried; Adam was not. Adam was generated from dust, but Jesus was generated from Mary. Adam’s DNA was from a source that was dead, and Jesus’s DNA was from a person who was alive. Adam’s body was from dirt, and the soul of Jesus from purity. Adam could return to the dust, but Jesus could not and did not!

  Jesus was generated as Living Flesh in the shape of a human body. Later, when He was baptized, the Holy Spirit came on Jesus in “bodily shape” with the motion as a dove (Luke 3:22). The Father breathed life, or vitalized, Jesus human form after that form was activated. However, the Father breathed life into the shaped clay of Adam when it was still inactive.

  The Father transported (borne) the soul of Adam from somewhere and breathed it unto the “statue” of Adam, which was in the Image of God (Jesus). The visible image of the statue came from the earth and the invisible from the heaven.

  God knew and chose us before the foundation of the world (Ephes 1:4).  What was before the earth? Only God who knew us, and the heavens — the invisible realm. From where did God transport us? From the invisible realm. Our souls were translated from one realm to another, not carried from one place to another! Hence, the Garden of Eden was in effect the “Garden of Living Souls” and it was a “Garden” because God’s “seed” planted us. When God separated the “waters from the waters,” that was specifically the semen from the semen.

  Of course, it was not sexual activity but spiritual. Multiplication was for the generation of more living souls. Hence, the “Garden.” God was to “seed” it as He did Adam when He “breathed life unto him.” Making a huge assumption, perhaps Adam and Eve “seeded” but just as God, their DNA belonged to Satan.

  Some theologians believe that part of their sin was sexual because they covered their genitals. Since “whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all” (Jas 2:10), Adam broke all the commandments. He committed adultery. With whom? Eve. Cain was born outside the Garden for a reason! His DNA was from Satan, and his father was the Devil (John 8:44).

  By now the reader needs a reminder of the text. It is “generation” in the key verse, “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.” It is imperative to know what “generation” entails. It is a process, and the Book of Genesis, is the process written in Hebrew and translated by those who understood God but not the language of science. Generation (Genesis) is important, because in the end, the “second Adam” was “regenerated” with new Flesh… new glorified flesh just like Adam’s was generated. “Resurrect” because what was generated shall be revitalized again just as Adam. God will again take the dust of the ground and breath a living spirit unto that dust.

  Perhaps the body is only the “vessel” for the soul. Since “soul” is the psyche, all the faculties (personhood or personality) are not in the vessel of flesh but the bodily shaped vessel that is invisible and called a “soul.” That makes sense in that Jesus was not so concerned about His Body but His Spirit. What would happen to it? Sure, Christians are to remember His Body and Blood with bread and wine, but that is in remembrance of Spirit. The body-shaped Spirit in Jesus experienced death on the cross but did not die. When the Body of Jesus died, He have up His “Ghost.” That is whom Christians are to remember, and not to blaspheme!

  The “heavens and the earth” have already been explained as the invisible and the visible. Souls were generated in the invisible realm, and bodies, the visible. Souls preceded bodies. God elected which soul would go in which body before the foundation of the world, and long before the dust was collected from that foundation. Indeed, bodies are “dust” and contain the same components as the earth. Bodies are elemental to our existence and the earth elemental to THE Existence.

  God transported the soul from the invisible realm and breathed it into the visible. Adam was there in the invisible realm in mind and spirit, in an invisible skin that looked like Adam. When God breathed on Adam, in the same motion as a dove, Adam was vitalized or “quickened.” Adam’s bodily shaped soul came on him just as with Jesus except for his lifeless form. Life, then, is that vitalization when the soul exists in the body. Sinners, whose soul belongs to Satan, are essentially the walking dead!

  Next from the key verse is, “when they were created,” referencing the heaven and the earth. The verb “created” has already been explained. It is literally, “generated” and that is a process. Likewise, regeneration is neither static, nor one event in time, but dynamic and enduring.

  Regeneration only begins with “born again” (John 3:7). The next step in the process is God breathing life into the new creatures. As such those born-again breath in God’s Breath. That “Living Water” is the Holy Spirit of God, and the body-shaped Ghost of Jesus. Those who are persuaded are born again, and then made alive by the baptism of the Holy Ghost of Jesus; as they are cleansed by immersion in the very Living Water of Jesus!

  The Spirit that has the bodily shape of Jesus hovers over Christians as a dove, then overlays and fills the “vessel.” We think of the Holy Spirit as in us but it is on us as well! Jesus and Christians are as one. We put on Christ, so to speak. God’s Holy Spirit becomes our “person” and “personality” as Christians become “new persons” in Christ.

  However, regeneration is not complete until Christians are like Adam — with glorified flesh and a clean Spirit. That happens at the “General Resurrection” in the end, when those with a still alive soul are restored to the new body generated from the same dust that was used before; hence “regeneration.”

  The last phrase in the key verses is, “In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.” Everything therein has been explained except for “day.” That one word is the thread in my book, On the Origin of Man and the Universe. “Day” in that book is explained comprehensively. However, it can be summarized as a “process” because “day” comes from the Hebrew word, “yown” whose root noun means “to be hot.” “Night” on the other hand, means “twist,” obviously from the hot. Days are indeed going from hot to a twisting away to equilibrium or cooling. Then the process is complete, and that process cycles every twenty-four hours. However, a day is only one of millions of processes.

  Therefore a “day” in scripture can be twenty-four hours or the duration of each process, and no processes must be of equal duration.

  That hypothesis is from the textus receptus and is the literal meaning of the words of God. It is not denying God’s Words but understanding them given more information. Literally, God generated the heaven and the earth, then all things, in six processes; then rested to establish equilibrium in the processes. Then it was finished, was it not?

  Where have you heard that before? When the Purpose of God in the Flesh had been fulfilled. He provided the “process” for regeneration, and all that need be is the ingredients for the process to be used. Obviously, that refers to the blood and water that Jesus “breathed” on the dust of the ground to revitalize His creation, to wit: “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, ‘It is finished:’ and he bowed his head and gave up the Ghost.’” (John 19:30).

  When Jesus gave up the Ghost, He breathed life back into the world. He gave His own DNA (Blood) – God’s Seed to mankind, but also Living Water (the Holy Spirit) from his own side. The process of generation and regeneration should be the same. If it took seven “days” (7000 years) to generate, it makes sense that regeneration may be of the same duration. It is known what happens on the seventh and eighth “day.” Jesus reigns on the seventh “day” for one-thousand years, and the eighth “day” is eternity! We are presently in the sixth day. The date this year is 5782 Anno Mundi, or the sixth “day” or millennium of the world.

  Time did not begin with the clock (the Sun) or with Adam as he was immortal. When Adam sinned, he died, and began to wither. It took him nearly a millennium to physical die. Adam died during the first millennium or “day of the world.” Hence, Anno Mundi commences with sin and when Adam was cast out into the world.

  This commentary on Genesis 2:1-4 has been based on the literal, textus receptus, Words of God. I pray and cherish insight. As I studied God’s Word, I believe that He revealed to me the meaning of life and re-life. Of course, my words are not absolute truth. Only God’s is the gospel. Always test what anyone says with scripture. Please do that with my words as well.

  Because of the insight that I believe comes from God, my faith has grown. I wondered about the angels. On what day were they created, and was Lucifer’s rebellion on the same day that he was created?

  He became proud. God did not endow him with pride. Most likely, it took some world time for him to develop such a rebellious attitude. If his generation, life, and rebellion occurred in twenty-four earth hours, that seems unlikely. Of course, since God IS LORD, and IS Almighty, He is beyond understanding. I can live with six-day creation easily, but just what are yowns? Of course, this is only commentary and food for thought. It does not make God a liar, nor does it diminish God in any way. He remains God and I remain His servant that trips quite often.

  “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thes 5:21).

(picture credit: St. Albans Catholic Church; "The Holy Ghost")

[1] Jewish sacred literature propose that the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the Rock is the very place Adam was generated. Scripture also points to that. Refer to my book, On the Origin and Survival of Man,” for the evidence of that.

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