Tuesday, April 5, 2022


  Have we become so lax that Christians have turned an eye away from, or even espoused, crimes against humanity? How callous to the Will of God must we get before God tires of His creatures undermining Him?

  Christians, and those who claim to be, are way too lax in doing the Will of God. Regardless of whether the precepts seem to be commandments, or not, they remain His Will. Doing, or not doing, those things are not punitive but pleasing to God. If He is your God, then you should want to please Him! If not, then, you would care little whether you please Him or not.

  Some say that Jesus said nothing about some sins — homosexuality, abortion, and the like - but yes He did! Jesus died to reveal that He is God in the flesh. The very reason that He was crucified was to reveal that He is the Old Testament Yahweh who was born to save mankind from themselves. As such, all the Word(s) from the previous Testament were from the unseen lips of Jesus.

  John chapter one validates that Jesus is God in the flesh, so what the Word says is the Way of Jesus. In chapter twenty of the Book of Exodus is the items of God’s “Last Will and Testament;” the last because it was written on stone for perpetuity.

  It is the conditions for the seed of Abraham to inherit God’s Estate in Paradise wherein there is no death. The most gracious thing in God’s Will is that none should perish (John 3:16), and the Way never to perish is to do His Will. Not that doing things is saving but that the willingness to do them is the way to demonstrate goodwill (agape love) to the One who is your heavenly Father.

  Among the several things that should not be done, and that his heirs must refrain from doing, is perishing what is His. God wants that none should perish, and if a person wants that any should perish, then that is a flagrant disregard for God’s Will for you, and even belligerence.

  Take for example, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exod 20:13). Killing makes the killer “god” and that is also contrary to the first “Will” of God, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” (Exod 20:3). Killing makes the murderer another god in opposition to the true God.

  Now examine “Thou shalt not kill” in an expository manner: “Rasah lo’ rasah” in the Hebrew. Literally “dash to pieces” never to “murder” (Strong’s Dictionary).

  The original death (Hebrew; mut) was what? “Causing to kill” or literally to “to kill from the original state by softening to a liquid.” (Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon). How to soften is ambiguous, but dying is changing from one state to another, perhaps from the waters from the waters — from the visible realm to an invisible lofty realm that is called, “heaven.”

  Thus, killing causes death and that changes the state of the murdered one from person to non-person and robs him of his identity (or hers). Killing a person can do one of two things — extricate to (1) heaven or (2) to hell, both of which are in the other realm. Thus, the killer judges the person and is the one who metes out reward or punishment. That is serious business… and is playing God!

  Most deaths are caused by wars and intrigue between government officials. When any nation is the aggressor and starts an unjust war, then that leader is a murderer. The leader who defends the rights of his people to live are not adversarial but defensive. Everyone has the right to live, and that is the basis of God’s Law, Natural Law, and the laws of the United States.

  The U.S. Declaration of Independence declares the immutable Law of God:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

  An unalienable right is a privilege that can never be surrendered. In the case of the Colonies vs. King George. The inalienable right not to be surrendered is life itself, and the right to live it freely and happily. Many lost their lives for that very cause — to ensure that everyone, as all are created equal, is entitled to the right to life. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment reads:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

   No state shall abridge the freedom of life, liberty, or property, or equal protection. Marxist propagandists in the United States say that nowhere is life guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, but the Amendments are amendments to the Constitution, and the 14th makes the right to life a Constitutional and fundamental right. Therefore, no state within the United States has the right to deprive anyone of their lives — yellow, red, black, or white; nor the deformed, mentally impaired, inconvenient, poor, and most certainly not because of ideology.

  Not only does life mean “alive” but “living.” Nowhere in the U.S. can anyone be deprived of their freedom without due process of law. Law means that they have been judged guilty of some legal infraction; that the innocents cannot be murdered, nor even incarcerated.

  King Herod slaughtered the innocents. That was not only brutish but a crime against God. He judged wrongly that God must die, and he became the “god” and a “Lucifer” who is also pompous enough to reign in the place of God (Isa 14).

  Now, the spirit of Herod is with us. If Jesus was to come again, especially in this age of infanticide and euthanasia, the government could very well decide whether He lived or died!

  The first sin was murder! Adam “killed himself” to please his wife — he “hearkened unto her voice” (Gen 3:17).

  What was her sin? She was deceived that pleasure was worth having given the chance that she would die. As such, both Adam and Eve failed to trust God and listened to the deceptive presence on his “throne” in the Tree of Knowledge. They failed to listen to God but accepted the narrative from the one who claimed to be king — Lucifer.

  There was one Law in Paradise. It was to do nothing! The two were warned not to eat. God did not tell them they could live forever if they ate but would die if they did. All they had to do was refrain from doing anything contrary to God’s Will to live forever. Rather, they traded a moment of temporal pleasure for their very existence!

  The two had the right to choose, using their free will. Apparently, they learned carnal knowledge from the Tree of Knowledge as they both covered their pudenda with aprons of fig leaves. As such, they were cursed with a deformed child, spiritually speaking. He was born in iniquity as everyone thereafter (Psalm 51:5). Not only was sin in them but in their germline and that includes everyone because all have sinned (Rom 3:23).

  As such, not only did Adam and Eve kill themselves, albeit very slowly, but they aborted the life of Cain who was cursed. Hence, Cain was the first life that was aborted, and the original sin was aborting the Will of God for pleasure.

  Abortion is trading the life of your germline for a few moments of pleasure; it is trading the flesh of your flesh so that your genitals may be appeased. In a sense, the phallus is the man’s “god” and the vagina his “goddess” and the same applies to the woman. Just think on that; the billions of people who are trading eternal life for a moment of pleasure!

  I have done that, but repented of it, just as Adam and Eve found grace because they were contrite. Truly the phallus and vagina are the gods of mankind.

  The Ten Words of God are what pre-incarnate Jesus wrote on stone to endure forever. His Will is that nobody be killed. Indeed, an unborn baby is a person in utero and a separate existence from the mother. Anyone who denies that a fetus is an unborn child denies the science as is paramount in these times.

  Devils have convinced gullible women that a living being is not a being and that there is no God who would condemn them. The Commandment, literally, ““dash to pieces” never to “murder” is just what abortion is! And saline abortion is literally, “to kill from the original state by softening to a liquid” just a scripture says!

  So, Exodus 20, articles 5-10 are the Bill of Rights of God’s citizens, and chapter 21 is the clarification of those rights. Just as the Federalist Papers explain the intent of the Articles of the Constitution, chapter 21 is the “Messianic Papers” to expand upon God’s “Constitution” (the Ten Words). God even accounted for the little children:

22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life… (Exod 21:22-23)

   God recognized accidents. If a man or woman accidentally causes the death of the unborn, the husband is granted the right to decide the punishment. Why would that be? Because the unborn child is flesh of his flesh as well! Genetically, the child is half his and according to scripture, the husband and wife are one entity (Gen 2:24).

  Whereas deviate U.S. judges have denied the say of the father, due to feminism, God does not! There is something badly wrong with laws that neglect the father’s parental rights and that prohibits them to have a say whether his child has a right to life, especially since the most innocent has no voice to defend himself.

  Accidents happen and God knows that. Men must take care around women and honor their pregnancy because God is molding a person inside of them. It is a divine right for that child to have life and anyone who stands in the way of that, is guilty of murder, whether it be first degree or accidental manslaughter in that the child is “man” because that is his or her “kind.”

  Any other kinds are excluded from the Law in that they have no soul. To circumvent the Will of God, devils must first convince mothers and killers that babies are another kind of being. The U.S. Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade created another kind of being, a person without a soul and named it “fetus.” They played God by creating a non-person from a person who was made in the image of God.

  Now back to the “Messianic Papers:” If any mischief follows, then the life of the mischievous person must be taken as a trade for a life for a life. Suffering the consequences is not killing but Divine justice.

  So just what is mischief? In the Hebrew, it is ‘ason. There is no other meaning beyond “mischief” in any context. Mischief is any cause of harm (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Meaning any harm for the mother, the husband, or the child is mischief.

  Of course, the deception is that the abortion is for the good of the mother, and even perhaps of the father, but the lamest of excuses is that it is for the good of the child. That is arrogance; that you or anyone else has the right to deprive the most defenseless the right to life.

  Life is the most precious of all things and even the oppressed value life. To deprive a child in the womb of life is the ultimate of oppression and child abuse, even with the child’s arms in a type of “straight-jacket” with no way of self-defense from lethal weapons of destruction. Some would not kill their sick pets, but they will their own flesh!

  Abortion is not beneficial to anyone except for environmental nuts who see them no more than a “carbon footprint” that has the potential to step on “Mother Earth” and without any regard for Father God.

  Keeping “Mother Earth” healthy is more imperative to some than the life of a person. Perhaps to save the planet, they could sacrifice themselves for the common good. After all, that is what Jesus did! If they are allowed to play God, let them play Him to the death. Rather than crucify their children, God asks that they crucify their own flesh, meaning themselves, to wit: “Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34), as Jesus challenged them to do.

  Trading an unborn child for your own flesh is incomprehensible. Most parents would choose death themselves to preserve the lives of their children. That is what Father God chose; He would die that none of his children should perish (John 3:16) but many promiscuous men and women, or even married ones who see children as an inconvenience, would deprive their own flesh of the right to life that is guaranteed by the Constitution and warranted by God.

  Now for the judges: Those who rule in favor of abortion are doing mischief because harm will come to the baby, and likely the mother and father, and certainly to society. Any parent who would condemn their own flesh to die, sooner or later, will suffer guilt just as Adam and Eve when they disregarded the sanctity of life as essential doctrine.

  The judges who ruled that Negroes were not persons but property in the Dred Scott Decision deprived them of their right to life and to live freely. They as much as murdered the slaves and were as mischievous as Hitler who considered Jews to be no more than “parasites” on Aryan society.

  Likewise, the judicial branch has continually supported the insane idea that a person, one who shrugs from the scalpel and cries a silent scream, is not a person but an “alien being” that has no inalienable rights. Their insanity is no excuse as they place the laws of men above the Goodwill of God.

  Such men commit crimes against humanity even while excusing themselves by the feeble claim that it is “established law,” the same excuse that Hitler’s cruel judges, police, and administrators used. Sure, they were only following the law but while doing so, they were denying Jews, Christians, the deformed, and the aged of their right to life. They cry that It must never happen again! but is has happened again and again!

  Those who abort and those who have legalized it know what they are doing; they are not stupid people! On the other hand, stressed-out men and women who have been easily deceived may not know what they are doing, just as Jesus excused his killers. They had no idea that they were killing God and He considered that they were merely doing their jobs and giving to Caesar what was Caesar’s.

  On the other hand, Jesus said that those behind the scenes — the lawyers, judges, and religious leaders — committed the greater sin. Although He did not excuse those who killed Him, albeit He blamed those who allowed the taking of a life. The chief priests and the “Church” committed crimes against Divinity and killing the most innocent is not only crimes against humanity but also crimes against Divinity!

(picture credit: India.com)

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