Friday, April 8, 2022


  Many people in this age are of some hybrid of communists whether they know it or not. Communism is an ideology that has many applications, each with their own names: feudalism, crony capitalism, European socialism, Russian Bolshevism and Menshevism, Fascism, National Socialism (Nazis), Chinese Republicanism, the institution of American slavery, and now modern “slavery” in the Democrat Party.

  American slavery was the western brand of feudalism, and its practice was the pattern from which European communism was developed. Hence, the Democrat Party of the Divided States of America was the prototypical communist/socialist commune before it was put down for awhile.

  Because communism seems good and was meant to be does not make it good. Although many have a general idea of what communism is, they fail to understand the path to get there and to what evil empire it leads.

  Look where “civilization” is today; during the dark ages and up to the industrial revolution, it was a feudal society with peasants (serfs), lords, and overseers. Feudalism was a system of legal obligations for support and protection, but not a true political system. Even before Charles Darwin ever dreamed of “survival of the fittest,” it existed throughout Europe during the middle-ages.

  The “fittest” were the aristocracy whose military leadership and “parliament” were the lords who paid taxes to the aristocracy and protected both the elite and peasants from outside forces. The wealth of the aristocracy came from the lords and who in turn made their wealth on the backs of lesser people — the workers of the fiefdom. Under that system, those who thought of themselves as the “fittest” survived off the less fit and the “vermin.” The serfs were no more than “tools” in the toolbelt of the lords who were in turn the “husbandmen” of the aristocrats.

  Since ancient Grecian times, aristocrats had ruled, and they were those who were perceived to be the “best to have power.” In Darwinian terms they were the “fittest,” not because of their intelligence, wisdom, nor character, but because of heritage. They were often sons and daughters of the powerful who obtained their power from lineage, and many were thought of as gods.

  On the other hand, pure Darwinism is that the “fittest” are the most numerous, so there was a conflict who would rule — the elite or the majority. Ironically, a democracy is based on majority rule, and with that idea, the “fittest” would be, under democratic thought, that the most numerous should be the most powerful.

  That idea is evident during the present administration. The “fittest, to them, are the most numerous and because of that, the one who gets the most votes wins elections and harnesses the power of the masses. The Democrat “umbrella” is huge, and it is made up of all those who feel oppressed. In this age, even the elite feel oppressed because their words are not taken as truthful by those that they consider close-minded.

  One may wonder why that Democrats favor massive immigration. It is so they obtain massive power. They use the oppressed and downtrodden to support their new brand of feudalism. Immigrants, blacks, and LBGTXYZ are “tools” in the toolbox of the elite to control the masses. Ironically, all those minority groups together make up the majority, and together they can demand things from their “lord” just as under the feudal system. The lords feared the peasants and kept them happy by providing the basics for them to survive. The same goes for “bleeding-heart” liberal Democrats. The bleeding is not for the oppressed but for their own selfish existence.

  Think on Hillary Clinton, for instance; she “deserved” to be president of the United States. It was hers because her husband had been president, and because of that, she should be “queen.” Clinton did a good job of lavishing things on minorities, but she was not a good communist because she left out the worker. Just as Karl Marx thought, workers would rebel against the elite and have a populist revolution. Not Hillary, but Donald Trump would be the populist who gave power to the working man.

  It was strange that an “aristocrat” would be a friend of the worker, but as it turned out, he was a true friend of the hard-working men and women. That estranged two groups: the elite and their army of protectors. It was Trump that was the fittest and not the numerous interest groups whose fiefdom was no more than swamp land on the plantations of the aristocrats. Unbeknownst to communists in the Democrat Party, Build Back Better, has torn down best and returned the nation to serfdom.

  Blacks fail to recognize that they are again nothing more than labor in the toolbelt of their former masters, and that Democrat politicians are the new “Master Joe’s” of the plantation. Big cities, most all run by Democrats, are nothing less than antebellum plantations with the masters living in their mansions, and Negroes (but don’t call them that or they will put two and two together) their modern-era slaves who they must keep happy, at all costs, from cradle to grave!

  That is the communist system. Karl Marx patterned his brand of communal socialism off the American Plantation system. In other words, antebellum Democrats caused communism and Marx even credited them for that idea, to wit: “Modern industry has established the world-market, for which the discovery of America paved the way” (Marx 1888).

  The world market in America to which he referred was “king cotton” and the way was the cotton gin and slave labor. The gin was the technology that would make cotton profitable to the plantation owner and it would also keep the slaves happy. It was tedious work extracting cotton seeds from cotton, and Eli Whitney and his invention, for a time, would allow slaves to be kept slaves.

  Not only did American slavery pave the way for rich Democrats but for those communists who stole the “plantations” of Europe from the rich and kept those estates for their own!

  A slogan that became popular from the pen of Karl Marx is still chanted to this day, “"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (K. Marx 1875).

 Those with ability are workers, and those with “needs” in socialism turns out to be the elite aristocrats — those who perceive themselves best to govern.

  Hillary Clinton fits that definition to a tee, and so does long-time aristocrat Joe Biden whose life has been financed by the workers throughout his long career. His “job” before being crowned “president” was theretofore “aristocrat” or as they are now called, “The Sophisticated,” which reason they could violate their own mandates!

 Just like the plantation whereon slaves were kept at minimum conditions, socialism does the same today, also from cradle to grave. The biggest difference is that now the “slaveholders” educate their slaves but only in their doctrine. They truly think that it is them who are the oppressed in the Marx slogan whereas the truth is that the sophisticates are the ones that see themselves as the oppressed.

  Just how are they “oppressed”? By those who question what they say and mandate. Is Build Back Better for the advantage of the oppressed or to build a new global “plantation” system to enslave the common people of the world? Are the masses part of the “common good” really, or is Build Back Better for the good of the Democrats?

  Under plantation socialism, when blacks became old, they were sold as if because they were property. If they were allowed to marry, they would be matched together in the manner of animal husbandry to produce a better breed. Either the new improved slave was sold for profit or kept as a great farm implement, or even as an investment. The weakest were either sent to the manor for light duty or sold off to others at auctions. Now, Democrats are even more efficient; they merely abort them in the womb whenever their current needs are met.

  Democrats require blacks to survive. They always have but now not so much! The Mexican has replaced the black as the “tool” of choice and too many blacks are just a burden because so many refuse to work for their white masters. Why should they? They, like the animals in the book, Animal Farm, have become like the farmer.

  Because the blacks will not do the work, now Mexicans are required to do what blacks will not do. With each election, blacks are turning from Democrats, so out of fear of losing their “plantation,” Mexicans are being imported in droves for their votes. It turns out that it is not hard workers in industry that Democrats want but hard votes on election day.

  Next, classes of people will be examined. Feudalism developed the classes, the French socialists divided them politically, the communists into sloths and ants, and the Democrats divided them into sections of a colorful umbrella.

(picture credit: Flikr; "Evergreen Plantation")

Evergreen Plantation-8050 | Slave Quarters The Evergreen Pla… | Flickr

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