Thursday, December 1, 2022


 So simple… “The Word.” So complex… “The Word.” So creative… “The Word.” So graceful… “The Word.”

For many “The Word” is simply speech, and for some, a figure of speech, and to others the “Image” of God that speaks.

Paul saw through the darkness as John had before him. He wrote, “Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Cor 4:4), speaking of those whose mind the world has blinded. So, The Word unblinds the lost and makes them see the truth. Hence, The Word is the revealer of truth so that the minds of the lost can become aware of things unseen.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb 11:1). Therefore, The Word is the bearer of faith. He reveals things that are unseen. Christ reveals the unseen God, and as Jesus told Philip who asked of Jesus, “Show us the Father,” “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9).

Therefore, The Word is the invisible Father God revealed to mankind as the Son of God, or as John said it, “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Hence, the gospels are a revelation to mankind so that we can see God!

“The Word” is Jesus who is the fleshly Image of God, not a lifeless idol, but an Image full of Life.

In modern times cartoonists and movie makers animate 2-D images to make them real figures that can entertain and present to the audience messages that writers want to purvey.

Not to be disrespectful, among other things, God animated the Image of Himself in the likeness of man to present a message, not of entertainment, but contentment (joy) to the audience of the world. The message is in His Name.

God called His Figurine, “Jesus” and He could speak, perform miracles, present truth and wisdom, and perform virtuous acts. The Word came as a messenger of God — God Himself — to present the greatest story ever told!

No other messenger (angel) would do; it was work that God wanted to do Himself because He so loved the world (John 3:16). Ultimately, the perfect sacrifice for the sins of His creatures, He would bear the sins of all of them, and be the only acceptable sacrifice for all sins that are past (Rom 3:25) — from Adam to Judas and everybody in between.

When John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1), it paralleled what Moses wrote so long ago, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1), and furthermore, as John said it, “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3).

Where it was translated that Jesus was a “carpenter,” the exact word in the Greek is “tekton”  – “an artificer” (Strong 1890). Artificers are technicians that create things, and it is assumed that Jesus created things of wood. In the beginning, Jesus did create images, not of wood, but of clay, and animated them by giving life to His glorious works of art, which in turn, Lucifer despoiled.

“In the beginning” (en arche) is the origin of all things. The English word, “archeology” comes from the Greek, arkhaiologia, and means the “study of ancient things.” The Word was The Ancient Thing to be studied. In the Greek, “The Word” is “Logos.” As you can readily see, the “logia” in arkhaiologia is akin to The Logos — “The Word” in the Greek.

Scripture therefore is about archeology and learning the knowledge about “The Ancient Thing.”

Since He was holy as God is holy, then scripture is the knowledge of “The Ancient Holy Thing,” The Word.

Peter wrote, “But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation (word)” (1 Pet 1:15). So, Jesus is Holy.

Holy is “hagios” in the Greek is an “awful thing” (ibid). How could it be that holy one is an “awful thing?” According to Strong’s Lexicon, it is because hagios is a sacred thing. “Sacred” is not debased in any manner (Merriam-Webster Dict. 1828-2022).

Mankind was debased by the Wicked One and became depraved; hence there is no depravity, or guile, in the Holy One. Lucifer failed in his attempt to debase Jesus, so Jesus, The Word, was without sin.

Those with sin (iniquity) in them are the normal thing, so to the world, The Holy One would be an “Awful Thing.” If you do not think that to be true, just look at how the world views Christ and holy Christians. Rather than glorious beings, they are hideous, even as hags!

The Word, or Logos, as John wrote, was there in the beginning. He was not created an Image like Adam, but was God exposed. Jesus is the “Ultimate Reality” that philosophers seek but do not find. He was the Arche (Beginning) and will be the Ending (Telos) (Rev 1:8). The ending is when it is finished.

Therein is a clue to the identity of Jesus. At His crucifixion, his last “Word” was “It is finished” (Teleo; John 19:30). The last thing that Jesus did was acknowledge that He was “The Ending” — that He was God, just as Longinus, the centurion, declared “Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15:39).

The Word came to finish God’s ultimate purpose, to love the world (John 3:16) by making Himself the Supreme Sacrifice. Jesus died on the Cross, but all the Godhead suffered thereon. God was there in all three of His substances — in Mind, In Body, and in Spirit. Jesus was merely the vessel that carried God’s full Identity. That “vessel” was the “cup” that He could not pass to another (Mat 26:39).

Jesus was the “silver chalice” that people seek to this day. He was the Cup that carried the very blood of God within the Body of God.

The Word was the Genome (Identity of that One Kind) of God that was imbued within an Image like man’s to pass along the genes of God to those willing to stand still long enough to take them in; in the same manner as the repentant thief who was nailed still so that he could do nothing to save himself!

The Word, therefore, is more than speech, but God speaking to mankind. All that speech was about how to be regenerated, as in the beginning at the generation — to be made a glorious image again as mankind was before Lucifer deflowered them.






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