Thursday, October 5, 2023

CHRISTIANITY FOR DUMMIES: Rituals vs. Righteousness


There is, ironically, a religious ritual among churches, even the evangelical ones. Evangelism is, “emphasizing salvation by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ through personal conversion, the authority of Scripture, and the importance of preaching as contrasted with ritual.” (Merriam-Webster 2023). Did you notice? I pointed out rituals among the non-ritualistic ‘evangelistic’ churches!

Faith is basically trusting Jesus in all things pertaining to life, and especially the afterlife. Now for the ritual of it all, especially in Baptist churches of which I am a member… going to the altar. Not that it so wrong to go, but going is not the end of it all!

Now for a side note: The ‘Church’ of the Bible is not your church; the real Church consists of those who trust Christ as presented in the gospels. It matters not whether you are a member of Baptists, Churches of Christ, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, or even Catholics; but that you are a member of the ‘Body of Christ,’ or as I wrote before, ‘in Christ,’ or better said, ‘Christ in you.’

Christ in you are the “hope of His Glory” and the “riches” of it! [i] Hope implies a future event. ‘In Christ’ is not full of glory with its richness, but the hope of glory.

I have pointed out before that the ‘glory of God’ is the condition in which Adam was generated in the beginning. He was made, not a god, but he had God in him.

Adam’s image resembled God even in substance. Adam was a ‘fragment’ of God. That ‘fragment’ was what is now called the ‘soul.’ Adam’s soul was like God and his flesh was supernatural until the Devil got into him, and both the Adams’ fleshes were transformed into what we have today. Our flesh is of the Devil and as King David implied, the flesh is depraved [ii] and neither rich in glory, nor full of glory.

“Born again’ is a beginning just as Genesis 1:1; “In the beginning God created (generated).” He did so first by spreading the Light [iii] followed by “dividing the waters from the waters.” [iv] That was the original generation, or Genesis, of the world and the beginning of Adam — our dominant kind.

“Waters” in that passage represents ‘semen’ in the Hebrew. Of course, God is not a sexual Being, but He does reproduce.

Semen carries what? The unique identity of individuals. (Now science has revealed that our identity is encoded in a carbon-chain within every cell of our bodies.) Semen is basically cells floating in seminal fluid — in the waters.

Now, I know that genetics is not simple, but even dummies soon learn that semen makes ‘mini-me’s’ that look like me and act like me. That is from DNA.

Mankind was generated in the Image of God by the ‘semen’ of God. God shed His genetics (Genome) and Adam received them. God engendered Adam and the male spread the genes of God to the woman. The ‘Serpent’ messed with their identities and voila, here we are, like the Devil himself with just enough God in us that He values His creatures.

You must accept that! You are not God, gods, nor even children of God; you are what you are — sons of Satan who are adversaries of God and have little goodwill for Him as demonstrated by your continuance in sin.

That was the ‘Creation’ or ‘Generation.’ Rebirth (born again) is the beginning of ‘regeneration.’ It is not the complete process just as Genesis 1:1-6 was not the complete process. Born again is a new beginning, and the complete process ‘regeneration.”

Note that some doctrines want you to believe that the beginning is the ending; that once it starts it is finished without further ado; that once the process begins that it must be finished, even when Satan strives to disrupt the process just as he did in the beginning. Hence, born again begins with a ritual which will be discussed in a moment.

Jesus, speaking to the apostles, said, “That you which have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” [v]

The beginning was the twelve following Jesus. The entire process was until Jesus would be glorified — sitting on the throne in Paradise as God. The ending of the process is “in the regeneration” — when Jesus is glorified. Therefore, regeneration is a process over a given amount of time ending in glorification — with the riches of God’s Glory. That entire process is ‘regeneration,’ not some one-time event at the altar in a building.

The evangelistic ritual begins with going forward to an altar of wood. That altar is under the Cross and is part way to it. (Woten becomes the ‘god’ in that scenario).

The altar if wood is not all the way because it is just an material image.  It is not all the way because you are in a sanctuary where it is only hoped that the Devil cannot intercede. But perhaps he does, not directly, but by ritualistic practices.

Going all the Way to the Cross is following Jesus and relinquishing your own fleshly desires. “He that takes not his cross, and follows after Me, is not worthy of Me.” [vi]  Where you go after going to the altar is what counts!

Jesus was glorified upon His death. [vii] He revealed that He was the Father, the Flesh, and the Holy Ghost.

We must reveal that we have God in us as well by showing a new nature with the Holy Ghost within us Christians. ‘In Christ’ is Christ in us. With Jesus in another realm, the Holy Ghost is Christ in us because all three together is God and one alone remains God. God cannot be divided because He is more than water.

The beginning for Jesus was His virgin birth. We cannot expect to be put in a womb and suffer that same process, so our rebirth is not of the flesh but the spirit, or soul. For that occasion, the flesh — the vessel — must be washed clean. God does the cleansing by the hands of men.

Baptism by water is a preparation ritual… for “repentance for the remission of sins.” [viii] It is not for the remission of sins but to demonstrate repentance. Because our own flesh is our adversary, the flesh must be symbolically washed clean.

Many denominations have made that ritual soterial — the final solution for eternal life. It is merely God dividing the waters from the waters again. The real ‘semen’ of God is the “Living Waters” that poured forth from the belly of Jesus on the Cross, and by that, I mean the Holy Ghost, not liquids themselves.

How can one tell if he or she is a Christian? By multiplication. Jesus was the source of Living Water and He revealed the solution to the knowledge of God, “He that believeth on Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water.” [ix]

Indeed, Christians are to reproduce, not their own children, but children of God. Just as God made the man alive with His genes in him, and the man passed them along to the woman, the same goes for regeneration. We are not to spread our flesh and its sordid DNA but the very Genetics of God by passing along the Spirit — His Invisible Image — to all who would hear.

A Christian is neither a person that is dunked in water nor a person who walks just part of the way to the Cross. A Christian is one that has “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” [x]

The ‘One Lord’ is Jesus, the ‘one faith’ is trusting Him, and the ‘one baptism’ is by the Holy Ghost of Jesus.  Christianity is those three things for the duration, for the long haul until either you die or are taken alive!

Where does the time element enter the process because time means a ‘process.’ [xi]

Faith is the process. Faith is not the degree of trust of walking to the altar but living that trust; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” [xii] “Trust’ is ignoring our own confused thinking and allowing God to take us where He would have us to go.

Now for the kicker… Why and where does that path go? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [xiii] That ‘world’ is not the sphere itself but the people on planet Earth. Trust is dependence on God to do just that!

‘Believes’ in that passage is not just for a cross-section in time but enduring trust. A person can not trust God for five minutes and then move on. The trust must be enduring to the end. [xiv]

Faith is trusting God for the duration of your physical existence. If it was put into a formula, it would be, Faith = trust / time. It is a variable and a dynamics between the Christian and God and it is from the beginning to the ending. from your rebirth to the end that culminates in glorification; that which is commonly called ‘salvation.’

Adam and Eve were innocent. God tried to make them vigilant; that although they were in the Presence of God that they remained vulnerable to the wiles of the Devil.

Sure, God used different words… cunning and so forth, but He warned them that although they were His, that put a target on the flesh of their backs. Lucifer, with the Serpent spirit within, conned the two… You will not die, die. [xv] (“Surely die” in that warning was literally “die, die.”). The Serpent was not speaking of their flesh dying but their souls as well.

Be vigilant and sober, as a Christian, to avoid ever perishing. [xvi] Not to be vigilant for only one time at the altar, or even sober one time, but sober and vigilant until you die!

Going to the altar is a man-made way to conversion. The conversion really begins when a person is persuaded to become a Christian.

King Agrippa was “almost persuaded” by Paul [xvii] but true Christians were fully persuaded, not only to become a Christian but Paul, “persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.” [xviii] Hence, faith is not independent of time but over time. It is like any variable; it can vary, and it can terminate. Termination of the grace of God is apostasy; [xix] it is once having affection for God but defecting from His Grace.

The apostle Paul said, “We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved.” [xx] Paul was an apostle and was quite alive, yet He understood that he was not saved; he spoke of a future event, and qualified salvation as, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. [xxi]

Paul was afterward crucified for his faith, and it was by grace (unmerited favor) that he was selected by Jesus to spread the gospel. Paul endured to the end, then Nero had him killed. Death was his gain because Paul had Jesus in his soul, not in person, but the Holy Ghost of Jesus who had spoken to Paul on the road to Damascus.

Adam and Eve went to the Tree of Life but did not go all the way there. They were interrupted by a familiar Voice that they mistook for God. Satan misled them. He entered their minds as if He was the LORD GOD. Eve was convinced that he was because she immediately conceived Cain for her ‘lord,’ not the LORD GOD, but her new master. [xxii]

There is One Christ — One God in the flesh. The ‘Serpent’ presented itself as God in the flesh. He was not! The ‘Word’ set them straight and persuaded the two that He was the real God and unlike the visible Serpent, He was invisible.

If Adam and Eve, who were of God, can be dissuaded from trusting God, what would make a Christian think that he is invulnerable to the wiles of the Devil. [xxiii] The ‘wiles’ is the cunning of the Serpent in the beginning. He Has never changed but attempts to change you to its image that is defiant from the Image of God. As such, mankind — ‘the lost’ — is the image of Lucifer and he is the father of lies from the beginning. [xxiv]

With that said, be vigilant of even preachers. Test all things according to the Word of God. Those seemingly good men may not spread the gospel, but may be false prophets who spread bad tidings. That water is saving makes water a ‘god” and ‘Poseidon” is its name. Jesus is the true waters from the waters that God divided back in the beginning. It is His ‘Seed’ and His alone that is saving!

When a preacher asked what just happened, the convert innocently responds, “I got saved today!” Not so. The child began to trust Jesus and proceeded on a journey that ends in salvation. The Seed of God is planted, but in the world, it must grow (live) that way to the end.

The child is one of the living souls that was planted on Earth just as in the beginning. If it is on stony soul, it will wither and die just as Jesus hinted.

I have planted many gardens but to be truthful, the ground in Kentucky is red clay. That is problematic because the flesh of Adam was made from red clay. God did that because he knew how hard the world would be for Adam to grow and multiply. And so, it is here in Kentucky.

This is the ‘Bible belt’ but I have experienced few churches that teach the entire truth. They convince Christians — those who follow Christ — that the Way is complete, whereas it has just begun with rebirth. Oftentimes, although Paul preached for Christians to continue in their persuasion. Few preachers have the audacity to preach that even the little children, much like innocent Adam, may indeed perish; that Satan is out to steal their souls, and may very well do so.

Before I conclude this chapter, consider ‘justification.’ Preachers preach that it means, ‘just as you never sinned.’

Forgetting that you are a sinner safe by grace, [xxv] you must never forget that you will be saved by grace when the walk is over. Saved and safe are both good translations of the Greek word, ‘sozo’ (Strong 2006); however, they must be distinguished by context.

Translator bias is a problem because everyone prefers their own doctrines. The English Bible was translated with Calvinists in the majority, and English translations have copied their errors.

Versions are not the actual Word of God but language versions. I am not saying, not to believe the Bible, but consider all translations in their original contexts. I have endeavored to do that in this commentary, and as such, I have changed many of my wrong ideas. Perhaps some remain because I am not the ultimate truth, although I do seek it.

To be truthful, the doctrine of once saved, always saved, is scriptural. The contention is just when is salvation? Is it when first persuaded to follow Jesus or is it when the reward is accomplished. Paul, who was quite familiar with the Greek Olympiads, wrote, “Know you not that they which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” [xxvi]

‘Conversion’ is when you are persuaded to enter the ‘race’ and follow Jesus, makes you nothing more than a ‘runner.’ If this race is over hurdles, then the runner may either jump over it as if it is not there, or fall flat.

Satan has erected high hurdles to make us fall. The flesh has mass, and on the Earth, our own flesh weighs us down. My thirty-pound weight gain is my own hurdle because I can no longer run like youthful me. The soul of man is weighed down with desires of the flesh. Each thing that we value as much as God weighs us down.

Satan is not there putting up hurdles. He is in our genes, however. We put up our own hurdles and then attempt to jump them without the aid of God.

What must we do to be saved? “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” [xxvii] We are to diminish the flesh. What we have is what we have. It is not the weight of the person that holds runners back but that the flesh becomes weak to sin in much the same way that Superman’s Krypton weakens him.

Adam himself was made weaker and weaker day by day with his conflicts with Satan (From the book of the same name). He was tempted much of the time, especially when he went where he should not go.

Adam was walking the Way to the Tree of Life, but on the Way, he encountered false knowledge. If he had went all the Way to Jesus — ‘The Tree of Life’ — he would not have stumbled. Because his spirit was God’s, Adam was willing, so God put grace on Adam with flesh that He provided for him. [xxviii]

That was not a ‘coat of flesh’ that you might think, but the Holy Spirit of God to comfort Adam and his mate. What he did for Adam, God can do for you; Jesus said, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.” [xxix]

What God did with that prayer was to open the door to the closet in Paradise, dust off the used coat that Adam wore, and fitted it just for you. There is a ‘Garment of God’ that fits all Adams, regardless of size, shape, color, or any other feature, except one; they must choose to wear it!

“Noah found grace.” [xxx] After he was safe, Noah removed the coat and revealed his flesh; then he became unsober as he drank strong wine.

Noah removed the Garment of God, according to the Book of Jasher, and then he went on a life of sin. The first thing, Noah became ‘God’ as he assumed the identity of ‘Husbandman.” [xxxi] Rather than multiplying the Spirit of God that he had, he made his own spirits, and the rest is bad history. To this day, inebriants take precedence over God for most people.

Like Noah, we too, have the freedom to either leave the ‘Comforter’ on or take it off, as we wish. To remain safe throughout the race, we ignore our flesh and wear the flesh of God.

His burden is light; scripture refers to the ‘Garment of God’ as the ‘Whole Armor of God.” It is not really a suit of armor any more than Adam’s coat was of skin!

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” [xxxii] Why would Christians need armor if they are already saved? God expects you to use reason and logic; you would not need armor if there was not trouble that may be encountered.

The Bible speaks of things that have significance to walk with God in His Footsteps.

Only He received the Holy Ghost at His baptism. None of the others did! The Spirit of God remained on Jesus alone, implying that it did not remain on any others.

We are not to follow Jesus to the water, nor even to the Cross, but to relinquish our bodies that belong to Him!

Paul wrote about you… “Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?” [xxxiii]

It is not your body, your choice; but the body that belongs to God who made and remade you in His Image each time.

Pleasuring your flesh over having the joy of God is defection, and yes, even Adam did that; he found that it was God’s Flesh that God made, but continued to make wrong choices time and time again!

Rituals will not provide the reward any more than doing nothing. They are mere things that you do to make you think that you are without peril. Even my own daily routine of writing my thoughts is ritualistic and non-saving. It is that I must believe the Thoughts that He imbues within me.

The apostles proved their trust by following Jesus to their graves. That is what all Christians must do!

(picture credit; Daily Manna)

[i] Col 1:27

[ii] Psalm 51:5

[iii] Gen 1:3

[iv] Gen 1:6

[v] Mat 19:28

[vi] Mat 10:38

[vii] John 7:39

[viii] Mark 1:4

[ix] John 7:38

[x] Ephes 4:5

[xi] Gen 4:3

[xii] Prov 3:5-6

[xiii] John 3:16

[xiv] Mat 10:22

[xv] Gen 2:17

[xvi] 1 Pet 5:8

[xvii] Acts 19:36

[xviii] Acts 13:43

[xix] Heb 6:6

[xx] Acts 15:11

[xxi] Phil 1:21

[xxii] Gen 4:1

[xxiii] Epes 6:11

[xxiv] John 8:44

[xxv] Ephes 2:8

[xxvi] 1 Cor 9:24

[xxvii] Mat 26:41

[xxviii] Gen 3:21

[xxix] John 14:16

[xxx] Gen 6:8

[xxxi] Gen 9:20

[xxxii] Ephes 6:11

[xxxiii] 1 Cor 6:19

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