Thursday, April 4, 2024


Jesus endured the world as He prayed earnestly for mankind; He worked in agony to save mankind. His sweat was as blood great drops falling to the ground (Luke 22:44). The Greek word was thrombos from which thrombosis was derived. Thrombosis is a clotting of the blood in the blood vessels or the heart. The agony of Jesus might very well be considered angina of the heart. Jesus felt the main of mankind and died of a heart attack if that is true. Because He was God, ordinary pain would not have bothered Jesus, but His pain was of the heart.

Jesus endured great pain to pray for mankind. It was as if was dying in their places. Soon, He would do just that. Who killed Jesus? God did. Jesus died before the mob could kill Him. Perhaps he died, not of His wounds or even the lance, but of congestive heart failure. His flesh could and did tolerate the pain, but His heart full of agony for mankind, gave way, and when the heart goes, the ghost goes with it.

While in agony and already suffering death; we forget, Jesus was enduring the sins of the world out of empathy for mankind. His agony would last, not for only an hour, but until He died. Jesus asked the disciples and Peter a question about themselves; “What, could you not watch with Me one hour?” (Mat 26:40). Jesus quit praying, perhaps to build up His endurance. Prayer, perhaps for Him, was the ‘nitroglycerin’ that allowed Jesus to endure His pain. His heart still would have ached, but prayer allowed Him to endure the pain. Prayer is not a placebo but a true panacea.

Jesus endured the world the remainder of the night and all the next day. He hurt for mankind for much more than one hour. From the agony of Christ to His death was Him enduring the world, and that took twenty-four hours. Agony killed Jesus, not the inflicted pain, the ridicule, the nails, nor the sword; heartache killed Jesus. He agonized for sinners to the extent that He died a day later.  In other words, Jesus killed Himself with grief. That was the only way. It was not death by suicide — sorrow for Himself — but sacrificial death in that He was the Lamb of God and the perfect sacrifice.

Like the woman with the blood issue for whom Jesus felt virtue leave Him (Mark 5:30), as her blood dried up, the blood of Jesus dried up in His heart as virtue left Him to heal the nations. He may have suffered severe acute thrombosis as virtue left him to save the world… if my inspiration is correct.

Paul wrote about Jesus, “Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood” (Rom 3:25). A propitiation, in archaic grammar is an expiation “to put an end to” (Merriam-Webster 2023). Jesus put an end to his blood as a sacrifice for us who have an issue of the blood.

Coagulation with thrombosis is certainly ending the usefulness of blood. Hence, thrombosis could have been the propitiation. “Symptoms of coronary thrombosis (a blood clot that forms in the heart) include severe pain in the chest and arm, sweating and trouble breathing” (Yale Medicine). Jesus was the first known case of the George Floyd agony… I can’t breathe, even as he was breathing.

Breathing with thrombosis is a propitiation. God breathed unto Adam to give life and the propitiation of the blood of Jesus was Him unable to breathe life to the world with ease; He breathed life to the world in great agony. He had severe pain with intense sweating. Jesus even manifested those symptoms with sweat as if great drops of blood. That is the medical evidence of His agony and the agony never ended until He lost so much virtue that He was weakened by each breath.

Jesus lost His ‘Breath’ as He died, Jesus said, “It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the Ghost” (John 19:30). He could still breathe only with intense pain, but He could still breathe enough virtue for those who trust in that blood to survive.

Jesus was ‘Petered Out.’ He was denied so often, and by so many, that it was better to die than to see so many deny the One who came to save them. He died, not of a broken heart, per se, but a hardened heart that no longer worked.

Who killed Jesus? Was it Satan? No; He knew the reason for Jesus’s death and would not aid God’s Plan.

Was it Judas? No, he died before Jesus.

Was it the chief priests? No, they only directed it.

Was it Pilate? He saw no reason to hurt Jesus.

Jesus died by a divine miracle. The perfect man suffered for all the imperfect people of the world.

We are all asleep; not for one hour, but for most of our lives. Most do not care how Jesus died, or even why! They are like zombies in the manner of the disciples, who despite warnings, thought life would go on for their Master. They lacked empathy for what Jesus was about to do.

When Jesus found them sleeping out of lack of concern, He agonized even more. Perhaps it was not the chief priest or even Judas who had the greater sin than Pilate, but the disciples of Jesus whose apathy grieved Him to death.

We all killed Jesus because He loved us with such intensity. but we didn’t love Him back. Unrequited love killed Jesus and yet most of the world still blame it on the Jews.

God killed Himself! God made the perfect sacrifice, killing His own flesh. Jesus was not the ‘Son of God’ as we think of it; He was the gens of God, having the genetics of God — the very Image — within His person.

It was not a suicide which is just a waste for forlorn people. Judas committed suicide, being unable to sacrifice himself for the good of mankind because Satan was in him.

However, Jesus had God in Him, not just the genetics of God, but His soul as well. The Holy Ghost within Jesus was the same ‘phantom’ that was the Image in Adam long ago.

Jesus told Pontius Pilate, “You could have no power at all against Me, except it were given to you from above: therefore, he that delivered Me unto you has the greater sin” (John 19:11).

God from above gave those on Earth the power to kill Jesus, but He did that by first weakening Jesus to the extent that He would want to go.

In a sense, the chief priest Caiaphas was the deliverer but not the executioner. It was God who allowed Himself to be executed. 

The delivers had gone unnoticed, to wit:

When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. Mat 27:1-2)

The greater sinner were many: mainly the cheief priest and the elders. In modern vernacular, the bishop, or even the pope, delivered Jesus, and the elders were the mob that helped deliver Him to Pilate. The 'Church' of that age delivered Jesus to die and expect no differently when the end comes; they will deliver the 'Bride' - the Church - to share the same fate as the Bridegroom.

picture credit: Deposit Photos


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