Sunday, July 28, 2024


Generally, the first thing upon rising, I fire up my computer. The first thing I see, and often choose to ignore, is the current news presented to me free of charge by the most out-of-touch people in the world — the news media.

The first thing that I see are the headlines. Headlines are meant to draw attention to some event. As such, they either incite accordance or hatred.

Headlines are one-liners used as “bait” that is meant to catch the eye and then the attention of the readership. As the captured “fish” reads the body of text, the headlines are most often wishful thinking on the part of the writers. They most often ignore the actual truth or take sentences out of context.

Us “fish” have been caught in a sort of “fish trap” unless we see the holes in the story that allows us to escape their fantasies. Like fish, most people once they are in the trap, cannot find their way out! That is the basis of the construction of a fish trap.


Figure 1: wire fish trap

The headline is the “bait.” As fish peer through the opening as shown in the figure above, the “headline;” perhaps for fish may be a wiggly worm, and for humans a deception; both kinds enter the cage unaware that it is even a trap. Nothing hinders them from entering, so they suspect nothing could hinder them from leaving, if they even think about it.

Bait is just that. It is something enticing that begs those who pass by to enter where they should not go. Headlines are bait, and even foolish me, sometimes enter to see if the bait is real or artificial. I am a savvy “fish” that never goes all the way in but glances at the real things, represented in the figure as real wires.

However, I am not a dumb fish nor a non-inquiring human. I know the media; they want me to buy into their narratives. News is not news any longer; it is merely a sure way of repeating a falsehood to the world and for many to buy into the narratives.

In the sit-com, The Middle, the mother warned the youngest child not to believe everything that he sees on the internet. He then asked his mom, “You mean there are not hundreds of attractive women in my neighborhood who want to meet me?”

That a seven-year-old child believes such things is understandable. However, the reason that is on the internet is because even old men believe that narrative. Narratives are merely statements planned to deceive those who hear or read them.

The media and crooked politicians depend on you believing the outlandish.

Jonathan Gruber, the Democrat operative for Obamacare said, “We depended on the stupidity of the American voter.” Obama caught people into his medical care trap using some sort of invisible fish trap and the “bait” was that it was free. They never mentioned that if you did not want it, you had to even pay the government after filing taxes. The government always uses free things to entice the unaware voters. It is as if they put on blindfolds when they enter both the trap and the voting booth!

Once inside the trap, for dumb fish and stupid people, they cannot see the way out. Freedom seems impossible. Fish are dumber than mice; unless they accidentally escape, they are caught. The media depends on people being dumber than mice as well, or at least frogs.

Frogs, if placed in hot water jump out. It is instinctive and done without even thinking. However, if the water temperature is raised a little at a time, then they are so dumb that they perish in too hot water. The media and crooked politicians believe that you are more like a frog. You will get used to their conditions if it is done gradually.

The government conditions by offering a small slice of the “pie” and it tastes so good that people want even more. The pie is only so big. Stupid people never consider that it might run out or be so expensive that only the elite get the pie!

However, once the headline reads, “FREE” they continue to believe the narrative and no longer want out of the fish trap. Even frogs might see the escape route, but voters get trapped even when there is no bait within. Like Pavlov’s dog, they have tasted the treat so many times, that when the government says “FREE” they salivate even when there are no free things forthcoming.

Those who fall for the bait are trapped and doomed to perish. So many times, blacks have gone for the free things that they are now quite comfortable living trapped. They have trusted their former captors so long that they no longer know just how trapped they are!

The opening is there but now they are like frogs; when the heat is turned up as big cities burn, they are comfortable with that.

Many whites see them there and join them in their agony because they too take the bait of “FREE” things. They are in a virtual prison although the door remains open.

It is the voting booth that turns things around, so that dummies can see their way out. The problem is that they see the open door as a barrier. They have been so comfortable in their prisons that they fear removing themselves from captivity. They even begin to love those who put the bait in the trap because the “FREE” sign remains on their most distant wall. Someday, indeed, they feel that there will truly be free things there, but life is nothing but a dream for them. No wonder the Great Reset uses the term, “reimagine” so many times!

Americans, even most of the world, are in a cage.

Now for some commentary on scripture. Lucifer made a sort of “fish trap” to catch naïve human beings. The bait was some type of free things. Sacred literature reveals that the bait were figs on a fig tree. The figs belonged to God and from that one tree, they were not to eat.

If the Tree of Life was an olive tree, then figs looked better than olives. However, I believe that the glossy things (translated “herbs”) that they could eat was manna from God. [1] The “Glossy Thing” on the forbidden tree was Lucifer whose name means, “Bringer of Light.”

They saw the brightness thereon and mistook it for truth. As it turns out, the bait Lucifer used was a fig as large as a watermelon (1 Adam and Eve XLI:2).

However, what was really on the tree was sin. They partook of sin just by entering the trap. Soon, God made a garment of safety and released them from Eden into the world. [2]

God set them free, it seemed, but they were only free within a huge “cage.” God had put mankind in a cage because that was where we could exist, even uncomfortably, all the while we think that the world is paradisical, to wit: “He (God) drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life” (Gen 3:24).

Most people are dumb very much like beasts. We do not live in a yellow submarine or anything other than a gigantic cage — a fish trap of sorts. The man and the woman were free in the Garden of Eden, perhaps even in another realm where everything was indeed free, only of the man could dress and keep it. Things therein were free indeed, but mankind chose the trap. They trespassed onto the property of God and as such were imprisoned in the world until their wage of sin was paid (Rom 6:23; then they will be made free, as Jesus promised when He said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

What is truth?  That the world that we see as free range wherein we are quite comfortable; it really is a cage wherein things are not so good (Gen 3:14-19).

We all live in a fish trap, albeit we are so comfortable in it that few even want to escape!

To be truthful, both my Dad and I feared squeezing through the opening, but it is worth the effort, because on the other side of the wires of the trap is forever and eternity. It is not just the stupidity of the American voter, but the stupidity of our entire kind that believe they were born gods (Gen 3:5).

The truth will make us free indeed. The world is a trap, and we are quite comfortable in Lucifer’s trap. God took the two “fish” that Lucifer caught and placed them safely within the world until they see the portal to eternity and Eden again.

The Tree of Life was a walking, talking Person, called “Jesus,” who promised, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him” (Rev 3:20).

The “door” therein is an invisible (to us) portal. It is behind us and seems so distant and small that it cannot be passed through. Indeed, it is a small portal, and few will enter in: “For many be called, but few chosen,” according to Jesus (Mat 20:16).

Now imagine the fish trap in the figure. You are the “fish,” facing the bait. You do not look back and are stuck within the trap as if it is impossible to turn around and see the opening. However, there stands the “Fisherman” Jesus, or perhaps one of the fisherman apostle’s words. The “knocking” is Jesus behind you beaconing you to look His Way to escape the trap. However, you must realize that you are even trapped!

You might not even see the opening to freedom, but Jesus keeps on knocking. Only those that respond to the knocking shall be free.

What is it that we escape? Death!

 God could reach His hand through and grab you by the legs like a merman, but he wants only free-range fish caught in the wild. He just hammers and hammers until you either realize what He is hammering for and respond or just remain stiff-necked.

Most of the fish will just stare straight ahead at the bait, rancid or not, and be satisfied with where they are. They ignore the knocking as if there is no sound. Fish do not really “hear” but only respond to vibration. That is why Jesus keeps a knocking; to get to us through our thick skulls.

He knocks with the Cross that beacons us. Not by coincidence, it is the “place of the cranium” called “Calvary.” That is where the earth quaked to show the people the way out but most just stood there as if the earth had never quaked!

The Cross is the directional signal for the Way out of the world to the Garden of Eden in Paradise in another realm.

Jesus was on it showing all who would look the Way back to the Garden of Eden and the escape route from the world wherein we have been trapped for life. Some of us saw the Way and wait for God’s time to release us from our giant cage.

One person saw the Way, not only off his cross, but out of the world. That day, the repentant thief was with Jesus in Paradise as the hammers knocked on the nails that bound both him and Jesus to the “Ark” to heaven. The Cross was the portal all the time, and now few even realize that the Cross is the “key” to the portal to heaven.

Neither Jesus nor the thief really died. They were merely set free from their respective bodies and without that weightiness, they were set free for the trip back to the Garden Paradise. The Cross is the material “Tree of Life,” and the Ghost of Jesus the Tree of Life now back in the Garden and as close as death.

Can you not see it? The world is our prison, and death sets us free, if we are in Christ with Him wherever He shall go.

The apostles that were fishermen of men, knew how to catch and release, and they taught other men and women how to catch and release “fish” from the trap that they are in. The lusts of the world are the “bait” and many still take the bait although it never satisfies, making the stupid fish only unsatisfied and wanting more.

You all do live in a yellow submarine of sorts. At least you live in a cage that you don’t even realize is there. You can be made free if you only listen to the knock and turn around, but like real fish, our ears do not really hear.









[1] See my commentary, “FOOD FOR ANGELS NOT FOOD FOR BEASTS,” on the link Herrin Daily Thoughts: FOOD FOR ANGELS NOT FOOD FOR BEASTS (

[2] That Eden is the heavenly Paradise comes from the 1 Book of Enoch.

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