Wednesday, July 10, 2024


The first few chapters of the Book of Ezekiel are prophetic about Israel (the northern kingdom) and the destruction of the Temple in Judah (the southern kingdom). Note that to punish the people, God sent other kingdoms to destroy His people who were unfaithful.

The intervals of 290 days and 40 days (one day for each year of punishment) were surely the destruction of Israel’s ten tribes and the forty days the destruction of Judah’s remaining two tribes with a long interval in between.

The Book of Ezekiel was written from about 593 to 573 B.C. according to John Hyrcanus destroyed the Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim in 111-110 B.C.  Soon to follow was Herod’s Temple in 70 A.D. [1]

The Temple equates to the Christian Church. Because Jesus was to be the Temple of God, where Christ is, makes a Temple. Christians call the Temple of Christ the “Church.”

With that said, this about that: 

Jesus answered and said unto them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Then said the Jews, “Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?” But He spoke of the Temple of His body. (John 2:19-20) 

The Body of Jesus is now the “Temple.” The body of Christians is the “Christian Church.” Therefore, the Temple was the Church of Christ. The problem was that the Jews failed to see that Yahweh is the Christ, their Messiah. They failed to understand that because they could not see Jesus, Jesus did not exist. Indeed, all along, even in Temple worship, Jesus was the “Word” to whom they had allegiance when their devotion was best.

The problem is that in the days of Ezekiel the Jews failed to even heed Yahweh. There was not even one “Temple,” nor one Messiah, but two temples with two Messiah’s.

Because the Samaritans of the northern kingdom tried to get John Hyrcanus — the Jewish priest — to destroy the Temple of God in Jerusalem, Hyrcanus destroyed the temple on Mt. Gerizim.

The Samaritans were Babylonian Kuthim who were sent to Israel to replace the Jews who had been taken to Babylonia. As such, the Kuthim play-acted Judaism, and according to Josephus, they very well played the part of Jews when it was fashionable and became something else when it was unfashionable.

The Samaritans were very much like the modern Christian Church of this era. The Kuthites became whatever their governors commanded and the modern Church whatever the government propagated.

Note that right on the heels of same-sex marriage the modern era “Kuthite” Church followed suit. Methodists have united with the world and have separated from God. That is not an attack on the Methodists, but their leadership.

The religion of the ancient Samaritan’s was one of convenience; to avoid persecution they did whatever the governors wanted them to do. John Hyrcanus, they thought, would do as they asked, but he destroyed their corrupt House of God. However, to this day, the Kuthite (pagan) Temple lives in the hearts of men, just as the real Temple lives in the hearts of Jews and the true Church in the hearts of Christians.

In this century, there are no temples for either Kuthites or Jews. Their “Houses of God” lies within them wherever they assemble.

Now for the subject of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). What made the Samaritan — the Kuthite — good? He practiced his religion whereas the typical Samaritan and Jews practiced the Law. The Jews, thinking that the man was dead, would not touch him. They obeyed the Law of Moses that dead men were unclean.

The Samaritan, on the other hand, disregarded the Law and helped the man even though he looked dead.  He thought it was worthwhile to save the life of the man and took the chance that he would defile the Law.

Laws, according to Jesus, could be broken to help those in distress, even an ox: “Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day?” (Luke 14:5). Obviously, the right answer was that they would break the Law for an animal, so why not help a man thought to be dead?

By the time of the good Samaritan, the Jewish religion had become more corrupted than the Kuthite religion. Even though God was with them, they still acted as if Moses was God. Moses was their leader, not their God. He was the judge who governed them by himself (Exod 2;14).

God’s Law was written on stone for perpetuity. Mosaic Law was written on biblia for his time. The Jews were still following Moses as they always did without realizing that God was leading Moses. They were obeying the Law okay but disregarding the Law-Giver.

A Jew — the priest John Hyrcanus — destroyed the Kuthite Temple rather than the Temple in Jerusalem as they had asked. Only eighty years later, the Jews destroyed their own Temple and history blamed the Romans for what the Jews had done. As Josephus wrote, the Roman general, Titus, tried to save the Temple before it was destroyed by a group consisting of Jewish thieves, zealots, and sicarii.

The building was torn down by God in 70 A.D. “What,” you say, “you just said that Jews tore down their own temple in the manner of Hyrcanus!”

God made the Assyrians and Babylonians for a purpose. They tore down the nations of Israel and Judah. Likewise, the Macedonians Empire was made to destroy the false temple at Gerizim and the Romans to tear down the retrograde Temple at the Temple Mount.

Just as the Kuthites tried to get Hyrcanus to do the barbaric deed, God enlisted the most retrograde of the Jews to tear down Herod’s Temple.

Now apply that history to the modern era. This is the dawning of the Luciferin Age — Aquarius — replacing the Christian era — Pisces.

Christians, unwittingly, are tearing down the invisible “Church” one “lively stone” (1 Pet 2:5) at a time. They have pushed the Greatest Commandment to its limitations — To love God and others (Mat 22:36-40). By now, that Commandment itself has become retrograde. Modern “churches” love others more so than God. In the “Greatest Commandment” the love of God came first. In this era, loving others is paramount to loving God.

God is great and perfect. All of us are defects, and as such, imperfect. We all come short of the Glory of God (Rom 3:23), but the church is now putting the emphasis on loving others which diminishes God to second rate.

Now consider the word “love” itself. It is not an emotional feeling the way we think of it. The Greek word is “agape.” It is not emotional at all but having goodwill toward God and others. It is what we think about God and His creatures.

Should we have had goodwill for our enemy, Adolph Hitler? If so, then we would have wanted Hitler to succeed in ruling the world with cruelty. Goodwill has nothing to do with tolerance. We should have wanted Hitler to die as he did and let God judge him! Hitler’s suicide was God judging him.

If we had judged Hitler with goodwill toward him without regard to his evilness, then that would be us judging him against God who desired that he shall not murder (Exod 20:13).

We should save the Jews and any other people that are under threat of death, even on the Sabbath. We would do that for the ox or ass, so why not for the infirm and Jews?

To save the Jews and even Christians, Hitler had to succumb. The German minister, Dietrich Bonnhoeffer, had a tough decision to make; is it okay to take one life of a brute to save many lives of civil people? Christian pragmatism is that the body of Hitler was an acceptable sacrifice, and like Judas, God killed Hitler, him recognizing that the wrath of the world and of God would be upon him.

Bonnhoeffer had goodwill for the people of God before willing good for Satan personified. Sinful people are demons personified, so should we have goodwill for them?

Sgt. Alvin York used the same logic to justify warfare to save the many at the cost of the lives of a few.

The goodwill that we should have for others is that they be like God, or as the Jesus said it, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

The goodwill is in the word, “love.” His goodwill for others is that some should not perish, but some He lacks goodwill toward because they deserve to perish. He placed a contingency on loving others — that anyone who trusts Him not perish, indicating that whosoever should not perish because they all have had that opportunity.

Adolph Hitler had his opportunity. God wanted that he would never perish, even that insane murderer! What did Hitler not do? He did whatever he wanted and disregarded God in the process. He could not stand the idea that Jesus was Jewish, so he had written a Nazi Bible, one without Jews and Christ’s Jewishness.

He showed antipathy for God and the form in which God came into this world. He removed the Jewish genealogy and made Jesus no more than a Prussian Teuton.

The point therein is that you cannot have goodwill for others to the detriment of God. God destroyed even His own people because they had forsaken Him.

The modern Church has so much goodwill for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) that sinners now have dominion over God and His precepts.

That diversity is even what people think is more acceptable than truth. Their own imagination takes precedence over God who is Truth and what He says is right.

Who defines DEI? Not you; not me; and not the government, nor even the Church. John 3:16 is God’s statement about DEI. It is Him that decides who is worthy of His grace.

Priests, ministers, rabbis, nor even government mandates decide who shall not perish. DEI means nothing to God, but now for many churches, their leadership sets the criteria. As for them, everyone, even murderous criminals who do not repent, are worthy of eternal life.

The church has become the judge as God’s will for us is ignored. The ecclesia has become the “almighty gods” to the detriment of Jesus who is the real judge of us all.

That is the same as it was in the days of Ezekiel and the way it is now. The destruction of the Christian Church is eminent, and by that it is meant, its organization. However, the true Church is built of real lively stones on the foundation of the prophets and apostles with Jesus as the cornerstone (Ephes 2:20).

Jesus said about Himself, “Upon this Rock (Jesus the “Cornerstone) I will build my church; and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it” (Mat 16:18).

The church leadership will destroy its doctrines but for the few true Christians that remain true to the law of loving God foremost, the invisible Church will endure forever.

Right now, you are seeing our temples destroyed; not brick by brick, but precept by precept. That false “church” will fall and be replaced by the Synagogue of Satan in the end (Rev 2:9; 3:9).




[1] For an explanation of the 390 and 40 years of great tribulation see

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