Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cracking the Door

The door is solid and the glass opaque dims the view. The stranger outside can scarce be seen.  He, or so it seems, agilely sways to and fro as in a hurry to be discovered. He taps gently on the door when the musical summons fails to gain him entry. You see him there. He can't be ignored!

 "Oh, yes!" you think, "it must be some gift or possibly flowers from the one I miss!" You ask "Who's there?' and hear the faint reply. "Just a delivery ma'am, just a delivery!

Smiling, yet cautious, but still in anticipation, you crack the door. You speak again "What have you got for me?" The friendly response is "A gift for your ma'am, it seems!.

 Now wildly excited you remove the chain and suddenly crooked fingers wedge the gap between the door and the jamb. Then with a forceful shove with his bulky shoulder, the intruder is now in charge! You start to scream, but to no avail. His ruddy hands enfolds those sweet lips and now you're his

As you scream a muffled scream and panic in terror, you realize that what was most pleasant to perceive was indeed a deadly poison. Your vulnerability fed the beastly desires of a serial rapist, if not a killer. Before you think of danger, it's too late! Now you've submitted. Maybe he won't expect much and you can live on with only a few scars. Or, as you consider things more fully, "Perhaps he will kill me or make me serve him!" Either outcome is extreme payment for only "cracking the door"!

This is a fictitious account, if not realistic. Women make this mistake often and may not live to regret it! The example account was a victimized woman, but in the hands of  evil, we may all may be victimized. The victim can be you and often is you! It's not the evil men which I fear for us, but the demon who knocks and knocks and knocks. He moves from door to door awaiting an answer, and the inhabitants until now safe, crack the door! Just a little it's cracked, but that small crack makes the most stolid person vulnerable to forces, not immaculate, but powerful still.

Demons are patient! We don't believe in them as a society, but they laugh at our naivete. We are mocked when we disbelieve, but they laugh heinously as we smoothly move on our way. I can hear their banshee laugh right now, waiting for me to crack my door; just a little, but that all they need for their stalwart fingers to make my life theirs. How do I know they exist? I believe Jesus. He held the door tight, and even when offered the world as his, he knew it wise not even to consider "cracking that door"! Jesus believed in demons and they believed in him!

We say we believe in Jesus, but fail to believe what he knew. How is it that we "crack that door" and danger is imminent? We pay attention to the knock. We listen to the smooth voice of the deliveryman, or so he claims to be! We believe when he promises pleasure in his delivery. He tempts us with promises of wealth or power. We smile in anticipation, then we cautiously "crack the door". "He's a pleasant looking delivery man!" we think in rationalizing our fear. "I shall trust him, but cautiously so!  I see the package held in those handsome hands. It's wrapped beautifully!" I think. As he gives you the hand-written note which says "For you with love for your pleasure.", the door is now unchained and cracked.

It's not beauty which you had seen, but a facade of demon deception! Evil takes on any form to deceive who it might. You cracked the door for something perceived as beautiful, but that lamb was a wolf in disguise, so to speak. However, he does hold a pretty gift, so you decide to ignore the ugliness of the bearer and enjoy the fruits of what he holds. The box he holds a beautiful basket. It will be good to eat, pleasant to behold and shall make you even wiser! Just one time, I'll take that package.

As I reach out for what I want, the demon vanishes into the dark. He's satisfied! He's done his job quite well once again. The Master will be pleased for he's sure you're his. This gift that you have taken is one that never quits. A habit it becomes to eat of the forbidden fruit and the fruit is supplied by one of those gift clubs. You enjoy what you have for now, knowing more is on its way, but future gifts are different; for their pleasure you become a slave. You no longer wait for more to come your way. You venture out on your own to satisfy that crave.

Demons are smart creatures. They often work only once. Because once you're enslaved, his job is done by you. Whereas, before he tempted, now you live for him. As you do his job, you sing his naughty hymn! The creature you now serve, you will be his forever because you cracked that door a little, and a little made the you a tare. When once you were safe inside protected by God's armor, now your exposed to Satan and his evil delivery charmers. Never crack that door, even a little, or you'll regret, that you opened that door and exposed yourself to what the serpent offers yet!

Albeit, I should have said it before, but my warning is so important; there comes a knock that should be answered, but it's a knock of one who defeats all harm. The person knocks a loving knock, and he too bears a gift. His gift is not of pleasure, but of joy and happiness. As you look at the door, his truth is transparent. He offers you a gift, but it's because he's as a parent. He's your Father. He needs no tricks to deceive, for his Way is the Truth. He wants one thing for you, and that's for you to love him too!

When you open the door for him, the demons shy away. He puts a hedge around your door and keeps the boogers away.  He's dressed in white linen to signify he's pure. He radiates a light which shines through your now translucent door. He smiles because he loves you, and wants you for your love. Unlike the devil before him, he'll ascend with you above.

Before a prince was at the door and pretended to be a king. Now the King is at your door and becomes for real a servant. He didn't come to Lord over, but to serve you because you're weak. He's got his throne in heaven. He doesn't need one here. He's called "King of the Jews" because that was what was written. His killers thought they killed him and denigrated his name, He's not "King of the Jews", but all who call his name!

If you have to crack the door, maybe you should not! If you can't open the door wide perhaps it's best you not. Open the door wide when that knock comes undisguised and full of truth. You'll know who it is if you read that book of truth. However, when he knocks, it must be answered, for he may only knock once. Once is all it takes, but your chance is when he knocks. If the knock is rejected too often, it may be that he's lost hope in you, fearing that rather than open wide for him, you crack that door a little bit, and hear those lies of demons, and submit submit submit until you have fully succumbed.

Take the narrow gate on your way out the door, for the wide path is to destruction of which I warned before!

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