Let's look at the difference:
Trust - "assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something" (Meriam-Webster Dictionary)."Reliance" is the key idea behind trust. It's something one can depend upon. It's not there sometimes and not at other times. Just as the sun comes up each morning, reliable things or persons just are! Reliable things never let another down. It has a positive word. "Relying" on another to fail is not "reliance". It's low expectations! Expecting little from another belittles the other.
Whatever we rely upon is bound to be. We know that we can depend on the person or thing to come through. We are assured. That's a positive aspect and is in contrast to "doubt". Doubt is ugly and is an ugly characterization. By doubting another person or ideal shows a lack of confidence and diminishes another. When one doubts another it says "I can't rely on you!". It's a lack of respect.
Therefore we have "assured reliance", but on what? Let's start with "character". That's a persons make-up. It's the true picture people have and show to others. Normally, character is the reputation one has developed. People work hard to be thought of well, and when another doubts them, it's as if a dagger is thrown at their very being! Character is developed over a lifetime and one who doubts another's character is tearing down their very life.
The trust of "assured reliance" is also on another's abilities. It's the attitude of "I can depend on you because you are able!". Some people work hard for others. Their entire life is devoted to provide and they are good at it. Failure to recognize a person's abilities shows a lack of trust. It's saying "You won't do what you're able to do when I need you!" Most people work hard to advance themselves so that they are educated to qualify for jobs they need to provide for others. "Trust" is being assured that the one you can depend on is able to be there with what you need when you need it! An insult is when one trusts another for abilities, but don't trust in other aspects. This denigrates a person because that's not true trust. It's mere dependence. What's worse is when another accepts the fruits of one's abilities, but fail to honor those abilities!
The next aspect of assured reliance in trusting is "strength". Not only does the other have physical strength, but must be counted on for spiritual and moral strength. Recognizing the stature of another entails more than physical abilities, but recognizing that they are strong in morals and conscience. Their strength too is not because of intimidation, but because they are inherently strong. Belittling a person's moral strength is showing a lack of trust. We are strong, not because others keep us in line, but because that's part of our character!
Trust is firm reliance that another thing or person is truthful. A lack of trust in the integrity and fidelity of another is belittling. Oftentimes a person's M.O. is doubting the integrity of another because they themselves are untruthful. Truth has more aspects than agreeing with objective reality. It's respecting another's ability to be truthful and honoring the space of another. Adults don't need policemen to keep them in line. Truthful people are truthful because that's their desire! People have their own moral code, be it of humanity or religiosity to speak, behave and be truthful. When one's truth is doubted, it's saying I don't trust you!"
This last aspect of trust is the one which, when lacking, can cause "rust"! Rust is disintegration over time! It's when rather than "assured reliance" is replaced by ample doses of oxygen and water. Given enough time iron will disintegrate. It oxidizes and becomes rust. The oxygen and water which contributes to rust are doubt and suspicion. Given enough time, iron will rust with water and oxygen. Given enough time the iron in you life will rust with doubt and suspicion!
Relationships corrode over time when trust is not there. Instead of trust, only rust remains. Eventually, the rust will become so profound that it just becomes part of the surroundings! When trust is not there, relationships have the same destiny. They merely disappear into the sands of time.
Rust occurs because there are ingredients which contribute to disintegration. Adding salt to water and oxygen accelerates rust. In life, demons are the salt. Yes, I realize that we are the salt of the earth, but that salt has lost its savor, it is a corrosive salt, and that salt is a season of Satan! He's a salt substitute and his alkalinity is abrasive! His salt destroys. Rather than having bitter salt within us, our salt must have savor!
We are to trust in the Lord!
Psalm 18:2 "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."Take a look at "trusting the Lord". He is "my rock". He's dependable! He is my "fortress". He is strong! He is my "deliverer". He has abilities! He is my "strength". He is strong! That fits the dictionary definition of "trust" to a tee because God too is "Truth":
Psalm 31:5 "Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth."Believing in Jesus is more than allowing that he exists. It's enduring faith in who he is and relying on his attributes. That's trust! Without depending on him being "Truth" his other attributes are of no significance. Without the "T" for "Truth", your relationship with Jesus will "rust". It will, with the lost savor in the salt, disintegrate and disappear into the soils of the world.
Trust is an important ingredient in our relationship with Christ. Can you imagine the turmoil we would undergo if we failed to trust Jesus on who we have "assured reliance". Jesus would hurt. He would cry. He wants our trust and without our trust, there is no relationship with him and no communion with God.
Always trust in Jesus! Don't let a good relationship disintegrate with rust. Hold fast to what you have. Have faith is Jesus and trust him for he will never fail you! Why? Because he loves you!
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