Sunday, February 1, 2015

Music Molds Our Minds

I made the comment to a friend "There will be no rock music in heaven!" Whereas, I look forward to the day when the rock genre is not even a memory, others live for it. I'm not even sure there will be secular music in heaven, let alone rock! This Christian became angry with me!

Before the reader is offended and stops, consider that what I write is not just  an opinion, but what I discern from scripture. Because so many listen to rock it would be my wish that it be appropriate music, but little of it is. I don't listen to rock music and never was a fan because there was a conflict with what I believe. Also note that "rock" has a wide definition and I make no attempt to define exactly what it is. It is a dynamic definition. Of what I speak is traditional "rock" and not contemporary music in general. My comment is based on what part of the rock genre is stereotypical.

For the purposes of what that stereotype is, let me define that stereotype:

It's what originally was called "rock and roll". and came from a combination of African-American music consisting of  blues, boogie woogie, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music, together with Western swing and country music. (Wikipedia). This genre evolved into "rock music" and is not only musical, but cultural as well. Wikipedia goes on to say
 "The phrase 'rocking and rolling' originally described the movement of a ship on the ocean, but was used by the early twentieth century, both to describe the spiritual fervor of black church rituals and as a sexual analogy."
In plain English "rock and roll" was used as a euphemism for "back seat sex".  As a teenager I knew what "rock and roll" was, not because I'm a wizard, but because before I participate in things, I want to know more about them! Because I was a Christian in my youth I believed it was against the nature of God to listen to rock music. There is a reason for that; it's called "discernment". It's being sensitive to things and knowing the will of God. Sometimes I just wished that God had left me alone so I could do "my thing", but that's not God's will! The "thing" that God wants is righteousness, and that most often conflicts with things pleasurable.

God deals with that conflict by making things once pleasurable no longer a priority. Some things God puts in the Christian heart is hate for what one once loved. To become new creatures in Christ, we are to put away the old and take up the new, but the Holy Spirit assists us in getting new desires. Christians must cooperate!

I have lived a full life! I have not missed anything and I never was a listener to rock music. It isn't necessary for happiness and I am quite jubilant without it! The most negative things I have seen in rock music is influencing young minds to be like the "artists" who write and sing it!

In regard to "rock and roll", it can't ever have a place in heaven! Those who plan on going to paradise should consider; it's a paradise without "rock and roll"! How do I know that?
Revelation 21:27 (ESV) "But nothing unclean will ever enter it (heaven), nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life."
The criteria for things allowed in heaven, are those things which are clean! Is "rock and roll" unclean. Nothwithstanding that "rock and  roll" means "back seat sex", which is unclean, think on the all the other activities and behaviors associated with rock music! God is not a fan of evil. I suppose that he meant what he said are those things to  which he wants to be exposed:
 Habakkuk 1:13a (ESV) "You (God) who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong..."
God can see evil! That's how he's able to judge, but his DESIRE is never to see that evil. His will is that things be pure just as he is pure!  God would never welcome evil into heaven and in fact evil (from Revelation above) is not allowed in! "Back seat sex"and those things which complement it, is unwelcome in heaven and it's my guess that whatever represents "back seat sex" is equally wrong in God's eyes!  I truly believe that "There will be no rock music in heaven!" (That part is my opinion based on God's word).

Heaven is a righteous place. We're to prepare ourselves for our reward by being righteous!
Matthew 6:33 (ESV) "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness..."
In order to do "right" it needs to be clear what is "right" in God's kingdom. Here's some things "right " is not:
Colossians 3:5 (ESV) "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."
Doing evil is idolatry. That's placing desire before God. The list above is what MOST (of course not ALL) rock music is about! Even the casual listener can hear all these things in a large portion of popular rock music. We can deny it all day, but it's still there, and incidences of it can be counted!

Not doing these things is righteousness, but there are things we are to do as well:
Philippians 4:8 (ESV) "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."
Before one can understand the necessity of "putting to death... what is earthly in you" a person must understand what "is" and "why". "Earthly" are the things not of God. It's what's important to the carnality of the flesh. The "whys" are mainly two" 1) out of love, respect and submission to God and 2) to resist the devil  (James 4:7).

We become vulnerable to the deception of the devil when we fail to resist what he offers. The message presented by much of rock music is what they say it is:
Rock music has a giant cultural impact! "Rock and roll influenced lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and language." (G. C. Altschuler, All shook up: how rock 'n' roll changed America (Oxford: Oxford University Press US, 2003), p. 121.
"Topics such as sex that had generally been considered taboo began to appear in rock and roll lyrics. This new music tried to break boundaries and express emotions that people were actually feeling but had not talked about. An awakening began to take place in American youth culture." (Schafer, William J. Rock Music: Where It's Been, What It Means, Where It's Going. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1972.
The American youth has been awakened! There now exists a different culture than what existed before the advent of rock music. Is it for the betterment or the detriment? For God rock music ushered in a  rebellious time; rebellion against societal norms, global relations, civil institutions and against Christianity. The reason for Christ has been obscured by the desire to be entertained. Jesus has lost out to Jimi Hendrix. What a shame!
"Songs with violent lyrics increase aggression related thoughts and emotions and this effect is directly related to the violence in the lyrics, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association (APA)."
Even the liberal APA says that violent lyrics increase aggression. Aggression against others is hateful and destructive. If music can lead to rebellious anger, can it not lead to other societal maladies and sin: promiscuity, perversions, improprieties, drug use, political extremism, hate, and other negative influences? Psychologists agree that music influences! Others agree. Music has been used in the civil rights movement, anti-war messages, advertising,  politics, and the list goes on. People write music to influence. They have messages to pass along and the listener gets the messages without even thinking about it! Music is pervasive and insidious. That's "why" its the best tool for propaganda!

What is the message propagated in much rock music today? It runs the gamut from rebellion against authority to Satanism. From lost love to suicide. From apathy to insurrection. From respect to anarchy. From casual sex to the licentious. Most of it weighs on the end biased toward evil because the message "artists" espouse for the most part are hedonistic. Rock music seems to be a platform for rejection; rejection of what's right in God's eyes! If someone is selling a product why do they create a catchy jingle? It's to lure the spender! It's so you want what they have! Why do rappers dispense hate and rebellion? They want you to hate and rebel! And you think you're not influenced? Advertisers spend billions of dollars because they KNOW that you indeed are influenced by the music you hear!

Some Christians use rock music as a means of attracting the young into the church. While that may be a noble endeavor, we're not to take the church to the world, but bring the world to the church. Sometimes the type of music played in churches prove that the performers are spending much time in the music of the world. They may play Jesus music on Sunday, but who's music is it that captivates them the rest of the week?

How far should we compromise the church in entreating the world? There are strippers for Christ! Is that too far? There are bars and beer for Christ? Is that too far? Church is not about entertaining us; it's about magnifying Jesus. Why then is it us who needs the entertainment? Furthermore, why is it that we need to be entertained on Sunday when that's what we get all week long? Perhaps we best allow Sunday to be the Lord's Day!

If one examines "rock and roll" and asks one question: "Is this artist a born-again Christian?", it is readily seen that few, almost nil, claim to be "born-again" and just a few even claim to be Christians. The message that we get is then "non-Christian", so why do Christians love rock music so? My belief is that they care little for what God says about purity!
Habakkuk said "You (God) who are of purer eyes..."
says that our eyes are impure. We're to be like God and that includes purity. How can we listen to what people hear yet remain pure? It's not possible. Impurity interferes with God because sin can't be in his presence. How can people listen to songs rebellious to God then go praise God? They deceive themselves and Satan smiles!

 It's okay! Write me off as a man of extreme positions, but when you do, remember that God is more extreme than what I ever will be because I know that I too am sinful.

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