Wednesday, January 27, 2016

On Trump and Cruz

I'm not a libertarian because of God's Law. He gave us Commandments for the protection of self and others; and to show our love for him! Without God's Law anarchy would be the rule (sic). People would all do "what is right in their own eyes":
Judges 21:25 "In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."
"No king" can be read two ways: no civil rule and no respect for God. As such God created a government. It was the judicial system (judges) whose  Supreme Court is the Holy Trinity. The Chief Justice is God, but The Word has final say. Checks and balances were by the Law and it's Lawyer!

Libertarians are those doing right in their own eyes. Even God, to many, has values at odds with each person. Since people are all different, there are billions of libertarian governments because in each realm "our own self is king". Libertarians war not only with civil and divine authority, but with each other. That's where anarchy comes into play.

There is a big problem with libertarian philosophy. Because sin must be accepted for liberty, ironically it puts its adherents in chains because their "liberty" is a mere perception. Unbridled liberty enslaves to sin and the de facto king is Satan. Of course he only poses as king because scripture calls him "Prince of the Air". His authority is illegitimate because he's a rebel from Authority! Yet sane people profess the insanity of libertarianism!

With all that said, we must have government, but it must be under divine justice. Democracy was instituted among men so that even the downtrodden have a say.  It was our founders' attempt to be fair. It provided fairness, freedom and a future. Wisely, our founders instituted a Supreme Court with judges to mimic what God did, but left too many loopholes for unfair interpretation. Whereas God chose righteous men and women, we have no standard for righteousness. Hence, our Courts are failures!

Our freedom to speak is one of the most important precepts in our Bill of Rights. That's why it's first. It encourages religion (at that time Christianity), but prohibits coercion in religious affairs by the State. We can all speak out from a Constitutional basis and not even the government can legally erode that, but it does so by the erosion of liberty. As we get further from Independence, we move speedily toward slavery. Except for discerning Christians, those seeking to do what is right in their own eyes get closer and closer to bondage. Their desire is to return symbolically to the bondage of Egypt and the slavery by Pharaoh. Just as the Jews had just a small degree of freedom to delude them, Americans today just have enough that they are easily deceived!

Because democracy is inherently unfair, in it's attempt to be fair, our founders made the U.S. a republic. By having controls on unlimited power, those in the minority have some degree of protection. A republic is a check on democracy because the majority would always do what is right in their own eyes!

Now for Mr. Trump and his appeal.

I'm in a dilemma. Our freedom has eroded and with force these two presidential terms. Ungodly laws have been passed and evil court rulings have been issued with no champions who have the power to reverse that trend. Angry voters are angry with the establishment candidates. They have failed to control the impedance on freedom in recent times, so people have no faith that those same politicians have the power to reverse that trend. Therefore, they seek a king! No, not a monarch, but a powerful person who can change things!
1 Samuel 8:5 "And said unto him (Samuel), Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations."
Today the sons of Jefferson, Madison, and Adams no longer walk in his ways! Liberty has become old! We moved to far away from what is righteous. The Jews sought a king who could not only change things, but walk in his ways!  (Yes, we can learn from history!).

As such God anointed Saul as king. He was somewhat godly, having reverence for God and Samuel (The Chief Priest). Saul did change things! He brought order to rebellion and chaos. A kingdom was born by this powerful forceful man. He had the charisma to make things happen and return the people to what once was!

This is where the United States is at this moment! People want a president who is strong enough to reverse chaos and unrighteousness. They know Trump will change things! They want a king! That's not a bad thing at this time; not a dictator by any means, but a person who has the power to actually turn this big ship around and send "the Philistines" back to their island!

We have two leading candidates: Trump and Cruz. Both of them can wield power, both being independent of what has ruined the nation. However, at this point Cruz is more like the boy, David. People just don't believe he has the power to change things and we want things changed!

Trump, more like Saul, will change things. He will do things in preparation for better. That's how people view him. He will set up a nation for righteous change, but it won't be him who actually makes the kingdom great again. It was David who made Israel great, and a David will follow Saul to bring us to a great righteous power. God used "crooked sticks" for his purpose then, and he still does that sort of thing. Trump is the "crooked stick". He has his faults, but much of the nation believe that his strengths far outweigh his faults.

Since the people would never accept just a boy as was David, over a giant of a man, such as was Saul; this nation will probably never accept Cruz over Trump. That's why Trump is ahead.

I see "the David" in Cruz. I believe he can slay Goliath all over again. He can slay this vast powerful gigantic government even though he's just a shepherd boy, so to speak. Who would ever dream that he is budding royalty? Others see "the Saul" in Trump. Are you beginning to understand the dilemma?

Righteous people want Goliath defeated. It was David who did that, but Saul got the credit because he was king. The Jews needed their Saul so God would wield the power through David! That's where we stand right now: people want David, but to get David, they must first take Saul!

Saul did things out of God's will. Trump will too! David did wrong things too, but God was Supreme to him, but not to Saul. Likewise for Trump and Cruz.

I favor Cruz. He is my David. I understand the need that others have for Trump.. They overlook "their David" in favor of "their Saul", and that may be a necessary transition. I'm going with David, but I understand Saul!

We are in anarchy right now. We're enslaved by too much freedom. It may take Saul to restore order right now. I understand that. Order is required so that all can have some liberty. There are things I don't like about Saul. There are things I don't like about Trump. Whatever happens, it is the will of God because only HE is KING!

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