Thursday, January 14, 2016

Nothing Contains Everything; Nothing is Something

I woke up this morning and intended to write on the Book of Acts. I was inspired to write on what I've written below. I suppose the reason is that it's futile to believe in the power in the Spirit of God if one actually fails to believe in an Almighty God. This is my Christian story!

I'm an engineer. As insignificant as I am, my vocation is "scientist" because my education is based on the study of how things work in nature; what the theories of mankind are in regard to the workings of the everything and anything. Because I'm a "scientist" it confirms my hypothesis: Because of the magnificence of what I know exists, it could not be by chance! Scripture confirms my own conclusion:
Romans 1:20 (ESV) "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
Imagine if you will, an eight-year old boy (me), lying on my back, looking up into the sky. I marveled at what I saw. Without training, I could only guess at what I was seeing! It's magnitude and magnificence put me in awe. It was awesome! "How did it get there? I often asked myself. "It must be God!" I resolved. As such I was being how Jesus wanted me to be: "as little children" (Matthew 18:3). I saw what I was seeing and accepted what I saw without regard to what others said about what I was seeing!  Because of innocence I believed in God the Creator because I saw his creation! In essence, as I learned many years later, that's what Romans 1:20 is all about!

Because of knowledge of the divine, it was my obligation to find out more about the Creator. I did just that! As a teenager, scripture became important to me. I still study God's word with enthusiasm and intrigue. Just as I (an American child) am without excuse in knowing my Creator better, so are those on the dark continent and Asia. What they see in reality draws them to discover truth. When reality is observed only God is the explanation! The "other god" in this case is still our OWN belief in Chance. We are still "the other God" and Chance is that idol!

What did I see when I was eight? The same thing which I see when I look at the Cosmos this instant. That's the universe: "the whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The universe is everything I see and beyond. It's even "things unseen" or "invisible attributes" of reality. It's things there which are beyond detection. In effect, just because it can't be seen doesn't mean it's not there!

We normally think of "things not there" as space. Space is normally understood as the nothingness wherein things exist. Let's look at space and what it is:

space: "The unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur."( Inner space is whatever is in the earth's atmosphere. Outer space is everything beyond inner space. Outer space, or just space, is the void that exists between celestial bodies (Dainton, Barry;2001, "Conceptions of Void", Time and space, McGill-Queen's Press), including the Earth.  It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust and cosmic rays (Wikipedia: "Outer Space). [underscores mine].

Space then has "characteristics":

  • It goes on forever and is without end. (unlimited).
  • It exists because it has three-dimensions (3-D realm).
  • It contains all matter.
  • Everything that happens, occurs in space.
  • Space itself is void of matter. Remove matter and space is entirely empty.
It is to be noted that Wikipedia further says that there are unseen things in space.  Critical thinking should lead the reader to understand that what is measured in space are things other than space and are there because of material things which were either created or just happened. Space, therefore, is void. 

What's this have to do with my belief in God? It leads me to trust that God exists! Because of things hanging in the void of space, I must conclude that there is a God because Chance offers no explanation. For those who believe it "just happened", it still must have had a time, place and ingredients to make it happen!

Scientists say that it all happened in a flash with Higg's Boson. All of a sudden a pinpoint in the middle of void erupted and made it all. That boson is called "the God particle" because it was like the twinkle in God's eye which was the boson!  A boson is merely a particle whose spin is zero. Science then concludes that all matter started with matter. That's circular reasoning! God had a better explanation:

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
God said this! Those who wrote scripture were inspired by God. Those who dismiss the power of the Almighty God accept the non-sense of men and make God a de facto liar! Why would God start his history lesson with a lie?. Only liars do that! Christians must trust God. Faith is just that! To have faith in God is saying you believe him.
Deuteronomy 32:4 "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."
Trusting God is believing that he is who he says he is, that he can do what he claims he did and that he will do what he promises to do! If God can save all those who turn to him, he must be all-powerful to fulfill that promise. Christians believe that God can save and take us to another realm where we will live forever, but then fail to believe that he created this realm. In effect, even believers accept a lie and make God out to be a liar, but one who will have mercy on us: God is just a merciful liar whose power we doubt (sic)!

For us there is a "beginning". It's when God created the universe.  For God there was no beginning:
Revelation 1:8 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
God is eternal and eternity consists of what always was and always will be! God was alone before the Creation. That's why he created us!

Think on this:

Before the creation, there were two things: God and nothing! This is profoundly abstract. I say that "nothing" is something which exists. That's because "something" had to have  a container in which to be placed. Space is the container without walls in which all matter and events were placed! It goes on forever and in all that 3-D nothingness, something can exist. Furthermore, space is much like an ocean or air: space can be traveled by things. Although space is nothingness, it is something because it exists. It's a lack of substance which is infinite.

Did unending "light years" just happen as well or was it part of the beginning? Higg's Boson attempts to define the origins of matter, but can't even do that, let alone define the origins of space. What theory do they have to explain the existence of "nothingness"? I have an explanation! God created the nothingness in which to place is "everything"! Did space happen by chance as well? I think that nothing did!

My mind can handle "matter".  It's what is seen. Even powerful telescopes can see where matter is thinning and assume that beyond that, nothingness is alone by itself. Others don't believe that nothing goes on forever, but other innumerable cosmoses exist! That's silly because cosmos is by definition all that is out there, There can't be more than one since it's everything. There are no two or three "everythings"! What my mind can't handle is "nothingness". I can't handle that a "space" exists which has characteristics: 3-D, timelessness, ability to contain, and void. For that to be, God must be real. God created the space in which to put his creation!  Science can't explain space, so God is the only explanation! That's why I have faith in God. I trust what he says. He said "I created everything!"

Without a belief in a Creator God, your god is "God as you understand him!" That's a false God because the creation is beyond understanding. You only believe in God "If you STAND under him!" What I mean is for you to get "you" out of the knowledge part; revert to before the forbidden fruit was eaten, and just trust in God! Stand under "The Tree of Life"! That topples your "other god" and magnifies the One True God who is without name and just "Is" because he always was! Because of his eternal existence, God doesn't need a name. After all, there is only one of him! How could another god be mistaken for him? I don;t know how, but others do it all the time!

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