Saturday, January 23, 2016

Social Values

It's election time. That's important! While no government is ideal, some are better than others. What distinguishes the difference is our ability to worship or not to worship. Yes, even the freedom "not to worship" is imperative because tyrannical governments require worship. A noted example is the end-of-time one world government, wherein the leader proclaims himself "God" and demands worship. Therefore, there is a distinct link between government and religion, and it's the government which infringes!

Is democracy the best? To be honest, it works well where the government is based on Natural Law, but fails to work at all under some religions. In America it has worked fairly well because of Judeo-Christian values. Liberals, in years past, founded a government based upon those values, but now they are the ones who frown upon what they created. In other words, liberalism itself has changed! When this nation was founded liberalism was in opposition to the strict adherence to repressive religious institutions wherein the citizens were not only required to worship, but were told in which church to worship. What I'm referring to is the church of the Holy Roman Empire, and in America, the state sponsored established churches in nearly all the colonies.

Islam and democracy is a recipe for failure, for instance, because Islam has its own Sharia Law, in opposition to democracy. It reverts back to what most people had in repressive times under dictatorial monarchies. As such Islam does work in kingdoms. Monarchs can maintain order through the power of coerced religious practices and the inherent abuses. In those societies where people are forced to obey through threats of death, Islam fits into that scheme. Strangely, the very ideology that freed western society from the abuses of established religion, the liberals, are the very ones who have connected with those of the Islam faith. It's assisted by the Roman Catholic Church doctrine of "liberation theology" which has been copied in the mainstream progressive "protestant" churches which at one time were liberal in their freedom to worship.

Liberalism has imposed upon civil institutions political thoughts, one called "economic" issues and the other "social issues". Strangely enough liberation theology is propagated under the economic because it is tied to "income redistribution". It rightfully belongs under "social issues" because it's concepts are how humans treat other humans.

"Liberation Theology" is based on the tenet of "social justice". It's focus is on lifting the poor out of poverty as a manifestation of love taught in the New Testament. Of c ourse charity is a Christian concept, but the word itself implies love and sacrifice. The problem with liberation theology is that rather than a personal choice it becomes a government mandate. Hence, religion is in league with godless Marxism.

Liberation theology was developed in poor Latin American countries where dictatorial regimes were unfair in their treatment of mankind; one more reason to have this under "social issues" rather than economic. Liberation theology is not a good fit for democracies. Poverty is a "social issue" and democracies should have an umbrella to cover those who have legitimate causes of failure. The aged, infirmed, widows and orphans fit well into those who deserve economic assistance.

With that background, let me say one thing: Americans are being deceived. Those non-economic issues are not "social issues" they are "moral issues"! Morality implies that there are standards for right and wrong and in the west, those standards are from Natural Law. That's the laws of civilized nations originating throughout the ages by civilized people. Although, Greek philosophy, Roman republicanism and the Magna Charta had a large input into Natural Law, so did Judeo-Christian religions, and to be honest, even Zoroastrianism, which was at least, "a fair religion"!

Liberals who once were proponents of Natural Law, are now the prime opponents of it because of the degree to which Judeo-Christian values are entwined with Natural Law, specifically, the Ten Commandments. Much of what regulates our society is based on the influence of who are founders referred to as "Providence", or God. Liberals don't like that link between government and religion, and as such, they have developed a new state religion! I know what you're thinking: "Tell me! I'm not aware of any state religion." That's part of the deception!

"Atheism" is a religion. The difference is that it has no supreme deity. Each person is their own god. These gods aren't bad in  their belief because it's good that they help one another. They just help because of their responsibility because their human. God has no part in their charity. Most belief that government should be the benefactor. Hence, the established religion in the United States, and indeed western society, is "secular humanism". It's the concept of being"good" without recognizing the "goodness" of God. As such liberation theology practices are atheistic in the guise of Christianity!

Poverty is a bad thing! It's a result of man's disobedience to God. It's not of God, but is of Satan. (Genesis 3:17-19). Although Jesus taught charity as an activity of love, he didn't come to save mankind from poverty! His miracles were few which addressed poverty, but most made men "whole". He healed those who were physically sick and spiritually ill. His purpose was not to remove hunger from the stomach, but destitution from the soul! His own words were "For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always." (Matthew 26:11). Jesus could have wiped out poverty with one more miracle, but poverty is divine justice due to disobedience. It's not a "good" thing,  but it is just!

Therefore, "social justice" is not to be the primary tenet of the church. The church's role is to have souls redeemed. The focus is on the spirit, not the flesh. As such it's not "social values" which are preeminent, but "moral issues". For Christians and Jews, moral issues are "rights and wrongs" which are part of Natural Law handed down to Americans through divine Providence. God's role in American values are a problem for liberals. To remove the focus from the divine dictated "moral values"; so they call them "social values".

It didn't start with Bill Clinton, but he campaigned on "It's the economy, stupid!" The implication is that nothing else matters, but the wealth of the nation; the reduction of poverty. Americans were acclimated to this notion by previous progressives such as Franklin Roosevelt. However, the very notion of economy over morality is a concept as old as mankind! I'm not going to elaborate, but what Adam and Eve did back in the Garden (Genesis 3), which caused poverty, was placing economy over morality. You need to think about this yourself, but God gave one commandment: it was the establishment of right and wrong (morality), but Adam and Eve chose economy. Rather than going with God, they sought to meet their own needs (and wants).

Much later God made a deal with Abraham. This deal was this: "Honor me by doing my will and I will make you prosper!" (Genesis 15). (Because Abraham was righteous, God made him prosperous). The righteousness came before prosperity. Prosperity before obedience leads to neglect of God. What I'm saying is "It's not the economy, stupid! It's placing God first and foremost!"

Liberals have taken poverty from the "social issues" column and placed it under "economic issues". Of course it doesn't belong there, but making "equality of outcomes" a "constitutional right", that's where liberals have misplaced it. In that manner people can vote for candidates who have conservative economic values and not worry about social issues. (However, we all know that there is a liberal cost to liberal socials issues!) Now, let's call a "spade" a "spade". There are "moral issues" which have the misnomer "social issues" and I have established that these "moral issues" are based on God's values! What are some of them?

  • The sanctity of all human life.
  • The sanctity of holy matrimony between one man and one woman.
  • The freedom to worship anywhere however one wants.
  • Allegiance to God over government.
  • To do the dictates of the heart.
  • The freedom to speak anywhere about spiritual values.
  • The freedom to privacy in worship.
  • For the government to not establish a religion (secular humanism for instance).
  • The expectation of a civil society without hedonism, drug abuse and lasciviousness (pornography for instance).
  • The right to honor God in all aspects of life including furthering Judeo-Christian morality as a means to a civilized society.
These ideals are being "righteous". Citizens have a reasonable expectation that our society be civilized. Natural Law is a long-established good model and it does include Judeo-Christian principles. Where society is now belongs to the ideology of "socialism". That's the doctrine of liberals, now referred to as "progressives', but in reality are "socialists", even Marxists. Saying "Christian Socialism" or "Democratic Socialism" are both oxymorons because that cannot be! Any Christianity that ever was in socialism was long ago minimized, as indicated by Karl Marx himself!

Christianity is all about "freedom". That's why there is a great, but imperfect match, with this democratic republic! God never "forces" faith. It's always a choice. One of our rights is that same freedom. It's constitutionally protected. Liberalism has eroded our religious freedoms and it's all done by deception. Part of that deception is demagoguery. Lemons are called lemonade. "Moral Issues" are called "Social Issues",  and as such "It's the economy, stupid!" and any morality is beside the point!

Has that happened before? Who promised a chicken in every pot and delivered on his promise. Who was it that had horrible "moral issues", but great "economic issues"? Who was the first to espouse "It's the economy, stupid!" and the people fell for it? Roosevelt? No, it was Adolph Hitler under socialism, which liberals deny he was! Well, how about their "for sure liberal", Joseph Stalin, who was a Soviet Socialist. You can't clean up evil enough for it to cease being evil. It's only that evil becomes acceptable as the new norm!

The end-of-times is near when people accept evil as the norm. Liberalism fosters that notion. Not on purpose, but because they are deceived. They are "good" people in a humanistic sense with good motives, but without Christ in whom only "good" resides, they are mere pawns of evil!

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