Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jesus in 4D

For years space has been defined by Cartesian Coordinates. Any point in the universe is described by a x,y,z axis each which has two directions; negative or positive. This translates, for instance; into up and down, back and forth and two directions of side movement. However, science has since shown that there is a fourth dimension.  Minkowski continuum is called spacetime with the forth dimension being time. However, the fourth dimension is not limited to time, but can be spatial as well!

The concept of "casting of shadows" defines the fourth dimension quite well. When a shadow is cast on a 3D object a 2D image is cast. If a shadow was cast on a 2D object in a 2D world it would have a 1D shadow. By contrast a shadow cast on a 4D object in a 4D world would have a 3D shadow!

A stereographic projection of a Clifford Torus (a wire donut) would resemble a rotating wire tunnel. At times it would be seen from the outside and resemble an oscillating wire donut, and at other times, from the inside, and resemble a "worm hole". There are  several other projections in the fourth dimension, but these are some of the general ideas. There is a 4D world out there and what we see here from our viewpoint is mostly seen in 3D. We are blind to the 4th Dimension. However, it's not supernatural, but it is real!

The Four Gospels are four dimensions of Jesus! Gospels are truths about Jesus Christ. It's the story of Jesus from four dimensions! It's a 4D view of Jesus: God, Son of God, Son of Man and the Word. We can look at the first three as 3D. Jesus is Emanuel (God with us), he was born of the Holy Spirit and is the Son of God and he was born of Mary and is the Son of Man. Jesus has a 3D shadow in a 4D World and the fourth dimension is time. Coincidentally, or I should say, "God planned it!", the Book of John presents the spacetime 4D aspect of Jesus by being the only book to describe his always being with God! Let me explain:
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..."
Jesus was always. He was there "in the beginning", he "dwelt among us" and he's "everlasting":

 1 Timothy 6:14b "...until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate (Powerful Ruler), the King of kings, and Lord of lords; 16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting."

God's name is "I AM". He is what he says he is:
Revelation 22:13 " I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
Time is the 4th Dimension for God. Since Jesus and God are one, Jesus is timeless. Although Jesus, the Word, has been since the beginning and always will be,  time describes his existence! The Word is the fourth dimension of Jesus!

There are four gospels. Of the four three are "synoptic" and as such are 3D. They provide a general view of the whole. If one looks at the synoptic gospels the same story is viewed from three different directions, each by one person! The synoptic gospels are the first three of the four and describe a 3D view of Jesus. However, scholars believe that the Gospel of John was Johannine in origin, written by the "beloved disciple", but was the truth about Jesus from a multi-layered perspective and by several people. Within the Gospel of John are "miracle accounts" that are not in the synoptic gospels. God claims titles for himself and only in the Book Of John does Jesus claim the same:
"the bread of life"[6:35]
"the light of the world"[8:12]
"the gate of the sheep"[10:7]
"the good shepherd"[10:11]
"the resurrection and the life"[11:25]
"the way, the truth, and the life"[14:6]
"the true vine [15:1]
Hence, the Gospel of John is the fourth view of Jesus and describes the miraculous Jesus in 4D. The synoptic gospels, standing alone, gives a Cartesian view of Jesus, but the Johannine Gospel adds the 4th Dimension! Now we have the spacetime coordinates of Jesus as "The Word" and from the gospels, his mystery, being God!

Another aspect of Jesus describing him in 4D is his "shadow". All things cast shadows when light is shined. The shape and degree of shadow changes from different vantage points. Jesus is peculiar in that with him there is no shadow  and he's the same from whatever viewpoint and time era!
John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Jesus is the same without regard to perspective. Being light Jesus casts no shadow and those who walk in his light defy the 4th Dimension. They never walk in darkness and their life is always lighted!  Jesus, a 3D man in a 3D world cast a 2D shadow, but because he is Light, there is no shadow there. One would expect to see darkness on the ground where he walked, and in our world, there would be, but in the 4D world of the kingdom of God, Jesus casts no shadow!

I mentioned the 4D aspect of the Clifford Torus earlier. When viewed from the inside it resembled a time tunnel, what scientists call a "worm hole". In such a hole time is meaningless. A body, if able, would travel from point A to point B instantaneously! I believe that Jesus is timeless as well, and that torus describes his timelessness:
2 Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
This does not mean that one day = one thousand years! It means that with God time has no significance. If worm holes exist, and there is evidence that they do, they are of God. Time undefinable is a characteristic of the 4D aspect of Jesus!  Earlier it was recounted that Jesus was in the beginning and always will be in existence. He does that by the divine meaningless of time! The 4D spacetime nature of Christ is infinite. It's measurable only in the presence of what he created, but in the beginning what was there?
Genesis 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
Light is how time is measured. Before light was, and it came into existence by God willing it, there was darkness and God was within it, he being the only Light there was. The 4D aspect of Jesus is he was before time existed. The lack of measurable time is a 4D aspect of Jesus! That dimension is that he always was because HE IS!

It's obvious that Jesus is more than man. He's more than a 3D image in a 3D world. Although, here he casts a giant shadow, in the 4D kingdom of God, he casts no shadow since he is the Light! He shined for a time in this world and in his place another personality shines forth: the Holy Spirit. Jesus is a personality of God, being the second part of the Holy Trinity, but that's a 3D view of Jesus in a 3D world! There is another dimension of him that God granted. He was transfigured. He received God's glory! That 4D aspect of Jesus is that he received the beauty of God, being  uncomely before, he was transformed!

Jesus truly has four dimensions. The four gospels look at him four different ways, projecting a 4D image of who Jesus is. John added the miraculous power of Jesus to the 3D view from the synoptic gospels and the glorification of Jesus completed the 3D image, seen in 4D when he went to a 4D realm!

Jesus is real! He's more than 3D. He excels above what we perceive. Truly Jesus is God!

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