God picked at least one zealot. Take a moment to guess which apostle was the zealot. I hope that you said Paul. Before he converted, Paul was Saul the zealot who chased down and killed Christians because his beliefs were so strong that he just had to support his beliefs (Acts 7). Paul was out there: he made the news because we read about him to this day! Paul, as Saul, was principled. Upon his conversion, Saul was renamed Paul because he was humbled. The zealotry in him remained but his zealous methods changed. He went from advocating violence to advocating love.
Jesus chose Saul because he was a man of principles. Jesus used Saul's zealously for Paul's enthusiasm. Indeed, enthusiasm is the trait of highly principled people. How many Christians do you know who are enthusiastic enough to defend Jesus and the Law of God? Every January there is a life chain in support of pro-life. It lasts one hour but yet few Christians are principled enough to stand for life, even for one hour!
Jesus told the apostles that he was about to die. He went to the Mount of Olives to pray:
And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him. And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow, And said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. (Luke 22:39-46).When Jesus was in agony for mankind, what did the apostles do? They went to sleep! When Christianity is in peril, what do Christians do? They go to sleep!
The army of Satan never sleeps. They constantly stand up for their "principles". Yes, the children of the Devil are principled and devoted to him. They hit the streets for his causes all the time: racial division, abortion, homosexuality, sexuality, and aberrations of all sorts. Of course, most do not know what they do but are devoted to their behind the scenes leader. Presently, George Soros is the mind behind it all, and most in the mob don't even know who he is or his power. However, he is not the only one because if anyone is for Christ, they are not against him (Luke 9:50). The flip-side of that is those who are nor for him are against him. Most people are against God, and zealously against Him!
It stands to reason that since we see little of Christians, they are apathetic to the extent of unprincipledness. For instance, Hollywood is against Christianity and us. Most Christians still go to movies without regard to the actors, message, language, and visual temptations. Christians are to be set apart from the world but because they do not have the moral code of Christ, they do as they wish. Christians are unprincipled for the most part because in wrong places they are there and right places they are not!
Millions will die spiritually. Christians should be abhorred. They are not. They go about their daily lives as if the world is all okay. It is not! They are not even principled enough to protect life! Christians, in mass, should be hitting the streets, using our corporate voices to testify to the truth that all life is precious. Christians don't care enough for life to protect it, and they don't care enough about eternal death to prevent it! We as a group stand idly by even watching our own children go to Hell!
Principled people are not afraid of truth. They care little what the world thinks but cherish what God wills. God's will is that none should perish. That is intended to be our will as well. Christians aren't principled enough to do God's will. Christians have turned their children over to the world. That is unprincipled. Rather that raising children according to God, they are educated by the entertainment industry and educators whose motivation is to remold young minds. The educational system teaches their principles to our children and scream like cry-babies when even one principled Christian objects!
We have the world telling us that God is too weak, or non-existent to create, while Christians stand by and allow that. They have been easily molded themselves, thus allowing their children to be molded in the image the world demands. Christians don't demand anything but allow the world not only to demand, but obtain whatever they desire. Don't you think the world is more principled than most Christians? I do.
Christians are to go unto the world and tell them about Jesus. That is the Great Commission and our job assignment. Rather than that, we allow the world to come unto the Church and deny God. Unprincipled Christians even applaud those who bring homosexuality and transgenderism into the Church. God help us! We know what they do and yet still allow it!
Christians are so unprincipled that they still buy the products of those who hate us and God. God cries for our foolishness. Peter denied God thrice. Christians of today deny God continually. Peter died on an upside down cross so as not to be irreverent of Jesus. Christians cannot even hold God's Name in reverence. They think, the Law no longer applies! The Pharisees at least had principles. They kept the Law of God although they thought it efficacious. Today's Christians are not even interested in the Law although that's how we are to show God our love. We are pitifully unprincipled people yet God still loves us. How gracious can God be, and how foolish are we going to get?
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