Wednesday, November 28, 2018


     It has become  obvious that I am being censored. Why would that be? My message is about Jesus Christ and he has always been censored. There are ways to censor the Doctrine of Christ without eliminating his name. The most prevalent way is to misrepresent his Doctrine. Another way is to silence that Doctrine.
     I have become silenced: the last few months my readership has dropped from a maximum of 700 hits each day to 60. Do you really think that is coincidental? Why would all of a sudden 90% of my readers tire of my commentary? There is a war going on, and it is one of words. The most dangerous weapon is ideas, and when words are suppressed, truth is concealed. Holy Scripture is truth. Someone out there does not want truth printed.
     Jesus - the Word - was killed. As "the Angel of God" Jesus was the Chief Messenger. Jesus was killed to silence God. The world always tries to censor Truth. My own word, this commentary, is being silenced right now. The world is still censoring God and Christians sit back and allow that to happen.

    I spoke yesterday of one method of distorting the precepts of God. That is flipping His precepts upside down. Let us look at one of the foundational rights guaranteed at the birth of the nation:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution)
     "Congress shall make no law"... Congress has made no law directly "abridging the freedom of speech" or for the most part "prohibiting free exercise thereof." On the other hand, the U.S. Supreme Court has! Nearly every ruling abridges the free exercise of religion under the non-Constitutional notion of the wall of separation of church and state. That wall should be one-way: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." However, those people who are religious have no regulation toward establishing or influencing laws. Indeed, our laws are based on natural or divine law. To be blunt, the government is required to stay clear of religion, but the religious are not forbidden to stay out of the government.
     Liberalism doesn't like that. They demand that religion stay out of governing - especially Christianity. They have no congressional laws to prohibit that, so they have used other means. Liberalism has enacted laws through the use of commerce allowing the supression of religious thought. Note that almost all television commercials are slanted toward liberalism, even when they are capitalistic - the very system which liberalism seeks to destroy. Why would bastions of capitalism suppress religion and propagate irreligion? Because there is money to be made!
     To be honest, in fundamental Christianity, materiel should have little importance. In general, Christians are not usually, nor should be, big spenders. Liberalism has a "love of money," which scripture says, "is the root of all evil" (1 Tim 6:10).
     Business enterprises propagate liberalism and secular humanism because therein is money to be made! It's that simple. Why else would Capital One always hire the most elite of the liberals to advertise their capitalistic enterprise? Liberals are paid highly because their own hearts are not in liberalism. Their desire is that everyone else do liberal things. They have flipped liberalism upside down without even themselves knowing that!
     Liberalism is change and has direction. They profess freedoms - doing whatever they wish to do. On the other hand they desire that others be regulated. Regulation, institutionally, has been conservative. Liberals have flipped that upside down. Liberals were against the two main estates: (1) the Church and (2) the nobility, government, or the elite. They favored the people - the third estate. Liberalism, in the beginning, was anti-establishment and favored the oppressed. That was noble because both the church and state oppressed. Now they favor the elite over the people and have established a new "first estate" - a new age religion.
     Congress has not established a new religion; the courts have by siding with liberals. Liberals despise Christianity so much that they have created a new religion. France made it official and were transparent; they destroyed the church and replaced Christianity with the Cult of Reason whose goddess was Libertas - you know, the one standing in our New York Harbor. The new religion in the United States is Liberty, but even what she represents has been destroyed. Liberty is now serfdom to the government and liberalism.
     Face it, the law of the land is liberalism. The courts do what liberals want, business does what liberals proclaim, and Christians are forced to do the will of liberalism - the ideology of the "progressives" (sic). Liberalism had flipped upside down. They are now what they once despised.
     Progressivism today is as controlling and cruel as the Jacobins were in the French Revolution. Progressives are the Marxists who use a silent guillotine to cut off those who dissent. The blade of the guillotine is censorship, and those who don't fit their model, have their words cut off.
     The guillotine is the courts, and the media are the executioners. They do whatever progressives have a whim to do. The ideology of the guillotine is political correctness which are the precepts of liberalism, or Christianity flipped upside down, even from those in mainstream churches. How is that possible? Churches have the love of money as well, and wish not to offend anyone who has money. That is generally those who have the love of money. For instance, per capita, those in same-sex marriages are usually the more wealthy. The church caters to them for their money. They are the new "nobility" and take pride in their elitism.
     The official religion of the United States has not been instituted by Congress, but by the Supreme and lower courts. The official religion, if you have not noticed, is secular humanism. That is doing "good" things without crediting God. Of course, Scripture says good deeds are as filthy rags in God's eyes (Isa 64:6). Our "official" religion is trash. Not only that, but the precepts of liberalism are garbage. They pass their garbage off as social justice. People are required to love sin, in contrast to God, who commands that we love the sinners! That is an important distinction because it is the theme of the entire Bible.
     God hates sin. My commentary is against iniquity and favors righteousness although my own inclination is to favor liberation from the true Church which are those who worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Scripture is truthful because God is Truth. The precepts of the world are deceptions under the disguise of truth. The world takes truth, flips it upside down, and presents it as truthful. Liberals pervert the truth and present the perversions as "narratives". Narratives are when the elite twist the truth and disseminate it as the reliable version of the truth, and deceive the masses - the ones who they say they represent.
    In order to protect their versions of the truth, they squelch the real truth. Censorship is the blade of their guillotine. Decapitation isn't really a method of eliminating their enemies, but a way of silencing the truth. That's why censorship is as sharp as the guillotine's blade! There is one way to stop the bloodletting of the truth, and that is to bind the executioners. Why try to silence all them at one time as there are too many willing to silence the truth? Wise people eliminate one executioner at a time. When several are bound, others fear for their freedom.
     What I am suggesting is that Christians must take one institution at a time and make them weak, to still that voice. For instance, Best Buy is attempting to normalize same-sex marriage in their commercials. That is in vogue and many other companies are doing the same. Christians are few. We cannot boycott all those companies which side with liberalism. We must silence one "executer" at a time. For instance, pursue Best Buy. Christians unite and bind them. They listen only to whose money talks. Let our money do the talking!
     At one time the mother company of Red Lobster supported Planned Parenthood. Although, my favorite restaurant, I boycotted them for years. Many other Christians did the same. Well, they no longer support Planned Parenthood, at least not to my knowledge. Our money spoke because they have the love of money.
     Unfortunately, this message will reach only a few because I have been effectively silenced. Only those who are the most faithful readers will even see this, and few of them will pass it on by sharing. Why? Christians don't care enough for the Doctrines of Christ to take a stand! This commentary will hurt my chances of any of my books being accepted in bookstores or book signings. I am principled enough to the Doctrine of Christ that I don't care. Are you principled to Christ?

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