Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Deception of Socialism

     The election is at hand. It is more than Democrats vs. Republicans or Obamanites  vs. Trumpettes. The election may determine the fate of our nation; even good vs. evil. The most significant issue is not health care or even border walls, it is the philosophical viewpoint of the two major parties. Over 44% of young people like the idea of socialism. It does seem fair, but like most things it is not what it seems!
     Deception is the manner in which evil things are wrought. Socialism is not only not good but it is evil. Their proposition is that things will be better for the "masses" but in every socialist experiment to date, it is the masses who have suffered most as the elite become more elitist. The Democrats, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, steer asway from the very word "socialist" because of its reputation. They prefer a milder description - progressive. That word is deception at its best!
     Progressive is "making use of or interested in new ideas, findings, or opportunities" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Let's examine recent examples of that.
     Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Since Rahm was Obama's progressive, then the progressive opportunity was to use the calamity of the people as a way to introduce new ideas. In other words, the misfortune of the masses is merely an advantage for progressivism. 
     Obamacare was their search for "new ideas". Examine what it's chief architect said about Democrat health care: "The stupidity of the American voter" made Obamacare possible (Jonathan Gruber). What do progressives truly think about the masses? They are stupid and are easily deceived. Progressivism depends entirely on the stupidity of those who think they want freedom but choose regulation. It is ironic that their mantra "right to abortion" draws from the First Amendment to the Constitution, but their philosophy is in opposition to the entire Constitution.
     What stands in the way of socialism? Yes, capitalism. That evil (sic) ideology that made America great. Socialism has stolen America. Progressives hate Trump because he wants to reclaim America from self-destruction. 
     The American Dream was made possible by capitalism. Even many of those who at one time were slaves now live in fancy homes and drive high-dollar cars, not because of socialism, but because of capitalism, and by the way, Republicanism. Many forget which party enslaves and which one frees! Democrat ideology has been undemocratic from the start. It started with mistreatment of Indians under Democrat Jackson, slavery under the Democratic Party, the Ku Klux Klan under Democrats, Jim Crow laws under Democrats, and fighting civil rights led by Democrats. 
     You see, "progressive" Democrats are the most regressive organization in America. Their growth is always through the misfortune of others. This instant, the election depends on the crisis in South America - those unfortunate people being deceived from progressive organizers who are creating a crises. Progressives don't depend on natural crisis; they create them where they don't exist!
     Socialists treat people as a commodity to be traded. In other words, they are capitalists at their worst, using capitalism to advance their ability to control. They used human beings to farm their plantations. They stole the land of the Indians in their version of making America great. They used Jim Crow laws to keep "undesirable" people from sharing the American Dream. They trade the lives of unborn babies so that mothers can "prosper" and have better (sic) lives. They even have used same-sex marriage as a way to gain votes. Their idea of making America great is making it more like the Soviet Union and the Third Reich!
     Socialism is evil foremost because it dupes the people. Socialism is the fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That tree has many fruits and the tastes of all of them are deceptive. Things look appealing when they are rotten to the core! Socialism is a rotten fruit.
     The propagandists compare the Doctrine of Christ to socialism without blinking an eye nor without even a grin. Socialism is the legalization of theft as it takes the income and profits from those who work hard and give it to those who have not been motivated. The definitive statement of Marxism (socialism) is this "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (Karl Marx).


     Examine that; it seems so fair! However, would any sane person want the government to decide their charity? Those with ability may not want to share with those who are needy. Why? Because most often the needy are needy because of their own actions or inaction. Scripture teaches charity. Charitableness is out of love and kindness. Taking from one and giving to another is not kindness especially when the bulk of the giving (sic) goes to the government. Socialistic governments are not good stewards of charitable giving as most of the theft goes to the thief! 
     Because free people don't like legalized theft, those who have things reject socialism. Thereafter, the government steps in and uses force. Most often "force" is a jail term but when much force is needed, socialistic governments don't hesitate to kill the masses. When voluntary submission to socialism is rejected, socialists use force. With force, socialism becomes full-fledged communism - free peoples like Americans become serfs to autocrats as in Russia.  Socialism is the gradual erosion of freedom. Communism is its rapid demise!
     The Democrats brag about being progressives. Now their constituents openly desire socialism. Just as the Jews walked in a civil manner to the gas chambers in socialist Germany, naïve young people walk to the demise of their freedom with hardly an objection. Trumpism tries to save naïve people from themselves. Rather than battle those who use their stupidity to have power, naïve people fight the very guy and party who works hard to preserve their freedoms! We don't believe the people are stupid as the progressives do; we believe that they are gullible. 
     There are four commands at least which diminish socialism: (1) Thou shalt not have other gods before me. (Socialism denies god and the government assumes that role.) (2) Thou shalt not steal (even legally), (3) Thou shalt not covet. (That is jealousy of the haves. People want what the prosperous have and can't stand the thought that some have more than others!) (4) Thou shalt not lie. (Socialism is based on lies. It can only succeed by deceiving. People who believe they are free walk toward servitude to the government. Regulation kills prosperity and socialism is based on control of the economy, the masses, and even the Church.)
     Socialists hate successful capitalists. They resent those who have because of jealousy. Even though Americans are prosperous compared to the world because of capitalism, socialists despise the very ideology and people who made them prosperous. It's not so much that they want more, but that prosperous people have less. The mobs hating one-percenters is that of which I write. 
     Jesus taught hard work. He said that we would always have the poor with us (Mat 26:11). Jesus, as God, could have ended poverty with one thought. He didn't do that because he didn't come to die to save us from our curse (Gen 3:19) but to save us from eternally dying. He taught us to give charitably
     If progressives want to give of their profits, conservatives encourage that because that's how we Christians do things! Progressives hate self-sacrfice; they want others to be charitable. Who keeps those left wing rich people from giving? No one! Who keeps Nancy Pelosi from sharing her twenty-millions? Herself. She wants the middle class to do her giving for her. That is disgraceful!
     Progressivism is the most selfish and egotistical ideology in existence. The very idea that they see themselves as Robin Hoods is despicable when they live like the Sheriff at Nottingham! Socialism is the same feudal system as England in the middle ages with its nobles and serfs. The progressives are the most ignoble of Americans! They are a disgrace to capitalism and only exist because of their Goebbels-like propaganda ministry - the media. 
     Vote wisely Tuesday my friends. It is you who will be hurt most by the lie of socialism.

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