Wednesday, November 14, 2018


     Propaganda is a useful tool for useful fools. Propaganda is "ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Of course, propaganda can be the truth or outright lies. If it's the truth, it is presented in such away as to distort or mislead. Propaganda is organized manipulation usually done to influence the most people.
     For instance, secular references to Christianity are usually "the Christian myth" or phrases such as "the creation myth" or the "deluge myth". Liberal writers want to get across their ideas and spread them through the media, the entertainment industry, and the educational system. Myths "have only an imaginary or unverifiable existence." (ibid).Thus, myths can either be figments of the imagination or the supra-natural. Science has an admitted bias: they dismiss whatever is not seen because it cannot be operationalized and tested. Therefore, whatever is not scientific is mythology for them.
     On the other hand, scientific methodology admits that it cannot prove anything. It can only infer through data collection and analysis. I can do that as well! Thus, their "verification" is itself mythology since scientific studies are merely attempts to verify! Science, then, condenses down to testing hunches without ever actually proving anything. Scientific theories are as much mythology as theology. Some "sciences" acknowledge their mythology. For instance, psychology is the study of the soul. The soul cannot be measured but there are journals after journals saturated with studies of the soul, all of which are unverifiable. The dissemination of scientific evidence as factual is the worst kind of propaganda because it manipulates naïve people.
     For instance, religions are dismissed as fantasy while other "religions" have metrics assigned to them, and made scientific. The best example of that type of manipulation is Jungian analytical psychology. Carl Jung metricized eastern theology and philosophy and presented it as science. Jungian psychology is the religion of the "New Age". However, it's impetus is as old as Nimrod himself; the granddaddy of false religions. Modern man has been manipulated to accept psychology as scientific. Like anything, parts of it are good, but other features are evil. That's how propaganda operates.
     Usually, propaganda is a method of changing the ideas of a great number of people through the media and other institutions such as through education. There is usually a message which advances the ideas of he propagandists who all have motives - they, for various reasons, desire that others believe as they do. The reasons are many but usually they have to do with control. At other times, they are merely for change. Propagandists do not like the ideas of others and because of pride, perhaps, want to remold others in their image. 
     I've written on the Popper Paradox of Tolerance before. "Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." (The Open Society and It's Enemies, Vol 1; Popper, Karl; 1945; Note 4; Chapter 7; ). That paradox is instituted by suppression by force if necessary of those with different ideas if they fail to be remolded by logic and reason. 
     Paradoxes are congruent to the Orwellian definition of doublethink - simultaneously holding two opposing thoughts. I've written on cognitive dissonance several times before. Paradoxes can lead to dysfunctional behavior. Indeed, liberals who are so "tolerant" that they must suppress the intolerant are the most intolerant of all but can't get their heads screwed on right! The liberal left most of which adhere to the Paradox of Tolerance, seem to be the greatest haters of all! Their ideas may be noble but the outcome is ignoble, pathetic, and intolerant! ,
     The left uses propaganda to remold the people. My psychology professor, Dr. Fong, said, "Our goal is not only to teach but remold." In other words, teachers result to propaganda - "ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause." What is their stated goal? To get students to think as the teachers think. 
     I hate to admit it, but their propaganda is quite successful. Who would have ever dreamed that same-sex marriage would be legitimatized. In DSM-II homosexuality was a disorder. In 1974 DSM-II it suddenly became  a disturbance! It was the homophobes that suddenly disturbed them, not what they were doing! What brought on the change in ideas? The mob using propaganda:

In 1971, gay rights activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled: "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."[2] This activism occurred in the context of a broader anti-psychiatry movement that had come to the fore in the 1960s and was challenging the legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis. Anti-psychiatry activists protested at the same APA conventions, with some shared slogans and intellectual foundations. (McCommon, B. (2006) Antipsychiatry and the Gay Rights Movement[permanent dead link] Psychiatr Serv 57:1809, December doi:10.1176/ and (Rissmiller, DJ, D.O., Rissmiller, J. (2006) Letter in reply[permanent dead link] Psychiatr Serv 57:1809-a-1810, December 2006 doi:10.1176/
     What was the propaganda?  That psychiatry is not a science but a religion (because it was called "the enemy incarnate", and that implies evil). I happen to agree somewhat with that assessment but for much different reasons! 
     What was the method? A mob shouting - intimidation.
     What was the message? Slogans. The mobs are great with slogans. Slogans can either be truth, lies, or wishful thinking. Usually slogans are to deceive, and naïve people accept slogans as truthful. Propagandists know that a lie said often enough becomes the truth for most people. 
      What was the idea that the mob wanted changed? That they were abnormal. They surely did not believe they were normal because of biology, gender roles, history, morality, religion, and practice; but if they could only convince others that they are normal, then a new "normal" would be established. 
     Is homosexuality normal? No, but a lie repeated often enough makes people believe the lie as truthful. Obama was convinced by the mob! Was he really convinced or did he merely enjoy the power of the mob which supported him whole-heartedly?
     Propaganda is not a new thing: Hitler used propaganda to convince most Germans that Jews were nothing more than sub-human parasites which must be destroyed for "the good of the people" - which is a very socialistic idea! Propaganda was used by the feminists movement to convince the masses that unborn children are of another genesis. They became "fetal tissue" as even their humanity was stripped from them! Just as "the Jewish Problem" resulted in crimes against humanity, the inconvenience of unwanted children are crimes against humanity. Gullible people accepted both pretexts because of propaganda. 
     Just like the APA accepted the propaganda of the mob, and were intimidated into changing the DSM, the Supreme Court of the United States, because of the mobs, changed something which had always been illegal and immoral to legal and even moral to the modern mainstream churches!
     Propaganda is as old as time itself. Lucifer used it to convince angels to shirk the authority of God, then later manipulated the entire population of planet earth with deception. He said, "You won't surely die," in defiance of God who said they would. 
     Eve ate, and didn't die; Adam took that as scientific evidence that he would not either. He ate and didn't seem to die as well! Was God a liar and the Serpent a teller of truth? No! Neither Adam nor Eve understood the concepts of death or time. They began to die immediately but failed to realize it! The Serpent used propaganda to manipulate! It only took one time for his slogan and it became truth. To this day, people still believe the slogan - "You won't surely die!" 
     Christianity is labeled "mythology" to change your ideas about truth. The truth is that you not only will die once, but twice! The first death will only be a "sting" of short duration when the pain will subside, but the second death will be painful torment seven times hotter than fire! How can that be? I calculated it. The earth's core (which may be Hell) is approximately seven times hotter than the fire of a kiln in degrees centigrade. My scientific calculation validated the "myth of Hell" as possible and the scripture is truthful.
     I accept the theory of Hell as scientific. It is more than by faith and is not mythology. In fact, truth cannot be measured because it lies partially in the future. Scientists can only forecast the happenings of the future. Prophets do the same thing! The former is called science and the latter religion. Propaganda has been used to remold people in thinking that science is more reliable than God. Through acclimation, scientists have become your gods because their hunches take precedence over God's Word. 
     Propaganda is destructive. It eats away at truth. Propaganda is most always toward change and the change is always toward disorder because it is seldom based on the whole truth. If it is the truth, the propagandists still have ulterior motives - they want you to believe as they believe. That can lead to death! 
     My commentary is propaganda, but it is based on truth. Usually, all propagandists believe what they propagate is truth. 
    "My truth" has a standard for comparison. I keep it biblically based as far as I can understand scripture. I want others to believe God's truth, not how others have perverted the truth. I care not if you believe the way that I do, but the way God wills. 
     His will is Holy Scripture, and my purpose is for the reader to accept God's Word as truth. Why would I do that? The truth will set you free (from deception and death). My will is that the reader not die - in neither a physical nor spiritual sense. Heed my commentary. Test it. Don't believe what you have always believed because your own family may have made you a victim of propaganda; maybe your own church denomination!

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