Thursday, January 3, 2019


     Compromise has positive connotations. It is considered an indicator of mutual respect. Compromise is a tool of those who are at odds, settling disagreements by making concessions. The pre-requisite for compromise is that each of those in disagreement hold their position as the correct one.
     The most notable compromise was the Missouri Compromise of 1820 between those in congress who favored slavery in new territories and those opposed to it. As a result of that compromise, Missouri became a slave-holding state and Massachusetts's a free state, It seemed to be a good compromise because all other territories in the Louisiana Purchase would be free states.
    There were two diverse opinions: (1) those who hated the institution of slavery, and (2) those who held slaves as property. (The U.S. Supreme Court eventually held that slaves were indeed property in the Dred Scott Decision.) Slavery is inhumane, but the abolitionists relented and slavery remained legal in Missouri. On the other hand, slaves were legal property but only in slave states. Both sides were firm in their beliefs, but when opinions are so divergent one, the other, or both are wrong opinions.
     Let's assume that either opinion is correct. The outcome of the Missouri Compromise was that both factions did something outside their belief systems: (1) abolitionists, believing slavery was wrong, allowed slavery in Missouri, and (2) property holders in the other territories gave up their right to own "property'. In hindsight, most humane people fail to understand the idea of humans as property, but it must be remembered, slavery had been an ancient institution. (Look how the inhuman abortion industry in a few short years has become institutionalized. Then consider 4000 or so years in addition to that!)
     Compromise is two or more parties agreeing to do what all sides believe is wrong. In other words, compromise is negative, but is presented as positive. The abolitionists were considered radical for the times. They demanded no more slave states but agreed to one. They made their demands profound and radical. In the end, they settled for less, and when the Supreme Court finally ruled in favor of the slave-holders, they no longer compromised. They demanded and a war in which 70,000 lives were lost to support their version of right. Compromise didn't achieve anything, but only delayed war.
     In the war against abortion, pro-life people compromise with radicals. They want that no babies be killed but settle on babies in the first trimester be killed. Mark my words, there is a war going on, and the radicals are bound to win. If they fail to win by compromise, there will be killing! Life is not sacrosanct to them, and human life is disposable in their eyes.
     Socialism (aka progressivism) uses compromise to achieve their goals. With continual acts of compromise, they get closer to what they want until they are near there. When the last ounce of democracy is left, socialists then incite violence and "peaceful socialism" turns to murderous communism. Compromise is their tool to get their will. That process is "creeping socialism".
     Usually, bad things gain traction by compounded compromise. In scripture, one sin leads to another and each succeeding sin is more grievous than the one before it. Eventually, throughout history, the Kingdom of God has turned into the realm of Satan, and the houses of God into dens of iniquity. It has been a gradual process, and its conclusion is eminent. Of the seven church-types of Asia, it seems from Revelation, that only two will endure to the end. The other five will be destroyed by compromising beliefs.
     I have witnessed that in my lifetime. Early on, I was a Methodist. It struck me one day when they united, that it took compromise to unite. With year after year of compromise, many Methodist Churches are now heretical. Compromise made them that way. (I only mention them because they were once dear to me, and some of my favorite memories were with Methodists.) However, most denominations have compromised! The Church overcome the world according to the Great Commission. Instead the world has overcome the Church, and that is through compromise - parties trading off their principles in return for unity. Although unity seems to be achieved, much of the time faithful followers just leave as my family did.
     Few Christians in modern times have strong principles. Seldom are Christian soldiers out marching for Jesus. It is always the mobs who are indignant enough to march for evil. They may compromise, but knowing full-well that compromise is merely a convenient tool to grow stronger. If Christians were as principled as the world, the nation would be more Christ-like. In that Christians are peaceful, and compromise seems to be positive, it is Christians who lose ground one issue at a time.
     It has been said by Rahm Emanuel, "Don't let a crisis go to waste." Each crisis is a moment for compromise. When a crisis comes on, the mob demands profound and magnanimous action, then settle for a little less. For instance, with time, gun rights have essentially been lost until if there is a corrupt government intending to destroy our rights, we will be limited to pea shooters. Compromise will negate the second amendment. It may still be there, but be sure, it will be gutted to meaningless jargon to appease those who welcome compromise.
     The Church is everlasting. It will endure to the end. Most of the denominations will succumb to compromise. That is in scripture. Those who endure to the end, are THE Church. The key to endurance is not ever to compromise what's right for feeble attempts for peace. Jesus did not come to bring peace but dissension.(Mat 10:34). We are not to compromise but to dissent. At one time, "dissenter" had positive connotations because those who stood firm against established denominations would not go along with their ritualistic charades.
     It is better to die for what's right than live according to wrong. Compromise causes death. Eve surely thought, this one sin won't hurt. Instead with one deviation from God's will - mankind compromising the tenets of God - killed her, Adam, and mankind spiritually.

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